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Saudi Arabian court wants to paralyse a man

We are the people who want to live in a world where the pursuit of pleasure is the highest thing, no messing around with silly irrational "faiths" and yet who want a lifestyle that is comfortable and who don't care how we get it.


Cunts, then.
I think that's true but also not true. I think it's quite possible for religions to get going via the teachings of devout or wise individuals. I think that people like Gandhi, Buddha, and Mahavira were teachers who believed what they said, and I believe that their followers took those teachings and made them into rules for a way of life. I agree that religion is often co-opted by political forces to be used as a method of social control; but even so, it's possible for the values that are consistent with the original teaching of the religion to continue to co exist.

Show me where the original teachings of Christ are adhered to by any sect or denomination.
No I'm not. But there are degrees of 'mainstream', and by gaining numbers and political influence, Wahhabism becomes more mainstream.
except that the only time Wahhabism 'gained more influence' in terms of persuading people in any noticable number, was when it was adopted by the house of Saud. It rose with them, and such influence it has gained has been due to expensive propagation overseas funded by some $80+bn of petrodollars. The continuing support of the House of Saud is still Wahhabism's main, perhaps even only, asset. Even today, the man in the Riyadh strteet has never been that wild about it; however, most saudis, mindful of the brutal nature of their rulers - deem it prudent to toe the line.As indeed would you and I, in their shoes.
Or - to put another way - the House of Saud are better at bending people to their will than winning their hearts & minds

Or to paraphrase, the saudi ruling class are better at bending people to their will than by genuinely inspiring and persuading them.
Saudi Arabia is an absolute disgrace to humanity. I really do pity any motherfucker that has to live in that backward and stinking shithell (except the rich cunts and feudal parasites that live there - they should all be beheaded).
Saudi Arabia is an absolute disgrace to humanity. I really do pity any motherfucker that has to live in that backward and stinking shithell (except the rich cunts and feudal parasites that live there - they should all be beheaded).

in interest of fairness and balance I will point out that the British Empire ran a stinking operation of blood and terror for nearly four hundred years- and we rarely get any shit for it.
in interest of fairness and balance I will point out that the British Empire ran a stinking operation of blood and terror for nearly four hundred years-

The British ruling class are still conducting operations of blood and terror and brutal exploitation the world over. We are also governed by utter fucking scum who should be put in camps. Still though, at least internally the UK does have some residues of humanity. Saudi as far as I'm aware has absolutely no redeeming features whatsofuckingever. Call me a cultural imperialist nazi if you want, but I'd rather live here.
The British ruling class are still conducting operations of blood and terror and brutal exploitation the world over. We are also governed by utter fucking scum who should be put in camps. Still though, at least internally the UK does have some residues of humanity. Saudi as far as I'm aware has absolutely no redeeming features whatsofuckingever. Call me a cultural imperialist nazi if you want, but I'd rather live here.
I bet you're well pasty though.
I bet you're well pasty though.

a particularly memorable Irvine Welsh line has a character saying (of the scots) 'we was fucking slaves before the brits even found the caribbean'.

Not that I do hierarchy of oppression. Just saying that dependant on situation, history etc SOME people are going to feel that their own getting mugged off is being ignored in favour of some other folks being reperated for having been mugged off. Probably the most fertile ground for BNP rehtoric is that 'They took your blood and your sweat and now they spend it on disabled toilets for black lesbian wheelchair users while you can't even get the graffiti cleaned off of your school gates! Vote for Griffin! He renounced the holocaust denial ages ago, so it is OK now!'
a particularly memorable Irvine Welsh line has a character saying (of the scots) 'we was fucking slaves before the brits even found the caribbean'.

Not that I do hierarchy of oppression. Just saying that dependant on situation, history etc SOME people are going to feel that their own getting mugged off is being ignored in favour of some other folks being reperated for having been mugged off. Probably the most fertile ground for BNP rehtoric is that 'They took your blood and your sweat and now they spend it on disabled toilets for black lesbian wheelchair users while you can't even get the graffiti cleaned off of your school gates! Vote for Griffin! He renounced the holocaust denial ages ago, so it is OK now!'
Hmm, with respect to Mr Welsh there is a very god reason why Scottish surnames are pretty common in the Caribbean. Hierarchy of oppression is right- you see your hurt while avoiding talking about smackdowns your own people have dished out.
Hmm, with respect to Mr Welsh there is a very god reason why Scottish surnames are pretty common in the Caribbean. Hierarchy of oppression is right- you see your hurt while avoiding talking about smackdowns your own people have dished out.
Slaves didn't generally get to keep their own surnames, so it's extremely unlikely Welsh was referring to a literal transatlantic slave trade and linking it with Scottish names found in the Caribbean with that line. Lots of Irish were sent there as slaves though. More than there were African slaves initially. Not come across the same for the Scottish in terms of being transported as slaves.
Heh- that was the british way. You use the people you have thoroughly pwned to police the people you are currently pwning. Divide and rule. There is probably a paper to be had on the subject (and probably there already is) 'Why the british ruling classes so ably acted the cunt for so very long'. On this aside I recall reading in 'Illuminatus!' a white character (Hagbard Celine) trying to reason with and gain common cause with some Black Panther types who reasonably responded with 'if wes all together in the struggle gimme the keys to that Porsche you got'. And so he did.

