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Soldier's mother Cindy Sheehan in Bush protest

I just came across this, particularly unpleasant little smear job
Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, 24, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, on April 4, 2004. Now, to add insult to death, his mother is embarrassing herself and his memory by protesting the Iraq occupation near the ranch of President Bush, her deceased son's commander in chief.

My heart aches for this man's memory and what his mother is doing to lessen it following his death. Cindy Sheehan evidently thinks little of her deceased son, his sacrifice or of those left to do the noble work in his absence. How could she? Is the proper answer to her bitterness really to belittle and undermine public support for the efforts of those still serving?
Nice eh? These people only know how to intimidate, smear and denigrate, it's always been their their answer to criticism, but this time it's not working.
"All we're asking is that he sacrifice an hour out of his five-week vacation to talk to us before the next mother loses her son in Iraq."

Meanwhile Bush has to travel by helicopter, apparently afraid to drive past her roadside camp.
Video: Cindy Sheehan - Freedom and Faith

This is a must watch brief video with footage from Crawford and Cindy's appearances around the country at Freedom AND Faith events.

Cindy's courageous Crawford stand is galvanizing opposition to the war and awakening America to the senseless tragedy that is Iraq.
Click here to view. Quick Time Video
Bernie Gunther said:
I just came across this, particularly unpleasant little smear job Nice eh? These people only know how to intimidate, smear and denigrate, it's always been their their answer to criticism, but this time it's not working.

Incredible how he has the gall to assume he knows her son better than she did, and the sheer chutzpah to equate his putative "feeling bad" (bet he doesn't) with her grief.

He supposes he should be more understanding. I doubt he'd know how.
ViolentPanda said:
Incredible how he has the gall to assume he knows her son better than she did, and the sheer chutzpah to equate his putative "feeling bad" (bet he doesn't) with her grief.

He supposes he should be more understanding. I doubt he'd know how.
Like many right-wing shitheads, he is assuming that the memory of dead soldiers is the exclusive preserve and propaganda resource of the right.
Bernie Gunther said:
Like many right-wing shitheads, he is assuming that the memory of dead soldiers is the exclusive preserve and propaganda resource of the right.

Which is all the sicker when you think about it, making political capital from the sacrifice of working class bodies.

Reminds me of when you used to get some grinning tory pol visiting BAOR bases in the 80s (mit camouflage tunic, naturlich). The TV news never showed the bits of film with squaddies ignoring the out-thrust hands of Defence ministers, because they knew the bugger would be back in a Blighty bunker while they tried to stop 60-odd(iirc) divisions of Warsaw Pact headbangers.
ViolentPanda said:
Which is all the sicker when you think about it, making political capital from the sacrifice of working class bodies.

Reminds me of when you used to get some grinning tory pol visiting BAOR bases in the 80s (mit camouflage tunic, naturlich). The TV news never showed the bits of film with squaddies ignoring the out-thrust hands of Defence ministers, because they knew the bugger would be back in a Blighty bunker while they tried to stop 60-odd(iirc) divisions of Warsaw Pact headbangers.

You people are such a joke. This women can do what she wants, its a free country and I applaud her for speaking her mind. But there are thousands of others in a similar postion that don't take such views.

Again, her son joined the military, not drafted, but "joined" . Now you engage in activities in an army which might get you killed, its the dark side of the profession.
What's the problem?

If Bush actually *has* an answer to her eminently reasonable question. "Why did my son die?" then why doesn't he just face her and give that answer?

It's only a problem if he doesn't have any sort of honest answer to offer her.
phildwyer said:
The difference is, in the UK the allegedly left-wing media is largely made up of people just like Blair, who know him, went to school/college with him or owe him favors. Whereas in the US, the allegedly left-wing media have nothing in common with Bush, hate him, and would like nothing more than to see him impeached.

I have to disagree with this. If you are talking about The Guardian, fair enough but I wouldn't describe The Independent as being "made up of people like Blair" at all. Out of all the papers, it was the only one - besides Piers Morgan's Daily Mirror - that was anti-war.

Just because Nu Labour got back into power, doesn't mean that everyone in this country returned them. As Bernie pointed out: there was a serious lack of choice. Did I vote Nu Labour? Are you kidding?
From bernie's post on this page:

The smears aren't working, they just make them look bad. Meanwhile she's coming out with stuff like this everytime she gets interviewed.
No, I think I probably will be here for the whole month of August, because we know how George is. He’s so arrogant, and he’s so foolish and he won’t listen to reason. And he would rather have a Gold Star Mother and her supporters swelter in the hot, August Crawford sun than to bring me in. Because, you know what? He’s afraid of me. He’s afraid of what I represent. I represent opposition to him, and I represent the truth. And that frightens him, and we all know that he’s a big coward.

