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Russell Brand pwns useless MSNBC Talk show hosts

I cussed in front of Mrs Spy when she brought home the prick's autobiography.

I've been through a spate of comedian bio's in the last few years and his is at leas half honest. Contains lols that he thought of just for the book. Unlike Frankie Boyle who just re-wrote his standup, called it a bio and sold it. Lazy.
The Sachs things was mean. I'm surprised and didn't know about the Icke thing. That's disappointing, as otherwise I quite like his wind-up merchant shtick.

I liked this video until he started going on about shaft grasping.

Ok, he shagged Andrrw Sach's grandaughter and rang him up to tell him on air that he had done so tee hee. That's rude. But being rude to him is bad. He is now funding david 'hammer of the jews' Icke in new media ventures. Enough?
Haven't heard about the Icke stuff before, have you got a link?
It's amazing the stuff you can still get away with and do if you're talking about women that you would never get away with if you were talking about ethnic minorities or LGBT people.
I think he just came across as a rude, boorish arse.

"She's a shaft-grasper". :facepalm:

I agree with you. I generally find him quite objectionable but he does often make some good points and shake things up a little.
I wish he wouldn't because I am much more comfortable hating him :hmm:
I used to really dislike the guy tbh, but he's improved hugely over the years IMO. Both as a comedian and as a person. What seals it for me is that he seems to be totally prepared to be honest about his fallibility - not just as an 'I used to be like this but not now' thing either. I suspect if you spoke to him down the pub about the "shaft-grasper" comment then he'd be happy to listen and to discuss it properly.

IRT the OP video, I don't think he made anyone look like idiots, and nor do I think he intended to. He messed around with them a bit and it was funny. It looked like they enjoyed it as much as he did. Funny doesn't always necessitate making someone look a twat.
I've just seen your link. Fucking hell!

Absolute wanker then. :facepalm:

I've read it now.

If it all happened as reported, the guy's a scumbag.

Given his schtick there's a possibility that he's not, and it was just horrifically miscalculated.

But two things come to mind on that:
1) I'd rather err on the side of the victim than the abuser.
2) Miscalculation's not an excuse anyway. If your miscalculation leads you to sexually abusing people, then you need to tone your schtick down a smidge.

I had started to believe that his shitty objectification of women was parody, but if that's the way he behaves then it looks like I was wrong on that.
Let us know if you change your opinion of him. This thread has definitely changed mine.
Yeah. In addition to the post above, the more I let it percolate the more I think I'm trying to make excuses for a misogynist because I find him charismatic.
Pretty much my feelings on him, too, including the not wanting to believe he is really like that because he's likeable.

Ok, he shagged Andrrw Sach's grandaughter and rang him up to tell him on air that he had done so tee hee. That's rude. But being rude to him is bad. He is now funding david 'hammer of the jews' Icke in new media ventures. Enough?

Ugh. Media bubble scum cunts.
Wut? I thought she just got his name wrong, rather than making a relatively obscure reference to a German politician. :confused:
Of the long detailed litany of reasons I loathe Russell Brand, two come off the top of my head

A) His sanctimonious column after the death of Amy Winehouse where he made a intellectual and empathatic appeal about the problems alcoholics have. However two years previously he was making jokes about her drinking problem as part of his routine. Cunt.

B) My Booky Wooky. Just the name.
Russell Brand grew up in the same town as me, but he managed to get out, and he always seemed to embody a particular kind of Essex teen boy. Given space and encouragement he can be a thoughtful, considerate, and incredibly intelligent person, but the ego is way too strong. Surrounded by laddish types, he always has to temper his intelligence with bawdyness and slapstick, lest he be seen to be too serious and not 'one of the lads'. Attack him, or fail to pay him the respect he feels is due, and a bitter nasty side comes out.

Which is a shame, because he can do elegant and considered writing and interviews, so i'm always curious as to what he has to say, but I rarely defend his actions or his words afterwards.
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