Throbbing Angel
this is no longer a place of honour
I think those pink wafers are the only really shit biscuit tbf.....oh no, wait-
These fuckers are awful
I think those pink wafers are the only really shit biscuit tbf.....oh no, wait-
You cant dunk shortcake xes!
They can be amended, though: to be Rich Tea.....only a cunt would choose to eat those....WTF?!?
What are THEY? They look like pastel Big Macs? Everyone knows a macaroon looks like this:Macaroons
What about bisuits that look like shit?
People at school used to lunge for them, which just struck me as plain damned weird.Shittest biscuit in existence. Fact.
Shittest biscuit in existence. Fact.
I loved iced centimes, I haven't seen 'em anywhere in years!I proper love old lady biscuits - Rich Tea, Digestives, Abernethy, Garibaldi, Fig Roll, Nice, etc. All fine by me.
Not keen in iced biscuits of any stripe and I saw these buggers on sale in Wilkinson's today. Dear God, they were always rotten. I can't beleive they're still making them.
What are THEY? They look like pastel Big Macs? Everyone knows a macaroon looks like this:
This thread has made me realise that there aren't actually many biscuits I do like.
What are THEY? They look like pastel Big Macs? Everyone knows a macaroon looks like this:
Yes you can. You can also dunk shortbread, which is what he posted a picture of.
Fig rolls are the best.My favourite, along with