This is so true. It reminds me of aung san suu kii of burma and the cruel generals there. Big men with big guns afraid of a tiny lady.

Lies are the dam. When the dam breaks, out floods the truth. Can take time, but usually it does break...
Bernie Gunther said:
Like many right-wing shitheads, he is assuming that the memory of dead soldiers is the exclusive preserve and propaganda resource of the right.

Whoever this twat was, all it shows is their total disregard for human life.

They are amoral, and that is what allows them to kill others, in any number, and they are then able to justify the words that come out of disgusting facial orifices
btw, in my wee opinion this story has far too much value and importance attached to it, and therefore i recommend posters simply ignore mears and pbman on this thread. It really does detract from the other posts dealing with this most courageous woman.

I'd like to see them try forcefully evicting her and her fellow citizens. You know, dragging women away from where they sit asking for truth. How's that gonna look? Big men with guns and stuff beating up unarmed women.

How's that for depicting exactly the criminality and amorality of the thugs that run the country?
mears said:
You people are such a joke. This women can do what she wants, its a free country and I applaud her for speaking her mind. But there are thousands of others in a similar postion that don't take such views.
And you know that how?
It's typical of your arrogance that you beliee you can speak for people you haven't consulted.
All your're doing is projecting your assumptions onto them.
Again, her son joined the military, not drafted, but "joined" . Now you engage in activities in an army which might get you killed, its the dark side of the profession.
Seems like you're the joke.
You don't appear to understand that most soldiers know that and don't need an armchair pontificator like yourself to point it out.
You're in effect saying that Mrs Sheehan has no right to publicise her grief, and yet I haven't seen you make any such censorious comments when your politicians have used the deaths of these soldiers for political ends.

Oh, and where did I mention Pte Sheehan having been drafted, shit-for-brains?
Hint: I didn't.
So why bring it up ecxcept to make a bullshit point about something you have no experience of?

You should feel ashamed of yourself, but I doubt you how.
Bernie Gunther said:
"You people are such a joke" - the magic words not working for you mears?

His doses do appear to be getting closer and closer, don't they?

Maybe he needs to mainline some Rand, or toot some Freidman.
ViolentPanda said:
His doses do appear to be getting closer and closer, don't they?

Maybe he needs to mainline some Rand, or toot some Freidman.

Stop it, me sides are splitting! :D

He does take the biscuit, doesn't he? Ooops, I wished I hadn't mentioned the word 'biscuit'.
Heh. She's on form today:
"That lying bastard, George Bush, is taking a five-week vacation in time of war," Sheehan tells the Veterans For Peace, Mike Ferner. "You get that maniac out here to talk with me in person. Bush needs to tell me why my son died in Iraq. I've got the whole month of August off, and so does he."
Oh .. this is just priceless. What a cowardly, selfish, narcissistic wanker. Bush just put his foot squarely in his mouth responding to questions about why he's hiding from Cindy Sheehan.

"But whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there's somebody who has got something to say to the president, that's part of the job," Bush said on the ranch. "And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say."

"But," he added, "I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life."
Bush's Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading

"I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy," he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him.

"And part of my being is to be outside exercising."

I am reminded of Patrick Bateman, the odious protagonist of "American Psycho" here for some reason.
mears said:
Right, Iraq was much better when it was attacking Iran and Kuwait. It was better when the oil for food profits were bulding palaces for Saddam. The UN sanctions were a golden moment in Iraq's history. The good old days of Uday Hussein, the happy marsh Arabs...

If we could only go back...

First of Mears - you are a cock. There it just needed saying.

Although none of the anti war people (with the possible execption of Mr Galloway who is a no mark opportunist lickspittle anyway) would have any truck with support for Saddam Hussains Govt (which as we all know was a valued customer of UK Plc and USA inc) it is unarguable that the situation there is worse for certain sections of the population in Iraq eg women than ever it was under the admittedly brutal Govt of SH.

