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sinn fein informer

iran refugees form the largest no. of exiles (source: home office 3rd quater 2005) arriving in the uk.
does this mean we can believe 1. gov. statistics
2. iran possesses wmd?
TAE said:
If Blair said Iran have WMD, that wouldn't mean that they don't have WMD, but I certainly wouldn't take his word for it.

If someone has been lying and deceiving then its only prudent to be sceptical about what they say.
But my view about the "spyring" has not changed.
It stinks of set up and always has done.
Personally, I thought it was the RUC/PSNI that was behind it at the behest of their Loyalist masters.
One thing for sure. I'd sooner believe Donaldson than that "spyring" pish.
Another thing, if this is just a ruse by SF to make the British look bad then it seems to me that they've failed miserably.
As I said, anyone worth their salt knows the "spyring" was nonsense created to oust SF from government. A coup in fact.

So the only thing we have learned anew is that SF had yet another tout in it's camp. So not a good bit of business by SF.
"tout" ie donaldson; etymological origin unknown, col. unprincipled lying bastard, one awaiting to have knees shot (historical, c. upto 2002, unless you are of the orange persuasion).
what does this make his paymasters?
TAE said:
Dilzybhoy, I'm not saying that there was a spy ring.
Right sorry. :)
I'm not saying the fella's telling the truth.

But if he's fibbing now it'd be a massive own goal by SF.

It wouldn't be the first own goal from any side right enough.
During numerous 9/11 discussions, Conspiracy theorists are routinely lampooned. The very idea that UK/US govts would actively collude with terrorists and carry out false flag terror for their own political purposes is dismissed as craziness of the highest order (regardless of the evidence). Yet the revelations of recent years of proven collusion / inflitration of Irish terrorist groups by the British state, of which this is just the latest example show the opposite.

BTW How's your 911 research going Larry? Have you worked out, regardless of your beliefs regarding David Shayler, that the official story is a pile of shite yet?
I think no ones taking seriously because of your first intrervention and what it betrayed.

Go pick a fight elsewhere you fucking useless weirdo.
This is

Dilzybhoy said:
infact no one 'cos it didn't exist.

wht's your take on it SG8?

Norn irlan we're talking about. I'm consulting Dr Jazzz about it to try and make some sense about the whole thing. The chances are that everybody knew a little about something, but not everyone knew a lot.
TeeJay said:
Apart from you not wanting to believe it existed, why are you so sure this is the case?
Not a single prosecution.

what we have is a janny caught swiping some documents from the torture centre and that's it.

how that can be justifiably turned into a purge of all things republican is beyond me.

go ahead dupes and uups, demand your inquiries. see how far it gets you.
just don't start greeting when you don't like the answers.
smash_g8 said:
Norn irlan we're talking about. I'm consulting Dr Jazzz about it to try and make some sense about the whole thing. The chances are that everybody knew a little about something, but not everyone knew a lot.
Hah. he has had is "doctorate" removed.

i would've thought a man of your calibre and "experience" would have all the answers. :)

cantcha phone some ex-comrades and get the low down??? :D
I think

Dilzybhoy said:
Hah. he has had is "doctorate" removed.

i would've thought a man of your calibre and "experience" would have all the answers. :)

cantcha phone some ex-comrades and get the low down??? :D

you might be suprised, when, especially coming up to the peace declaration being declared back in the 90's just who was passing info on to the security forces. And I'm talking a lot higher than Donaldson. I think your comrades would be more helpful in this situation
smash_g8 said:
you might be surprised, when, especially coming up to the peace declaration being declared back in the 90's just who was passing info on to the security forces. And I'm talking a lot higher than Donaldson. I think your comrades would be more helpful in this situation
tbh nothing would surprise me.
have you any evidence to support your innuendo?