I am morbidly fascinated about how race/religion/politics of the leftist sort interplay or fail to integrate. We are all being cunted off and every different group has the issues of oppression that they feel are integral, nay more important, than the other fellows reason for protesting against injustice. Robin Morgan does a good talk on this (largely attacking chauvinism in male leftist circles)- the upshot being 'no I won't wait for your revolution- look to your own house first cos we women aren't here to be led'. A searing piece tbf.

Anyway, massive thread derail here :D
Slaves didn't generally get to keep their own surnames, so it's extremely unlikely Welsh was referring to a literal transatlantic slave trade and linking it with Scottish names found in the Caribbean with that line. Lots of Irish were sent there as slaves though. More than there were African slaves initially. Not come across the same for the Scottish in terms of being transported as slaves.
Slight misunderstanding, my point was that all nations concentrate on the stuff that cast them in the better light, highlighting the transgressions of others, while their own are put to one side.

It was me linking Scottish names with slave plantations; I was getting at the very many Scottish entrepreneurial types and privateers who did very well out of the slave and sugar trades before abolitionism got all trendy and shit. Scotland got rather good at slavery.

I remember reading as a kid that Robert Burns wanted to be a slave trader at one point too.

Sorry about the derail, but Dottie's Irvine Welsh quote caught my eye.
Heh- that was the british way. You use the people you have thoroughly pwned to police the people you are currently pwning. Divide and rule. There is probably a paper to be had on the subject (and probably there already is) 'Why the british ruling classes so ably acted the cunt for so very long'. On this aside I recall reading in 'Illuminatus!' a white character (Hagbard Celine) trying to reason with and gain common cause with some Black Panther types who reasonably responded with 'if wes all together in the struggle gimme the keys to that Porsche you got'. And so he did.

I am morbidly fascinated about how race/religion/politics of the leftist sort interplay or fail to integrate. We are all being cunted off and every different group has the issues of oppression that they feel are integral, nay more important, than the other fellows reason for protesting against injustice. Robin Morgan does a good talk on this (largely attacking chauvinism in male leftist circles)- the upshot being 'no I won't wait for your revolution- look to your own house first cos we women aren't here to be led'. A searing piece tbf.

Anyway, massive thread derail here :D
interesting post. :)
While we are on the subject of scots imperialist usage and abusage can anyone remind me of the colony some scots folks founded with all the funding and exploitable resources you could want- only to succumb to disease and supply route problems, becoming a tragic footnote in history? I've googled this to shit and my search terms are clearly inadequate (as is my memory). As I recall it was the last gasp for scottish imperialist ambition and it has been bugging me for hours now.
While we are on the subject of scots imperialist usage and abusage can anyone remind me of the colony some scots folks founded with all the funding and exploitable resources you could want- only to succumb to disease and supply route problems, becoming a tragic footnote in history? I've googled this to shit and my search terms are clearly inadequate (as is my memory). As I recall it was the last gasp for scottish imperialist ambition and it has been bugging me for hours now.
Panama? Werent they trying to dig an early canal and came a cropper.
I've found further references to this in 2013 but nothing more recent. An Amnesty report says the offender was 14 at the time of the offence.
I can't find out if sentence was carried out. Anyone?

I was only able to find this:

Saudi Man Escapes Punishment Of Full Paralysis For Stabbing His Friend

It appears that his family was allowed to pay compensation instead. While the punishment was inappropriate, I have to wonder if people should be able to buy their way out of trouble. Doesn't that just lead to the rich being able to do whatever they please?
About £260,000 was about the price quoted, I believe.
as for buying your way out, I can see similarities in hiring the best lawyer...
And what about the person/people who will be forced to care for the individual who's been sentenced to life with a permanent disability? Is it fair to punish them for the defendant's wrongdoing?
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