Divisive Cotton
Now I just have my toy soldiers
kasheem said:
There's no evidence whatsoever that this happened. The usual group of looney-left groups are responsible for starting this rumour. Or let's even further, suppose it was true what the hell difference does it make? Why were they running from the police?
If the cops were chasing them it's probably for a reason. Probably they beat somebody up, held up a store or raped some woman unlucky enough to be on her own in their 'territory'. Let's get serious... what do you want the police to do? Pat them on the back?
That's not even touching the fact that they killed themselves. Nobody told them to go into an electric sub-station... Unkinder people than me would say you're seeing the theory of evolution in action.
Finally why are you talking about 'banlieus'? Just call them neighbourhoods, suburbs or estates which is what they are. Importing words from other languages for no reason doesn't make you look trendy. And yes superficial details aside you do get the same things in big cities here in Britain.
This is hilarious - 0/10 for trolling. The scary thought is that he isn't trolling... he thinks he presenting an argument!