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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland


Well-Known Member

Some concern about this and the Irish minister for foreign affairs, Simon Coveney will confront the Russian Ambassador to Ireland over their plans to carry out military exercises off the coast of Co Cork.

Government have said Minister Simon Coveney is “concerned” over the plans for Russian bombers and naval ships to test missiles 240km off the southwest coast at the start of February.

What the fuck are the Russians up to??
playing the hardman act to let them invade ukraine without comment from uk and the eu/nato would be my guess

be surprised if it goes ahead as they have us, europe and uk eyes all over it
This lad is worth following - the location the Sovs have chosen is interesting, they've been there before...

Robert Gilbey (@RobGilbey) Tweeted: Time for another thread. A live fire Russian naval exercise has been scheduled inside the Irish EEZ, at a time when tensions on Russian military build ups relative to Ukraine are high. What do we know and what can we speculate on? https://t.co/y6KA66mlry
This lad is worth following - the location the Sovs have chosen is interesting, they've been there before...

Robert Gilbey (@RobGilbey) Tweeted: Time for another thread. A live fire Russian naval exercise has been scheduled inside the Irish EEZ, at a time when tensions on Russian military build ups relative to Ukraine are high. What do we know and what can we speculate on? https://t.co/y6KA66mlry

I was reading that earlier. Interesting stuff.
This lad is worth following - the location the Sovs have chosen is interesting, they've been there before...

Robert Gilbey (@RobGilbey) Tweeted: Time for another thread. A live fire Russian naval exercise has been scheduled inside the Irish EEZ, at a time when tensions on Russian military build ups relative to Ukraine are high. What do we know and what can we speculate on? https://t.co/y6KA66mlry

Some interesting tweets there.

The Russians were allegedly deploying submersibles last year.

There's probably a good element of diversion about this - anyone who's been watching the OSINT accounts on twitter will know that there have been a huge number of NATO and Swedish ISR flights over Ukraine, the Black Sea, the Baltic and way up north around Polyarny. Having to also watch this Sov Navy exercise 1500 miles in the other direction will split the ISR effort, and that allows our friend a bit more space to move his toys into place.
There's probably a good element of diversion about this - anyone who's been watching the OSINT accounts on twitter will know that there have been a huge number of NATO and Swedish ISR flights over Ukraine, the Black Sea, the Baltic and way up north around Polyarny. Having to also watch this Sov Navy exercise 1500 miles in the other direction will split the ISR effort, and that allows our friend a bit more space to move his toys into place.
i would have thought that the united states could cope with isr efforts in two disparate parts of the world
"Dudes it's time for The Bay of Jigs"

About this visit from our Russian friends, I'm really struggling to care. The Leinster House regime has been letting Washington transfer prisoners to black sites via Shannon for years. Some Russki fireworks well off the coast doesn't really compare.

And anyway, the clue is in the name: it says Exclusive Economic Zone, not Exclusive Military Zone. Fun fact: the three-mile limit was set at that distance because that was considered the maximum distance reachable by a cannonball fired from a shore battery.
And anyway, the clue is in the name: it says Exclusive Economic Zone, not Exclusive Military Zone. Fun fact: the three-mile limit was set at that distance because that was considered the maximum distance reachable by a cannonball fired from a shore battery.

BIB - that's true, although the 3 mile territorial waters [full sovereignty over the waters] limit has been increased to 12 miles, anything beyond that remains 'international waters', the Exclusive Economic Zone only provides rights to marine resources below the surface of the sea.

Not a well written piece, the reporter doesn't seem to understand the different between sovereign airspace and international airspace managed by Irish air traffic control.

Russian military aircraft often fly off the west coast without communicating to air traffic control or filing a flight plan. Their transponders are usually switched off, which means civilian air traffic control centres do not have vital information for directing airliners out of their way.

That implies they were in international airspace.

Paywall busted link - archive.ph
I assumed it would be something zippy and supersonic buzzing the airspace in "yah boo sux" mode rather than that bloody great prop thing. :confused:
Interesting piece on RTE website on the coming Russian exercises off the Irish coast.. and explaining the various zones involved.
Everytime I check the news now I'm expecting something to have happened in Ukraine.. hard to know how this will unfold..
Not a well written piece, the reporter doesn't seem to understand the different between sovereign airspace and international airspace managed by Irish air traffic control.

That implies they were in international airspace.

Paywall busted link - archive.ph
If the transponders are turned off there's no way of knowing who they are. Could be extraterrestrial so ok to shoot them down. ;)
I've been watching the C5 docu on HMS Northumberland which has seen the ship chasing Russian ships and boats all over the place, and most recently a group northwest of Ireland - is this the same group? Most interesting. One of my favourite shows on TV right now :thumbs:
I've been watching the C5 docu on HMS Northumberland which has seen the ship chasing Russian ships and boats all over the place, and most recently a group northwest of Ireland - is this the same group? Most interesting. One of my favourite shows on TV right now :thumbs:

No I think that was filmed a while back, I'm watching it as well. They had the submersible crash in the news a few weeks back and it was Rememberance Sunday in the last episode so that dates it to last Nov (?).

I believe this exercise is taking place soon, has anyone seen any dates? Need to dig out the old FCA uniform and book a plane back. To arms mo chara!
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