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Salman Rushdie attacked on stage in New York

It's pretty obvious that the answers are going to be wrong, because religions (and other belief systems) arrive at them before the questions have been asked. The chances of their being right under those circumstances are so minuscule as to be statistically impossible.

"The Right Question Is Usually More Important Than the Right Answer" - Plato

which I only really started to understand once I'd tried and failed to repair things.
well that's not exactly true. belief systems like anarchism or marxism are more likely to be correct because they encourage critical thinking, as opposed to most religions which don't
Belief systems as opposed to religions don't necessarily demand total acceptance. You might, for example, think that anarchism is basically correct while being uncertain as to the efficacy of a revolutionary general strike, or whatever. Religions tend to be all or nothing. There's plenty of examples to the contrary, of course, Marxist dictatorships in particular, but religions normally start off with faith or revelation and you can't argue with any of that unless you start another one to replace it.
"The Right Question Is Usually More Important Than the Right Answer" - Plato

My right question is: where did Plato say that? If the answer is anywhere other than the internet, I'll eat my hat, even if I have to buy one for the purpose.
Well I checked the Oxford and Everyman books of quotations and it's not in either of them. But there again that's only me saying that on the internet. :)

Some of the quotes on that page are easily attributable to other people, so I wouldn’t use that particular one. :)

Bad and inaccurate quoting is abundant in reputable academia as much as everywhere else. Makes it bloody hard to get it right all of the time.
If it’s a quote by Plato, it should be easy to attribute it to a specific piece of his writings, or the writings of a contemporary. It’s not like modern people know quotes by Plato because they overheard him say them, or were present at his TED talk or something.

If you can’t track down the original source of Plato saying it, I’m going to suggest that means Plato didn’t say it.
I just searched all 3940 pages of the PDF that is the top result for Googling "plato complete works pdf" and it's not in there.
In the US, he's probably looking for a deal. Prosecutors are generally happy to do that because it lowers costs and lessens their workload.
I would imagine he's looking forward to his day in court and an opportunity to propagandise. Given the effort he put into trying to kill Rushdie, plea bargaining would be letting himself and the side down.
Not as abundant as here, for example :)
As most Urban75 posters spend an inordinate amount of time citing and then castigating other Urban 75 posters , I would imagine that the misquoting here is far from abundant. We really aren't that bothered about what outsiders might have said
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