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Self-indulgent pet thread

Albert after his first swim (that I tricked him into). I love his skinny little legs.


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by 'that I tricked him into', do you mean 'threw him in'? :D

I threw his ball in but he (and I as it turns out) had no idea how deep it was and up to that point I couldn't be sure if the boy could swim...

That moment waiting for his head to bob back up was awful. : o

He'd just been pinned down and bitten by a staff too so it was a fairly traumatic day for us both. : D
OMGZ - a tennis ball that squeaks!!!1!!! :eek: :cool:

This Fig (Figlet, Figwig etc) wiv her brock leg from jumping off a tall freezer.. sadly she had to be put to sleep yesterday, she was 20 - odd yrs old (I only had her for last 2 yrs, ex left her with me) - she was a really small, slim girl, who had a tough life on the streets of Tottenham but a nice retirement in Barnet.. She went rapidly downhill over last few days, vet found gig abdominal tumour :(

Anyway, here be Figgy


This is my Dilly - 9 yrs old, born on traveller's site, had her since 8 wks old


This is Kilo, who is Dilly's best friend and lives with us too

I like the way that the big one seems totally cool and the little one is all "I am SO having this toy"! :D

That's because the big one is just about to turn 11 and has seen it all before and is totally cool

Dilly looks absolutely lovely twentythreedom - my kind of dog :cool:
They look gorgeous xessy.

I was faffing about this morning getting ready to take mine for a walk. She's very patient but i got half way up the road remembered I'd not taken the rubbish out so I started to come back. She got round in front of me and i stepped to the left so she stepped to the right to block me off so i stepped to the right and she stepped to the left again. We could have been there for some time but i put on a stern face. :(
Very sensible of you to get dogs that match each other and the sofa, xes - cuts down on visible hairs. :cool: They look like they have fun together.

Boatie, that's so bzarre - I have a young lively Jack Russel and often look after an old laid-back dark brown retriever; that pic of yours looks like it could be of mine.

23dom, you have a Wot-A-Mess! Aww!

Cloo, that's awesome - she is SO thinking that.
matching sofa/dogs is imperative for the revolution. For there will be no hoovers in the next stage!

Charlie (the girlfriend's parents' dog) and Alfie sulking at having to go round the back after rolling round in the mud together when out for a walk - first time they met.


Showing that stick who's boss.


Looking considerably leaner than the 27 kilo baby seal we got at Christmas.....
Cheers - there's some fucking great dogs on here, your two included.

They were only out the back for two minutes - just to avoid mud through the house, but he'll always give you that look if he thinks he's missing out. :D

Funny one last weekend - we were taking him for a walk in Peckham Rye Park and there's loads of kids football on there on a Saturday morning.....he went running after a ball being kicked about by one kid and the dad/coach, so we called him back. He started coming and the fucking coach threw the ball to him and encouraged him. :mad:

Cue instant deflation and tears. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help myself:..... :D
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