Maybe Mears you should start looking round for alternative sources of info rather than the Der Sturmer-like propaganda that you are being fed at the moment. Land of the Free, my arse - land of the voluntarily blind more like :rolleyes:
Bernie Gunther said:
Pro-Bush smear-job of the day so far: source
I wrote to that loony and told him Sheehan should be subjected to some saddam hussein rape room treatment to sort her out. He replied and agreed. Some truly creepy savages on the american right.
Yeah, there was a bit of that showing through in his article.

Meanwhile I think this one gets the smear of the day award so far. Although it's early yet. http://www.frontpagemag.com/blog/BlogEntry.asp?ID=514
This anti-American campaign symbolized now by Cindy Sheehan is a repeat of the anti-Vietnam crusade that killed two-and-a-half million Cambodians and Vietnamese thirty years ago -- and is being spear-headed by the same miserable Communists and Communist supporters who snookered the credulous and the well-meaning then. The anti-Vietnam campaign was a campaign to defeat America and help the Communists to win. This campaign is no different: it is to defeat America and help the Islamo-fascists to win.

The bloodbath that Cindy Sheehan is working to achieve in Iraq will spread throughout the Middle East and Europe and into the United States if she and the Michael Moores behind her are successful. I understand there is a grieving mother, but the woman shrieking into the television cameras and on the Internet is not expressing grief but hate. And I for one am not going to ignore what I can see with my own eyes and give her a pass. There is no justification for people who do the work of Bin Laden and Zarqawi in the middle of a war in which the enemy is determined to inflict millions of casualties on innocent civilians. By conducting a psychological warfare campaign against their own country with the aim of crippling our mission in Iraq and our ability ultimately to defend ourselves, Cindy Sheehan and her supporters have forfeited our sympathies. The fact that these people are using an appeal to compassion in an attempt to destroy us makes them more reprehensible not less.

Grief is one thing; treason in wartime is quite another. <snip>
It appears that they'll blame her for losing in Iraq just like they blamed the hated "Liberal media" for their blunders in Vietnam. Certainly this is more likely than accepting responsibility for the consequences of their own actions.

I happened to notice earlier today that Bush's poll numbers are now within a point or two of those of Lyndon Johnson in about 1968. Perhaps this is why he and his goons are losing the plot so badly right now. They're flapping ...
Apologies if this has already been linked to already, but I couldn't see it.

I like that she is taking the smears on the chin, she seems like an incredibly smart woman, just remarkable. I was particularly touched by the comments she received from some soldiers that visited 'Camp Casey'. :(

Published on Saturday, August 13,2005 by HuffingtonPost.com
We Have the Power
By Cindy Sheehan

My day started way too early today. After 3 hours of sleep, I was being shaken awake by someone at 6:30 a.m. telling me that the Today show wanted me to be on. I had come into town to sleep in a trailer because my tent had been infested with fire ants.
We had a very interesting day. We had Bush drive by really, really fast twice. I caught a glimpse of Laura. I was hoping after she saw me that she would come down to Camp Casey with some brownies and lemonade. I waited for her, but she never came.

The Bushes were going to a barbeque/fundraiser down the road from us. I was very surprised that they let us stay so close to Bush. The families of the fallen loved ones held their son's crosses from Arlington West while Bush drove by. I bet it didn't even give him indigestion to see so many people protesting his murderous policies.

I am a continued thorn in the side of right-wing bloggers and right wing-nut "journalists." One man, Phil Hendry, called me an "ignorant cow." But you know what, the people who have come out from all over the country to give me a hug and support the cause of peace, overwhelms me so much, I don't have time to worry about the negativity and the hatred. The people who are slamming me have no idea about what it feels like to unjustly have a child killed in an insane war. Plus, they have no truth to fight truth with, so they fight truth with more lies and hate.

Three active duty soldiers from Ft. Hood came to visit me and tell me that they really appreciated what I was doing and that if they were killed in the war, their moms would be doing the same thing. That made me feel so good after all of the negativity I had been hearing from the righties. I also got to hold a couple of toddlers on my lap while their mom or dad took pictures of us. I am honored that people have resonated with the action that I took to make our mission of ending the war a reality.

We are here at the Crawford Peace House now. I came here so angry and I have been so encouraged and overwhelmed by the support from all over. I was thinking that there is no reason for us progressive liberals to be angry anymore. We have the power. One mom has shown that ordinary citizens can make a difference. We the people have to hold George Bush accountable. We have to make sure he answers to us. If he doesn't have to answer to Congress, or the media, we will force him to answer to us.

© 2005 Huffington Post
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