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Self-indulgent pet thread



[/self indulgent]
Here's Stan (sorry, dodgy webcam pic) proving he's as long as my other half's legs :D


Ah yes, a particularly fine example of Pussmog's Law of Infinite Expansion, proving that even the smallest of mogs can expand to fill the full area of any space they deem to be their personal property. (This includes human laps and any other part of their human slaves they wish to park themselves on).
This is Perry. We took him on because a friend of a friend needed to rehome him immediately, but I think we're going to keep him. I like him a lot more than I expected to like a cat.


And Perry with Molly - God, it's hard getting a picture of the two of them together.


Moly's been amazing with him - gentle but persistent, and they are even playing together, regardless of the fact that Molly could fit Perry in her mouth without being tickled by his whiskers.

The kitten's now curled up on my chest while the dog's curled up next to me. :)

Man, I need a better camera!
And one more:


Bear in mind that the dog is an eight month old Jack Russell. The kitten is TINY.

"Oh HUMAN, will you GET OFF ME, there is cat business to attend to and it doesn't include snuggles (at the moment)"
Beautiful colouring, aqua.

I'm going to indulge in just one more picture of the new kitten. I think he's concerned that we might be about to send him back:


We've had him since last Thursday and I still haven't told my ex that we've got a cat - she hates them and she still visits a lot.
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"Oh HUMAN, will you GET OFF ME, there is cat business to attend to and it doesn't include snuggles (at the moment)"

'Yes, puny human. Over there is an extremely large German Shepherd that needs provoking and then beating up. As punishment for disturbing my Royal slumbers, you shall provoke and then fight the large, toothy, barking thing and then bring your tattered and bleeding self home to feed me. I shall now go indoors to a place of safety, MY sofa, and finish my recently-disturbed repose until you have completed your task.'
Aww, gorgeous!

Here's my boy, he's almost 10 months now and we're starting to think about getting another...


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You'd be proper pissed off if you got my bull terrier to look well 'ard


Carrying the bear about to suckle on was his idea, not mine.
Gorgeous. Is Bertie all recovered now?

Albert relaxing on the back on the sofa.

He's not allowed up there but I needed a pic before I made him get down. : )
gorgeous pic love! bertie is slowly recovering yeah, they've got a new diet now that they hate :(

how are they coping with the new addition to the family? my sis's two cats were well put out when my nephew arrived and ended up having to be rehomed.
they're OK and very protective of her, but they're on this new diet to a) lose weight and b) help their bladders but they hate it and now hate us :(
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