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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

BTW, I am not making light of the issue - just the odd statement about nationality she made
Could be a few different motivations for that. Calling the attacker 'british-born' rather than 'british' is just plain old racism. Stressing the number of non-British (or is that non-British-born?) victims may well be an attempt to stress that this is 'an attack on the world'.
Could be a few different motivations for that. Calling the attacker 'british-born' rather than 'british' is just plain old racism. Stressing the number of non-British (or is that non-British-born?) victims may well be an attempt to stress that this is 'an attack on the world'.

No cos the BBC and the like refer to anyone with a British passport as British. 'British-born' is like British with a cherry on top.
No, you've let Trump confuse you. That she still lives in the UK is a fact.

I would prefer the alternative.

well tradtionally the US waits years before swooping into save the day:D
so their is still time we just have to have faith:)
Which would suggest that they had intelligence that 'half the Muslims in the UK ' needed to be investigated which clearly isn't the case .

Well yes. I see the intelligence operatives flagging process as this

"Is he Muslim?" > Yes > "Investigate the bastard"

There is no step 3.
Its an effort to prevent the anti immigrant lot getting currency from this.
What is?

In terms of referring to the British man who did this as 'British-born', it is the exact opposite of that - it is saying that the man was 'of foreign heritage' and was not really British. It is playing to the anti-immigrant lot.
Hopkins is ex-Sandhurst- she is part of the problem

Err.. kicked out for dishonesty actually.

She peddles the myth that she got MD'd, but actually she failed all her physical tests, was at the bottom of the bottom third for everything else, and then demanded a pass card because she'd got epilepsy - which she'd not declared during her application.

Can't recall if she got SNLR or she just left before the axe fell later that day...
with the frequency with which attackers are known to the 'security' services, you'd think people would begin to wonder how effective these 'security' services are.

after 15.5 years you'd have thought they'd done them all

Maybe the security services could adopt an Uber type approach, hire a load of willing snoopers on minimum wage and have an app that shows you the nearest 'person of interest' to you and you follow them for as long as you want and claim the hours back and report on what they do.

They could call it 'Uber Alles'.
I have been a bit surprised ed by the political journalists describing the novel nature of the attack on parliament, didn't the IRA fire mortar shells into the garden of No 10 while Major was there?, no one was killed, iirc, but the intent was there, it may be the brutal nature of this attack, but mortars do horrific damage to their victims as well.
Yep. However its a reasonable/obvious guess that Parliament was chosen not because of the number of people who might be killed, but as a symbol of western power. Slightly tasteless speculation, but if you wanted to kill large numbers of people with a car, there are other places where you'd have more victims (football crowds leaving a match for example).

What confuses me slightly about the line of events yesterday was why he ploughed into people in the car as a first step. Obviously it caused the mayhem and murder the bloke intended, but simultaneously reduced his chances of getting inside parliament i.e. however fast he got back from the bridge, the cops would have been alerted that something was going on. It seems he then ran at the cop with a knife - not a gun. He would have known there were armed coups nearby, maybe it was intended to be 'martyrdom by cop' thing rather than a realistic attempt to get at the MPs inside.
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