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Soldier's mother Cindy Sheehan in Bush protest

Bush's Crawford PR fiasco deepens by the day - now he drives straight past her protest to some swanky fundrasing event. (It's a working vacation, remember).

Of course we all know why his handlers won't let him anywhere near Mrs Sheehan, don't we? She has a brain and a tongue, and can actually use them simultaneously. Mr Bush cannot compete with such a challenge without proper coaching and medication. The handlers evidently don't think it's worth the effort, and moreover, how the hell can George blow off steam if he has to sober up and go talk to whingeing little folk all the time?

I get the feeling that they have miscalculated badly with the predictable deployment of the RW slime campaign against a grieving military mother, though. But what else can they do? That't their only tactic (apart from a few notable others, such as election fraud, starting stupid wars etc)
rhod said:
Bush's Crawford PR fiasco deepens by the day - now he drives straight past her protest to some swanky fundrasing event. (It's a working vacation, remember).

Of course we all know why his handlers won't let him anywhere near Mrs Sheehan, don't we? She has a brain and a tongue, and can actually use them simultaneously. )

Bush met her allready. :rolleyes:
pbman said:
No i'd rather just laugh at you. :D :D :D

When you fuigure it out, it will be twice as funny.
I figured it out a long time ago - the same cannot sadly be said for you :(
mears said:
And if Saddam were still in power Bush and Blair would have big time credibility in your opinion I'm sure

Oh do shut up Mears. You couldn't give a shit about Iraq or the Iraqis until Bush and the neo-cons told you to. Your only question about what was going to happen was, "How high Mr President?"

Talk about sucking Satan's pecker.......
pbman said:
No i'd rather just laugh at you. :D :D :D

When you fuigure it out, it will be twice as funny.

Oh lookey see, its the pseudo-Christian war mongerer.

So tell us, what would Jesus do? Would he have killed up to and possibly over 100,000 Iraqis?
pbman said:
Bush met her allready. :rolleyes:

But then she was part of a group of 16 families, all freshly bereaved, in shock, and in no state to discuss the issues or inclination to do so. Now she has had time to reflect, and as the truth about Bush's folly in Iraq becomes clearer to the world, so her digust has grown.

She wants answers from the bubba that pressed the button.

But then, the emperor only grants additional pay-per-view audiences to his fundie lickspittles and corporate sponsors, doesn't he?
mears said:
Its pretty simple. People have joined or been forced to join armies for thousands of years. Here in the states you volunteer. Her son volunteered. The biggest risk of being in the military is that you might get killed.
Nope, the biggest risk in the US army is that you might get injured, the 2nd biggest is contracting some form of venereal disease.
Because, you know, that is a risk one takes when they join a fighting force.
Not that you have any first-hand knowledge of that, eh?
mears said:
And if Saddam were still in power Bush and Blair would have big time credibility in your opinion I'm sure
Is that really the best you can do mears? Have you really no better answers to these question?

Is that the basis of answer you think Bush should give this grieving "gold-star" mother? That she should just shut up or face accusations of sympathy with Saddam?

I think her question "why did my son die?" is a reasonable one. Why can't he answer it like an honest man? Why does he try to pretend she's not there while the right-wing lie machine tries to smear her and to intimidate her?
Here's what the highly impartial Mellon Scaife front organisation, the Media Research Center had to say:

L. Brent Bozell's 'column'.

Now angry, Bush-hating Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq and co-founder of "Gold Star Families for Peace" – last glorified by ABC in January for protesting President Bush’s "lavish" second inauguration – is being celebrated again as she sits outside Bush’s Texas ranch. On their Saturday evening newscasts on August 6, ABC and CBS touted the Sheehan protest with just "a few dozen people," allowing her to say Bush is enjoying his vacation while "I’m never going to be able to enjoy another vacation because he killed my son."


Bush spends too much time on vacation. In fact his brain has been on permanent vacation since the day he was born.
Protest at Bush’s ranch gathers momentum—mother of fallen soldier continues to demand meeting with president
Ms. Sheehan’s weeklong protest has galvanized support among other military families whose loved ones have been killed in the war, are presently in Iraq or are set to be deployed. More than 100 people had joined her as of Friday, and more supporters are continually arriving. Their stand has focused a spotlight on opposition to the Bush administration’s war policy among growing sections of the American population.

Largely due to the publicity surrounding Cindy Sheehan’s cause—and mounting support for it—Bush was forced to refer to her by name at a press conference outside his ranch on Thursday. “I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan,” he said. “She feels strongly about her position. She has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America.” Bush’s sympathy, however, has not moved him to grant her a meeting.
Sheehan: "I don't want the President's sympathy, you know, I want to talk to him, and I want answers to my questions. And I want him to tell me the noble cause that my son died for. <snip>"
She's asking a very good question. It's one I think many people would also like to ask Tony Blair.

