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Information on taking refugees into our homes

Yeah me too but I just haven't a clue on how to get started. I'm going over to the jungle in October with some of the Dulwich Hamlet lot to drive a van full of essentials over and no doubt I'll just want to fill it full of refugees on my return journey!

I expect that last bit won't really happen but I was listening to a piece on the radio today warning folk about possibly being arrested and charged with people trafficking in that situation, can't remember who it was speaking (I was working) but he wasn't a scaremongering government type.
I knew someone in the 80's who was a volunteer in a refugee agency in London and frequently exploited the women he came in contact with, I wish I had done something about .
I'm sure many of us wish we had reacted differently in the past to things around us but this is something else.
You sound like those people wringing their hands about how they wished they'd stopped saville or harris.
You allowed someone to continue abusing by saying nothing.
Yet you have plenty to say about people in the swp not stopping abuse...seriously ...wtf aint you reported it yet?
Do the right thing now and report the fuck so at least he gets to answer for this in some way
Just got sent this, might be of interest to some:

September 15, 2015
London Hosting Open Evening Monday 21/09

LONDON HOSTING Invitation to an Open Evening – Hosting Destitute Refugees and Migrants

Monday 21st September 2015 6:00-8.00pm

Praxis Community Projects

Pott Street London E2 0EF Bethnal Green. Map and directions here

In response to current interest in helping migrants and refugees arriving in Europe and the UK London Hosting invites you to an Open Evening. Come and find out more about this practical response to need.

Many migrants and refugees find themselves, through no fault of their own, with no support or accommodation and no help to return to their home country. Local authorities and most homeless charities don’t provide accommodation because they have no entitlements to benefits, or “no recourse to public funds”. Many have been in the UK a long while, and they come from a wide range of countries, including especially Iran and Eritrea. Volunteers from Churches, faith and community groups are responding, offering temporary hospitality to people in their homes, while their asylum or immigration case is reviewed.

Do you have a spare room or space to offer, even temporarily? Come along to this find out more: What is needed? What support is offered? What if something goes wrong? How long might someone need a room?

Come and hear from people who are hosting, and people being hosted.

Refreshments 6:00. Meeting starts 6.30

Please RSVP to Brian Ball hosting@housingjustice.org.uk

London Hosting Open Evening Monday 21/09
Anyone got a spare £1? Caravans for Calais- who do an amazing job- are asking for just that today, to help them get as many caravans on site as possible to shelter the old, young, sick and vulnerable. They do fantastic things and it's a tiny, tiny amount they want- please as many people as possible give them £1!
Anyone got a spare £1? Caravans for Calais- who do an amazing job- are asking for just that today, to help them get as many caravans on site as possible to shelter the old, young, sick and vulnerable. They do fantastic things and it's a tiny, tiny amount they want- please as many people as possible give them £1!

Got a link for that please?
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