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Soldier's mother Cindy Sheehan in Bush protest

Bernie Gunther said:
Smear job of the day, a more subtle offering today, Christopher Hitchens in Slate

The old piss-bum is really losing it. All snide insinuation where he used to produce fact.
I'd feel sorry for him, but I believe in "make your bed, you'd better lie in it".
Growing support for Cindy Sheehan protest against Iraq war

Sheehan has also been criticized for utilizing all the powers at her disposal to make her case. In an August 13, 2005 article in the Washington Post, Michael A. Fletcher wrote that her struggle “has quickly taken on the full trappings of a political campaign. Sheehan is working with a political consultant and a team of public relations professionals, and now she is featured in a television ad.”

The Post suggested that her campaign was politically opportunist, adding that “her cause has also been aided by political organizers who swiftly mobilized around her—recognizing an opportunity to cause acute discomfort for a vacationing president and put a powerful emotional frame around the antiwar movement.”

The war in Iraq—launched on the basis of lies—has been unconditionally supported by a compliant media, which has portrayed it as a legitimate struggle in defense of “freedom” and “democracy.” Countless millions of dollars have been spent by television networks to dispense this pro-war propaganda, and depict Bush as the “Teflon” president who remains popular no matter how badly the war goes or how many times he is exposed as a liar.

But a mother who has lost a son—and spends a mere $15,000 to buy TV airtime to ask the question: “How many more of our loved ones need to die in this senseless war?”—is accused of utilizing her personal tragedy to advance a political agenda!

An article posted August 12 on the online edition of the right-wing magazine American Spectator, headlined “Crocodile Tears,” goes further, implying that Sheehan’s opposition to Bush makes her a pro-terrorist activist: “Despite what the headlines say, Sheehan, 48, is more anti-war protester than grieving mother. She is co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, an organization that seeks to impeach George W. Bush and apparently to convince the US government to surrender to Muslim terrorists.”

The fact of that matter is that Sheehan’s personal tragedy has propelled her into a political struggle which has given voice to the sentiments of millions of Americans who oppose the Bush administration’s war policy. It is precisely because she is a grieving mother who has lost a child in this criminal enterprise that her cause has been become identified with these growing antiwar sentiments.
nino_savatte said:
I'm still waiting bf.

Why don't you start a thread called - Wanted: A Spine for Lindsey German and her Chums in the Anti-War Movement?

As for waiting... I wouldn't worry to much if I were you. There's bound to be a regular issue bushbot along in minute with whom you will be able to reaffirm your progressive credentials.
ViolentPanda said:
Yes, but that's because you're wearing your revolutionary spectacles.

But the SWP is supposed to be a revolutionary movement, isn't it?

And what kind of spectacles are you wearing, like?

Is it an old pair left over from your army days?
Question: why has the ant-war/Galloway vanity vehicle got a heated rear windscreen?

Answer: So that SWP foot-soldiers can keep their hand warm while pushing it in winter.
A minor derail but one that needs stating....again:

mears said:
Right, Iraq was much better when it was attacking Iran and Kuwait. It was better when the oil for food profits were bulding palaces for Saddam. The UN sanctions were a golden moment in Iraq's history. The good old days of Uday Hussein, the happy marsh Arabs...
Yes mate, and it was even better before you installed the dictator and sold him the weapons he used against his own people. I won't pretend the UK are innocent in this but don't come to us all fucking saintly and claim you were pivotal in his removal when you put him there in the first place. Typical USG ploy - take a problem back to it's cause...until the cause implicates the US at which point you stop backtracking. Let's also not forget that the sanctions you talk about were upheld by the US and you're therefore complicit.

Now, if we could get back to the topic under discussion - why is it that your president, mears, is so cowardly as to not be able to give a grieving mother the respect she deserves?

Sheehan has also been criticized for utilizing all the powers at her disposal to make her case.
Oooo - how dare she attempt to level the playing field when taking on politicians :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ad infitum
bigfish said:
Why don't you start a thread called - Wanted: A Spine for Lindsey German and her Chums in the Anti-War Movement?

As for waiting... I wouldn't worry to much if I were you. There's bound to be a regular issue bushbot along in minute with whom you will be able to reaffirm your progressive credentials.

Now, now bf, don't get all hot under the collar. I asked you why you thought the British anti-war movement was "pathetic". This isn't much of a reply.

