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Russell Brand pwns useless MSNBC Talk show hosts

yeh hes proper punk. I have been sayin this for ages. Some Urbans :rolleyes: are jealous of him and show their empire roots and all that severely embarassing stuff, haha. Russell rocks and he is a great Englishman, and all English punk loves England but loathes the evil empire of Great but shite Britain. Take for example that Winston Churchill CUNT!!!! Anyone know why i said that? And why i take such an extreme term about your beloved cunty church cunt? well, course you dont, because you dont learn about the Treaty negotiations in school, do ya? You dont learn anything about what your vile and cunty Churchcunt PM threatened Michael Collins with, (repeat, Churchill, please take your hands off our handsome soldier and trying to slimily seduce him into joining the evil empire, he hated you.....erm....that tactic didnt work....oh, okay, well, now we will try threatening a CIVIL WAR against Ireland, oh yes, thats what!!!!)Thanks a million for that, FUCK OFF CUNT!!

English folk do not learn about this in school because you would probably want to kill yourselves with shame about the evilness of your countrymen. Dont have a go at me either, its history!! And Ireland aint the only one. The empire is a disgrace and your schools are too shamefaced to teach it. Which kind of brings me back to Russell Brand, who is an Englishman who is not afraid to confront it. He would say,'Disband yourselves from these evil people!!! Know your history, and educate yourselves!!! Be rid of the Monarchy!!! :eek::eek::eek:fuck em!!'
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Haha, I have a day off today :cool:. Have you ever seen the documentary, 'Hang up your brightest colours?' Or do you know anything about Churchill's threat of war against Ireland when negotiating the Treaty? They dont teach any of this in English school, and you can see how much the Truth has burnt people. As for Russell Brand? I got plenty of time for him, cos he is the opposite of stiff upper lip and shoving things under the carpet. He is a great Englishman and the epitome of punk.:cool:
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cunty church cunt said:
He was an Irish patriot, true and fearless... When in future times the Irish Free State is not only prosperous and happy, but an active and annealing force... regard will be paid by widening circles to his life and to his death...

"Successor to a sinister inheritance, reared among "fierce conditions and moving through ferocious times, he supplied those qualities of action and personality with-out which the foundations of Irish nationhood would not have been re-established."
What about me Cheesy? I'm English with an Irish parent. Should I kill myself with shame or does being half oppressed, half oppressor cancel it out?
It's not passion you're displaying there; it's barely coherent rage. You'd do well to learn a thing or two on eloquence from your English hero, Mr Brand.

yeh, we are all entitled to some drunken rage once in a while. sorry i was at Beal na Mblath recently.
yeh, we are all entitled to some drunken rage once in a while. sorry i was at Beal na Mblath recently.

Of course we're entitled to drunken rage, but not when it calls for the suicide of over 30 million people.

Anyway, good on you for retracting your earlier statement. :)
Haha, I have a day off today :cool:. Have you ever seen the documentary, 'Hang up your brightest colours?' Or do you know anything about Churchill's threat of war against Ireland when negotiating the Treaty? They dont teach any of this in English school, and you can see how much the Truth has burnt people. As for Russell Brand? I got plenty of time for him, cos he is the opposite of stiff upper lip and shoving things under the carpet. He is a great Englishman and the epitome of punk.:cool:

That's cos Irish history is boring
I used to think he was alright until coming across this cheesy persons weird obsession with him. And the lizard-jew thing, of course. Fucking nutcases.
I finally got to listen to that speech. Had to have the volume on full and feed it through my hifi amp just to hear what he was saying.

Pretty funny, like.
There's plenty I like about Brand. But then... that interview with Alex Jones for eg? :hmm: :facepalm:
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Of course we're entitled to drunken rage, but not when it calls for the suicide of over 30 million people.

Anyway, good on you for retracting your earlier statement. :)

I didn't call for the suicide of 30 million what!!!!:eek: I said that if you knew the truth about how your leaders behaved, you would feel suicidal with shame. Too much hyperbole there, perhaps, sorry.
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I didn't call for the suicide of 30 million what!!!!:eek: I said that if you knew the truth about how your leaders behaved, you would feel suicidal with shame. Too much hyperbole there, perhaps, sorry.

Yeah, I was being a bit of wanker myself by purposefully misinterpreting your post, but you shouldn't assume people don't know their history. And we shouldn't be held responsible for things not in our control - especially those in the distance past.
Yeah, I was being a bit of wanker myself by purposefully misinterpreting your post, but you shouldn't assume people don't know their history. And we shouldn't be held responsible for things not in our control - especially those in the distance past.

No probs pet. :cool:. I appreciate that some people do know their history and am glad to hear it. Neither do i for one second blame the current English for what happened in the past. I have many English friends and love them to death.
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