JHE said:A lot of your post is sensible, Greenman, but I disagree with parts.
I do wish people would stop suggesting that for the News of the Screws or its owners the story of Sheridan's sexploits was really about doing down a socialist politician.
You seem to accept that interpretation when you call it "...yet another example of the capitalist media being thrown more socialist red meat...".
It had bugger all to do with Sheridan being a socialist. They do it to Tories. They do it to Lib Dems. They do it to Labour Party people. They do it to footballers. They do it to TV celebs, pop stars, soap opera actors... you name it. They do it to anyone famous enough for their readers to have heard of them - and to a few others.
Yes of course they will do it to any fucker that they can make a buck out of destroying, but that's all the more reason not to ally urself with them, and they will relish doing it to any half-influential socialist all the more.