It's all very well for these people to hide behind their impenetrable security wall and talk about "noble sacrifice" I think it's only right though, to expect answers about what that "sacrifice" they are so fond of is meant to be for.
Bernie Gunther said:
She's asking a very good question. It's one I think many people would also like to ask Tony Blair.

Why don't they then? The British anti-war movement is pathetic.
X-77 said:
maybe now that big brother is over blair will start getting a rough time of it again... :oops:

Heh. No, I think the sad truth is that it will take casaulties on the scale that America has suffered--either in Iraq or in terrorist attacks at home--before the British can get worked up about this war.
Well, our media doesn't seem to be game for it yet, so what there is just isn't really being reported or acknowledged by the greater part of the UK media. When did you last see a UK opinion poll on Iraq prominently reported here?

That in itself risks a back-lash. I've picked up a strong sense of frustration in many people that I've talked with, probably going back at least to the last election, and maybe to the pre-war demos. A sense of frustration at having no effective say and at letting Blair back in for the lack of decent choices.

There is a great deal of simmering anger, which Blair's PR people are trying frantically to redirect in ways that line up with their authoritarian agenda.

I don't think that'll work though. I think sooner or later that dam will burst.
Bernie Gunther said:
Well, our media doesn't seem to be game for it yet, so what there is just isn't really being reported or acknowledged by the greater part of the UK media. When did you last see a UK opinion poll on Iraq prominently reported here?

That in itself risks a back-lash. I've picked up a strong sense of frustration in many people that I've talked with, probably going back at least to the last election, and maybe to the pre-war demos. A sense of frustration at having no effective say and at letting Blair back in for the lack of decent choices.

There is a great deal of simmering anger, which Blair's PR people are trying frantically to redirect in ways that line up with their authoritarian agenda.

I don't think that'll work though. I think sooner or later that dam will burst.

The difference is, in the UK the allegedly left-wing media is largely made up of people just like Blair, who know him, went to school/college with him or owe him favors. Whereas in the US, the allegedly left-wing media have nothing in common with Bush, hate him, and would like nothing more than to see him impeached.
I think also, with public opinion, just as with climate change, there are tipping points. Apparently small events causing a cascade of wider ranging effects.

Cindy Sheehan, because her status as a greiving mother makes her very hard to smear without causing a back-lash, may be about to find one in the US.
Bernie Gunther said:
Cindy Sheehan, because her status as a greiving mother makes her very hard to smear without causing a back-lash, may be about to find one in the US.
I bet peebs is just itching to call her a commie. Go on peebs you savage fucking coward, do it!
They've got no answers for her, or for the rest of us, about why turning Iraq into a festering pest-hole of terrorism was a brilliant idea and in our interests.

The smears aren't working, they just make them look bad. Meanwhile she's coming out with stuff like this everytime she gets interviewed.
No, I think I probably will be here for the whole month of August, because we know how George is. He’s so arrogant, and he’s so foolish and he won’t listen to reason. And he would rather have a Gold Star Mother and her supporters swelter in the hot, August Crawford sun than to bring me in. Because, you know what? He’s afraid of me. He’s afraid of what I represent. I represent opposition to him, and I represent the truth. And that frightens him, and we all know that he’s a big coward.
Bernie Gunther said:
They've got no answers for her, or for the rest of us, about why turning Iraq into a festering pest-hole of terrorism was a brilliant idea and in our interests.

The smears aren't working, they just make them look bad. Meanwhile she's coming out with stuff like this everytime she gets interviewed.

Right, Iraq was much better when it was attacking Iran and Kuwait. It was better when the oil for food profits were bulding palaces for Saddam. The UN sanctions were a golden moment in Iraq's history. The good old days of Uday Hussein, the happy marsh Arabs...

If we could only go back...
mears said:
<snip> If we could only go back...
mears, that argument only has a hope of working if invasion had made things better but it's made them far worse with no realistic hope of improvement any time soon.
mears said:
If we could only go back...

You mean back to the days when your "argument" might have been assessed as having any validity?

Rather than now when it is the equivalent of "Yeah, but..."?
ViolentPanda said:
You mean back to the days when your "argument" might have been assessed as having any validity?

Rather than now when it is the equivalent of "Yeah, but..."?
Quite so.

The reason Cindy Sheehan's question "Why did my son die?" has so much power is precisely the lack of any good answers. If Bush were able to point to something people would recognise as a success, then he'd have the basis of an answer, but he can't.

He can only point to an incompetent bloody shambles of his own creation, a "Disneyland for wanna-be jihadis" as one commentator called it.
mears said:
Right, Iraq was much better when it was attacking Iran and Kuwait.
Iran is part of your Leader's axis of evil is it not? Why defend evil? And Kuwait: Elections: none; the monarch is hereditary; prime minister and deputy prime ministers appointed by the monarch. Why defend an anti-democratic shithole like that.
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