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Rishi Sunak's Time is Up

you be surprised plenty of people enjoy the cops smashing head as long as it not theirs

look at the reaction to the just stop oil protester from the mail and sun readers etc "I'd just run the over in my car for making me late .. I hard innit"
I think there'll be a difference in reaction from remaining Tory voters between the boys in blue smacking a few lefties and hippies and coverage of smashed-up shops and burning cars.
I don't see the protests against the war in Israel turning into smashed in shops and burning cars
even if it did the reaction of the police. and courts can be seen in previous protest on the subject

and that what the sort of protest they want to stop

whilst supporting farmer protesters

I think there'll be a difference in reaction from remaining Tory voters between the boys in blue smacking a few lefties and hippies and coverage of smashed-up shops and burning cars.


sending the attack plods in against 'left wing islamist extremist mob rule' is more likely to go down well with the sort of twunts who vote tory - the 1981 riots, miners' strike / wapping didn't seem to do the tories any electoral harm...
this ^

get the same kinda reaction as people who knickers get wet of the idea of the death penalty coming back
He is signalling that the election campaign will be entirely fact-free as far as the Tories are concerned - Fear mongering, bigotry and hard man posturing designed to have Starmer constantly me-tooing and the Daily Heil and Excess purring. It will be culture war all the way, upstanding tories against the drooling anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, immigration enabling, sexually-deviant-bogey-men-leftists and islamists of the GB News watcher’s imagination.
It is text book stuff as far as their recently installed election adviser is concerned.
He is signalling that the election campaign will be entirely fact-free as far as the Tories are concerned - Fear mongering, bigotry and hard man posturing designed to have Starmer constantly me-tooing and the Daily Heil and Excess purring. It will be culture war all the way, upstanding tories against the drooling anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, immigration enabling, sexually-deviant-bogey-men-leftists and islamists of the GB News watcher’s imagination.
It is text book stuff as far as their recently installed election adviser is concerned.

Maybe he want's to keep Starmer out. Should please the left.
It is a bit scary seeing some of the reactions online, that there really are people who are lead into believing there's some sort of link between more immigrants and more protest. Not that, you know, we have a massively corrupt, lying, incompetant government and rampant free-market capitalism is destroying people's lives. It's like 'Never mind that, look over there it's a boat of immigrants'
It is a bit scary seeing some of the reactions online, that there really are people who are lead into believing there's some sort of link between more immigrants and more protest. Not that, you know, we have a massively corrupt, lying, incompetant government and rampant free-market capitalism is destroying people's lives. It's like 'Never mind that, look over there it's a boat of immigrants'


(Source: @coldwarsteve)
He is signalling that the election campaign will be entirely fact-free as far as the Tories are concerned - Fear mongering, bigotry and hard man posturing designed to have Starmer constantly me-tooing and the Daily Heil and Excess purring. It will be culture war all the way, upstanding tories against the drooling anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, immigration enabling, sexually-deviant-bogey-men-leftists and islamists of the GB News watcher’s imagination.
It is text book stuff as far as their recently installed election adviser is concerned.

It's very strange. Firstly it's completely unnecessary as the popular protests are nothing to do with 'jihadists' as far as I'm aware.

Then on top of the recent Lee Anderson controversy it looks clumsy.

He goes for the 'threat from without' line whilst saying we are all together in a shared haven in our 'common home', inherently good and forever on the 'right side of history.'

In all probability they want to keep the circus going at a time when people are rightly horrified by what they represent in Westminster.
He is signalling that the election campaign will be entirely fact-free as far as the Tories are concerned - Fear mongering, bigotry and hard man posturing designed to have Starmer constantly me-tooing and the Daily Heil and Excess purring. It will be culture war all the way, upstanding tories against the drooling anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, immigration enabling, sexually-deviant-bogey-men-leftists and islamists of the GB News watcher’s imagination.
It is text book stuff as far as their recently installed election adviser is concerned.
Oh I have been fully expecting it to be for some years now. I don't think it's even going to win them any new votes but it will make life more shit for immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ+ people, people of colour and any left wing person who's trying to do anything positive and helpful, and it will help make many people more paranoid and hate filled.
Whoever is behind this plot is utterly deluded, but the madness may well spread after the tories get tonked in the local elections.
It faces major major obstacles. First this bitterly devided and fractured party need to find a candidate the bulk of the party can unite behind.
But the only people mad enough to think they could pull the tories out of the ditch are people like Liz truss.
Cos any tory with a brain knows the problem is not Sunak, it's the party. He's a mediocre, weak and charmless technocrat but it would take some kind political collosus to pull the vermin out of their post truss, post Johnson and post brexit nose dive.
A role of the new leader, who will pretty much have to call an immediate election, will be to spend six weeks strapped the wheel of the hms shitshow before it gets smashed to pieces at the polls. Who in their right mind is going to want to do that?
But the party is clearly in accelerating panic mode and who knows? Sunak might just decide to resign after the local election and throw them into complete turmoil as they try to find someone up for having a bucket of shit poured over them.
I think they are in a considerably worse state they were in 1997 but Im well beyond schadenfreude and just want their whole grim freakshow to fuck off and then fuck off some more.
According to the story on the front page of the Sunday Telegraph, Mordaunt is being used as a stalking horse for an (unnamed) right wing Tory rival...
A role of the new leader, who will pretty much have to call an immediate election, will be to spend six weeks strapped the wheel of the hms shitshow before it gets smashed to pieces at the polls. Who in their right mind is going to want to do that?
some sacrificial lamb. who doesn't realise it but will be out them selves after the election.

According to the story on the front page of the Sunday Telegraph, Mordaunt is being used as a stalking horse for an (unnamed) right wing Tory rival...
like so
theres reports on other sites - with tweets and unanamed mps talking to gbnews -who may well be trying to stir the pot - that something like 40 letters have gone in teh 1922 and mps are preparing for a no-conf vote on sunak soon. how true this is is not clear - but cleary something is afoot and polling is getting even worse. If it doenst happen soon - Im guessing the kick in the bollocks from the council elections will trigger. Sunack will win - but ffs - what an utter shower. Surely even some tory mps must be wanting an election now - jsut to bring an end to this shit show.
Starmer has got to be the luckiest leader of the oppostion ever. All he has to do is stand there and shake his head and the country is his by a landslide.
theres reports on other sites - with tweets and unanamed mps talking to gbnews -who may well be trying to stir the pot - that something like 40 letters have gone in teh 1922 and mps are preparing for a no-conf vote on sunak soon. how true this is is not clear - but cleary something is afoot and polling is getting even worse. If it doenst happen soon - Im guessing the kick in the bollocks from the council elections will trigger. Sunack will win - but ffs - what an utter shower. Surely even some tory mps must be wanting an election now - jsut to bring an end to this shit show.
Starmer has got to be the luckiest leader of the oppostion ever. All he has to do is stand there and shake his head and the country is his by a landslide.
Yeh but he'll open his mouth and every time he does that the lp sheds votes
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