not really - China, India and Russia are a slighty odd cases - Russia has a massive arsenal of strategic nuclear weapons with global reach, yet its conventional forces are regional at best, and despite the numbers of them, actually pretty limited. its Navy is a far greater danger it its own sailors than it is to anyone else, its Army is huge but relatively immobile, and its air force is largely obsolete. it has some 'world power' capabilities, but lacks many others.
China has about 30% more nuclear warheads than the UK, but unlike the UK a significant proportion of them are carried by tactical fighters and short to medium range missiles - so they are a danger to anyone near China, but not to anyone outside of a relatively small bubble. China, like Russia, has massive numbers, but the proportion of those numbers it can use against anyone it doesn't share a land border with is actually very small - again, like Russia, it has a large air force, but only a small proportion of that air force is modern (thats the bit they publicise..), and China also has very little in the way of 'strategic reach' - it has very little heavy airlift, or tankers, or AWACS, or electronic intelligence gathering.
India is similar - it has fewer nuclear weapons than the UK, and none of them have global reach, it has a massive conventional military in pure numbers, but only a thin crust of that military is modern or remotely mobile.
China is changing however - its cutting back on its Army and concentrating spending on its Navy, at the moment the PLA(N) is both limited in capability and reach, but that will change in the next decade - they are copying the USN model and going for large carrier battle groups, which will, certainly by 2025, be cruising the worlds seas. then they will truly be a world power..