Meltingpot if the people you are saying "good luck" to got to power this is what it would mean.
It would mean that I would lose my job at the very least and that I would be utterly unable to get another job or get access to the social welfare system. It would mean that I would be prevented from seeing my boyfriend (who, as a communist with a non-aryan gf, would be locked up for "re-education" or forced labour). ETA: It would mean that I would not be able to take part in any political meetings or have any representation at work because all other parties and all trade unions would be banned, what organisations did exists would not be open to "kikes" like me - I wouldn't be able to take part in religious events without members of the security services in attendance keeping an eye on things and eventually the synagogue would be closed down (as well as mosques, Hindu temples etc). It would mean that this website would be shut down and the posters on it, including you for being a sympathiser of the Green Party, arrested or under investigation - or worse. I wouldn't be able to go to the cinema or use leisure facilities and a lot of shops wouldn't serve me, or many of my friends. I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself or have a life.
A lot of the posters on here would almost certainly be killed or detained and tortured for expressing communist and anarchist views and being involved in trade unions. Some within a few weeks of the regime coming to power, with no chance of the prosecution of the murderers. My sister would at the least, face severe discrimination in the workplace for being a "half-jew" and my mum would be placed under investigation as well and probably held in a detention/forced labour facility of some sort, she would also not be able to work and she would lose her house. Some of my best mates would be deported out of the country because they were "non-white". they, and i, would not be able to drive. they would not be able to have computers. all communications would be strictly monitored. If you had mental health problems or a disability you would be "encouraged" to go for voluntary sterilisation.
ETA: And
woe betide you if you got ill or brain damaged or lost the use of your legs in an accident or something. useless eaters are a drain on society meltingpot.
forget about free speech, when you opened a newspaper or looked at a website or watched TV all you would see is the view of the Party and the worship of its leader. If you didn't have a picture of the leader in your house you'd be viewed as suspicious and you'd be checked on.
And all the time the constant ever present ever intensifying threat of violence by the state and by those sympathetic to it and ever increasing restrictions on our lives.
this is the political programme of white nationalism aka National Socialism, this is what it means meltingpot, this is what when you say "good luck" to them you are saying good luck to, you are saying good luck to something that would make the tories look like a utopia.
Do you want this?