Besides, ANSWER tends to lead the US anti-war movement. You are familiar with ANSWER - yes?
bigfish said:
But the SWP is supposed to be a revolutionary movement, isn't it?
"Supposed to be" is the operative phrase.
And what kind of spectacles are you wearing, like?

Is it an old pair left over from your army days?
Didn't wear glasses back then.
And what has one of my former modes of employment have to do with it?
Brotish Anti War Movement

As of today - Wednesday - a group of British parents, including Rose Gentle and Mr Keays [sp] along with several others, have applied for judicial review into the inquests on the deaths of their relatives whilst seving in Iraq.

A key question these relatives want answers to is the legaiity of the decision to go to war in the first place and therefore the legality of the deaths of their relatives.

Personally I doubt that they will get any joy out of the courts - perhaps the relatives know that as well - but something may develop out of it so long as these people stay in charge of their own campaign and the STWc or whoever, stay away from it.

At least that would be an acid test for me to decide whether to become involved or not.

nino_savatte said:
You're funny. What's also funny is the last person to say that to me on Urban was pbman. We all know what he's like. ;)

Certainly not like bigfish. Possibly the most erudite poster on this web site. Whereas pbman is 100% deluded.

I know you'll agree with half of that.
fela fan said:
Certainly not like bigfish. Possibly the most erudite poster on this web site. Whereas pbman is 100% deluded.

I know you'll agree with half of that.

"You're boring", is the sort of thing an adolescent would say: it isn't clever and it isn't grown up.
nino_savatte said:
"You're boring", is the sort of thing an adolescent would say: it isn't clever and it isn't grown up.

Yeah, but regardless of bigfish' motives, i know i say things in the heat of the moment, wrapped up in my own personal context.

I've wanted to tell you this before mate: lighten up a wee bit. It might do you some good re stress levels...
fela fan said:
Yeah, but regardless of bigfish' motives, i know i say things in the heat of the moment, wrapped up in my own personal context.

I've wanted to tell you this before mate: lighten up a wee bit. It might do you some good re stress levels...

"Lighten up" eh? I'm fine and I would be much better if some of the eejits on Urban all took themselves off somewhere and never came back.

I forgot to add: je suis détendu...like ice cool, bébé! :D
nino_savatte said:
"Lighten up" eh? I'm fine and I would be much better if some of the eejits on Urban all took themselves off somewhere and never came back.

An example of two racist "eejits" here:

Bernie Gunther said:
... Meanwhile ... British muslims are blowing other British citizens up on the tube.

nino_savatte said:
Criminals who described themselves as British Muslims did blow up other British Muslims, that's a fact.

bigfish said:
An example of two racist "eejits" here:


Pardon? You aren't making any sense here, bf. Are you calling me a "racist"? I hope you're able to back that allegation up, mon ami, because it's very serious.

I would advise you to put down the can of Tennant's Super and move slowly away from it and your computer screen.
bigfish said:
An example of two racist "eejits" here:


What are you on about? :confused:

Seems like the lizards got you again :rolleyes:
Here's a Newsmax article to amuse yez all.

"We're here to support all our troops and all the men and women who died, including [Sheehan's] son. She has the right to believe the way she believes, but we do, too, and that's why we're here."

On Saturday, reinforcements arrived in the form of "The Heart of Texas" Chapter of FreeRepublic.com, which staged a support-the-troops rally that drew 250 people, according to WCBS Newsradio 880.


Mmmm, Mellon Scaife, don't you just love 'em? :rolleyes:
More bitchiness from Newsmax's sister organ CNS

Anti-war protesters aren't the only ones heading to Crawford, Tex. A group that supports U.S. troops and the war on terrorism has launched a "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" tour.

Move America Forward, a conservative advocacy group, said it will lead a caravan of military family members who oppose Sheehan's "anti-military antics."

The caravan will depart early next week from different locations around the country, converging on Crawford in time for an Aug. 27 rally in support of U.S. troops and their mission in Iraq.
nino_savatte said:
Pardon? You aren't making any sense here, bf. Are you calling me a "racist"? I hope you're able to back that allegation up, mon ami, because it's very serious.

Look, nino, this is what you said: "Criminals who described themselves as British Muslims did blow up other British Muslims, that's a fact.

I put it to you that you are spreading racism by stereotypes, i.e., you describe 4 Muslim men, who are unable to defend themselves, as criminals and terrorist murderers, in the absence of any due process whatsoever!

Who appointed you judge jury and executioner, like?

Was it urban's resident doomsday cultist, Gunther?
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