Dilzybhoy said:
tbh nothing would surprise me.
have you any evidence to support your innuendo?

from people in the know. Certain people did not want their 'peace efforts' scuppered so let's just say 'allegiances' were forgotten in order to become a 'famous peacemakers'. Can I prove it, 'No' but we'll see!!!
Ahh, so you didn't witness it. someone told you. someone on the orange wing?

no mattter, i'm a pragmatist and anything that improves the lot of your average wc is alright by me. :)
Is that

Dilzybhoy said:
Ahh, so you didn't witness it. someone told you. someone on the orange wing?

no mattter, i'm a pragmatist and anything that improves the lot of your average wc is alright by me. :)

a proddy pragmatist or a mickey pragmatist???
And this was my take on it 25/02/05

25th feburary...
the prophet Dilzybhoy said:
There seems to be a bit of a kick up about the alleged "criminality" of the republican movement. People are forgetting why it is we are where we are now. It's because the unionists want us to be here. Remember that Stormont was dissolved because some wee janny was caught taking documents from Castlereagh torture centre. The Unionists then made up wee stories about a republican "spyring" and the Brits went along with them. Fucken eejits, do they think we're all stupid over here?

At the same time this nonsense about a "spyring" was being peddled, Mo Mowlam admitted that she authorised the bugging of Sinn Fein Members' homes and even cars!
sparticus.BTW How's your 911 research going Larry? Have you worked out said:
Seeing as you have asked, I am now at the stage of having gathered virtually all the research materials I have deemed necessary. I'm not sure if I'll have time (due to domestic commitments) to do v. much in near future, but it strikes me that prior to any examination of 9/11 itself, the essential thing is to look at the origins/trajectory of Al Qaeda itself. Once, in my own mind, I have a firm enough grasp of that phenomenon, the next thing (close but not identical) is to look at the Bush Family:Saudi connections. At that point, conjunctural analysis of the 9/11 'moment' becomes feasible. Sadly, I think most people who take the 9/11 conspiraloon line tend to start with a gut premise (the whole thing was a sham) & then work backwards, in the course of which Al-Q is seen as almost as CIa flag of convenience--the line taken by Shayler for example. To properly assess this, an analytical/historical answer to the question of Al Qaeda 'relative autonomy' (or otherwise) seems the essential first step. Should there be any interest (!) I would be willing to post in the near future my list of intended research materials, primarily books--I have a gut aversion to taking internet sources as seriously . Though that should properly be in another thread.
tollbar said:
Interesting post on Irish Indymedia on Donaldsons activities in the US and Scotland and subsequent splits.
Yes I'd seen the tribune article and not sure what to make of it yet.
As for the Scottish split it's a lot less complicated than that.
I think it all started with accusations of drug dealing made against one flute band and that caused the fall out.
I was offline in Belfast when this little bombshell landed. Donaldson has an interesting CV, he's actually the beardy guy in the famous photo with Bobby Sands. Folk were not surprised that a high level SF political was a tout but they were suprised it was a decent sort like Denis. There'll be bigger shocks to come.

I couldn't get any sense out of anyone about this. It's clear that No 10 is whitewashing the Stormontgate thing, the prosecution was withdrawn "in the public interest" not for lack of evidence. As Ed Moloney pointed out recently the current crop of Brit securicrats had no desire to wreck the GFA which they regarded as their finest achievment. They have been involved with SF to the point of conlusion since the late 80s. Why SF would be so stupid also baffles me. From either side it suggests a loose cannon to me and that probably wasn't Denis who has a reputation as good party man with a very safe pair of hands.
oi2002 said:
I was offline in Belfast when this little bombshell landed. Donaldson has an interesting CV, he's actually the beardy guy in the famous photo with Bobby Sands. Folk were not surprised that a high level SF political was a tout but they were suprised it was a decent sort like Denis. There'll be bigger shocks to come.

Oh if only you knew :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .....a little source from Andytown tells me that the provisionals in Belfast are currently holding one of their own at the minute for something much more serious than Mr Donaldson`s treachery...i guess i will come out in the new year...if at all and if he lives that long...
cemertyone said:
Oh if only you knew :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .....a little source from Andytown tells me that the provisionals in Belfast are currently holding one of their own at the minute for something much more serious than Mr Donaldson`s treachery...i guess i will come out in the new year...if at all and if he lives that long...
You do know some lovely people don't you c1.
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