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Some tips if you are sick or worried about getting sick


Ready to move into the light
Some tips here for sick folks or for anyone worried about becoming sick. Some of which will be obvious to some but hopefully of some use to some people

<ed: unsourced information>

1. Take Vitamin D3 (not just any old vitamin D but D3. I recommend the Vitabiotics one) nornally 1000IU's is enough but if you're sick and or have not been anywhere sunny recently you can buy 2000IU tablets. Vitamin D3 is the single most important supplement you can take. It's not strictly a vitamin, it's a steroid hormone which your immune system depends on to function properly and in this country at this time of year virtually everyone is deficient. This one is very important. Have you noticed that you don't get sick often when you get plently of sunlight or if you do you recover quicker? It's not called the "sunshine vitamin" for nothing.

2. Echinacea. Supports your immune system in a number of ways including increasing white blood cells which are crucial to fight viruses and bacterial infections.

3. Magnesium. Most people are insufficient and it's important for over 300 biological processes in the body. Make sure you getting enough!

4. Turmeric . Seriously look it up. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and has an endless list of health benefits. Ever wondered why most Indian people don't get as sick as the rest of us? Alot of experts speculate it's because of their diet with Turmeric being the most important spice of all. You can add it to virtually any meal but you should add black pepper to it otherwise the body struggles to absorb it. Also see Garlic for tonnes of immune boosting benefits.

5. Sugars. CUT THEM OUT! All of them except what you find naturally in fruit. If you are drinking sugary nonsense, adding refined sugar to your drinks, eating cakes and biscuits, not only are you are slowly rotting your vital organs away and kicking your immune system while it's already down, the bad bacterias that can cause further illnesses love sugar and feed off this.

6. Speaking of bacteria, get healthy ones in your diet. Eat sauerkraut, healthy fibres, root vegetables, mushrooms, natural yoghurt or take the probitic supplements if it's easier! 80% of your immune system is in your stomach. Feed it well.

7. Cut down on refined carbohydrates and eat more healthy fats. Look up the Keto diet regarding this. There is science behind and loads of people swear by it. If like me, you can't go full keto just cut downs on the carbs and sugars and eat more oily fish.

8. If you must have tea and coffee even though you're sick go for decaf or better still green tea! You get used to the taste after a while and you can add honey and lemon to make it taste better!

9. The most obvious one. Drink lots of fluids. Not too many though as this can cause you to secrete too many vital nutrients.

10. Keep dairy to a minimum or cut them out completely. If you can't cut them out, go for organic.

11. Eat more nuts and seeds.

12. If you are not sick or when get better look up 16/8 intermittent fasting. This triggers Autophagy (Recycling your body's unhealthy cells and replacing them with new healthy ones)

13. Vitamin C - Personally i think if you eat well you get enough and it's importance is overstated. Some swear by it while others say the evidence is flimsy. A good case in point is why don't eskimos who only eat fish and don't get any fruit or veg in thier diet get scurvy? An interesting question!
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I have no specific claims to efficacy at fighting the corona virus but a neti pot is great for upper respuratory tract infections. I've been using it daily after coming home on the tube and I don't seem to have corona virus yet.

Also stop fucking smoking.
Some tips here for sick folks or for anyone worried about becoming sick. Some of which will be obvious to some but hopefully of some use to some people

1. Take Vitamin D3 (not just any old vitamin D but D3. I recommend the Vitabiotics one) nornally 1000IU's is enough but if you're sick and or have not been anywhere sunny recently you can buy 2000IU tablets. Vitamin D3 is the single most important supplement you can take. It's not strictly a vitamin, it's a steroid hormone which your immune system depends on to function properly and in this country at this time of year virtually everyone is deficient. This one is very important. Have you noticed that you don't get sick often when you get plently of sunlight or if you do you recover quicker? It's not called the "sunshine vitamin" for nothing.

2. Echinacea. Supports your immune system in a number of ways including increasing white blood cells which are crucial to fight viruses and bacterial infections.

3. Magnesium. Most people are insufficient and it's important for over 300 biological processes in the body. Make sure you getting enough!

4. Turmeric . Seriously look it up. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and has an endless list of health benefits. Ever wondered why most Indian people don't get as sick as the rest of us? Alot of experts speculate it's because of their diet with Turmeric being the most important spice of all. You can add it to virtually any meal but you should add black pepper to it otherwise the body struggles to absorb it. Also see Garlic for tonnes of immune boosting benefits.

5. Sugars. CUT THEM OUT! All of them except what you find naturally in fruit. If you are drinking sugary nonsense, adding refined sugar to your drinks, eating cakes and biscuits, not only are you are slowly rotting your vital organs away and kicking your immune system while it's already down, the bad bacterias that can cause further illnesses love sugar and feed off this.

6. Speaking of bacteria, get healthy ones in your diet. Eat sauerkraut, healthy fibres, root vegetables, mushrooms, natural yoghurt or take the probitic supplements if it's easier! 80% of your immune system is in your stomach. Feed it well.

7. Cut down on refined carbohydrates and eat more healthy fats. Look up the Keto diet regarding this. There is science behind and loads of people swear by it. If like me, you can't go full keto just cut downs on the carbs and sugars and eat more oily fish.

8. If you must have tea and coffee even though you're sick go for decaf or better still green tea! You get used to the taste after a while and you can add honey and lemon to make it taste better!

9. The most obvious one. Drink lots of fluids. Not too many though as this can cause you to secrete too many vital nutrients.

10. Keep dairy to a minimum or cut them out completely. If you can't cut them out, go for organic.

11. Eat more nuts and seeds.

12. If you are not sick or when get better look up 16/8 intermittent fasting. This triggers Autophagy (Recycling your body's unhealthy cells and replacing them with new healthy ones)

13. Vitamin C - Personally i think if you eat well you get enough and it's importance is overstated. Some swear by it while others say the evidence is flimsy. A good case in point is why don't eskimos who only eat fish and don't get any fruit or veg in thier diet get scurvy? An interesting question!

Fuck off with this total fucking bollocks you gullible hippie imbecile.
Gillian McKeith sat at home wondering why she doesn't get a podium at the daily press conferences :D
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