Just as a matter of interest... Where would you stand on killing baby seals for their fur? (don't say their heads
) Would you consider it acceptable, if it was done in a humane way, rather than battering them to death with a club?
<<responding to a question posed to another poster who may well disagree with me>>
If there is a market for baby seal fur, and baby seals could be harvested with minimal suffering and without causing endangerment, I see no ethical discrepancy between wearing it and eating it.
Jeff Robinson is the most reasonable (anti-meat) poster that we've seen on U75 for years, and worth debating with, imo.
Jeff said:
My opposition to the human use of animals goes beyond their killing and captivity for profit, it extends to all forms of treatment that reduce them to chattel or property.
Here we have a fundamental difference of opinion which
ska invita identified earlier.
I see humans at the top of the food chain. Unless we're swimming in the ocean or fucking about in swamps and jungles, we're less likely to be predated than chickens, deer, bison, or anything else.
That's just how nature has developed.
The majority of (non-Hindu/Bhuddist/baptised Sikh) humans use animal derivatives or eat meat. We can further divide the "HinBhudSikhs" by asking which are comfortable with using animals as beasts of burdon or other suppliers, but not as food. Then we're left with the moral conundrum "if we use them to pull our carts or take their milk, why not eat them?"
Then we can play the tired old "Who's The Hypocrite?" game
You've been asking for meat eaters to justify their position, but with respect, we're the ones who are following what seems to be the law of nature in predating/dominating/farming the less developed species. The development argument, touched on by LBJ earlier, cuts two ways. You'll say that we should find a way to exist without exploiting animals. I say we should find a way to minimise our impact
whilst using/exploiting the earths resources in as sustainable way as we can agree to.
It falls to you to convince us to do otherwise since we're not telling you to commodify animals. You're telling us not to.