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Respect get sent to Siberia!

Pickman's model said:
the ruc mp has still not mentioned siberia.
it's not much of a surprise galloway didn't mention siberia yesterday for, among other reasons, he doesn't appear to have been in the house...

what a turn-up for the books for this assiduous mp! :eek:
Pickman's model said:
the ruc mp has still not mentioned siberia.

I think that, by now, we can safely state that our favourite and most beloved political hack isn't going to mention, or is at best unlikely to mention Siberia.

Therefore, we must find something else for which to lambast Gorgeous George.

That shouldn't be too hard.
I'm :( that Fisher Gate and other Respect supporters hasn't come back to discuss this thread. I did so much research (maybe even more than Respect did in choosing their partner in the first place).
Galloway has in lots and lots of speeches though, google informs me, and RESPECT have released a number of articles about it.

I thought the RUC had disbanded though. They also don't have an MP.

If you mean the RESPECT MP, and if you mean in the House of Commons, can you tell me the debate where he should have raised it? Or how he could get it on the agenda? I'd also like to know whether you think that's more important than raising it outside of parliament.

Of course, fuck knows why you care, except for your weird obsession.

i can confirm i checked it earlier and was no sign of such a topic (or any topic) being raised by that man

they still havn't replied to my mail yet about the failure to deliver their accounts to the electoral commission, feckers
Pilgrim said:
Rebel, we already have a thing called the Green Party, which, having been environmentally aware for decades, is dedicated to defending the environment. I wouldn't say it was perfect, that's why I'm no longer a member, but I would find their commitment to environmentalism (with so many years experience) considerably more believable than that of RESPECT.

We also have groups such as Greenpeace (of which I'm still a member) and Friends Of The Earth, both of whom have infinitely more experience defending the environment than do RESPECT.

And your point about everybody ignoring environmental damage is simply hogwash. The Green Party, Greenpeace and Friends Of The Earth were around long before RESPECT reared its ugly head, and they'll be around long after the SWP CC decide to wind up RESPECT if and when it fails.

Does the SWP/RESPECT leadership still have the Green Party in its sights after the Green Party's correct decision (both legally and constitutionally) to refuse an electoral alliance with RESPECT?

Or is this just a thinly veiled attempt to cut the ground from under the feet of the Greens, just when they look like making some sort of breakthrough?

Something you have to bear in mind, I have never voted Green Party and will probably never vote for people with such fundamental problems with very basic technology. This is not a party that can win.

Respect can, they can very close in my district to beating an entrenched Labour Party mentality, they barely missed out, and how close they came, will have an impact on the next election here. I actually voted for them because of previous election results versus the Labour party. The fact that they came within just 2,000-3,000 votes on Labour who previously held a lead of something like 12,000 over their nearest rivals is enough to make me think it will be worth voting for them again.

The 200 votes the Green Party gets in my area, didn't really make me feel like it was actually worth getting up to vote.

Do I want to see the Respect party in Power, oh good lord no. Do I want to see Labour sweating it, well yes I do.
Fisher_Gate: I notice you've posted about 20 times in the last three days but haven't had a chance to respond to my reply to your first post on this thread. Any news from Respect HQ?
oisleep said:
perhaps a fresh thread will flush him out jwh, just say the word!
Naah, sounds like harassing behaviour! Let's just wait and see what happens when s/he reads the thread. :)
it is extremely unlikely that the ruc mp will mention siberia in parliament today as he's almost certainly inspecting the feet of the nubile young women who stomp on the grapes used in fine portuguese wine this afternoon.
Pickman's model said:
it is extremely unlikely that the ruc mp will mention siberia in parliament today as he's almost certainly inspecting the feet of the nubile young women who stomp on the grapes used in fine portuguese wine this afternoon.

Perhaps he needs some rest and recuperation as I think he was in Syria yesterday meeting the Speaker of their Parlaiment or whatever they call it there.

I'm sure that will do a lot for the residents of his constituency in East London worried about education, health, housing, jobs...
on that matter of constituency representation, does anyone know if he is still holding his weekly surgeries (the reference to them was removed from respect's front page a while back)

the reason i ask is in his petition against cross rail (which is a racist development), one of the first reasons he gives for being against it, is that "a wide number of constituents from around his constituency regularly attend his weekly surgeries to raise matters of local concerns with him" (this was not the exact words but something similar).

Is this true?
it's almost certainly true that many of galloway's unfortunate constituents attend his surgeries. whether they speak to the great man himself is - of course - a different matter.
oisleep said:
on that matter of constituency representation, does anyone know if he is still holding his weekly surgeries (the reference to them was removed from respect's front page a while back)

the reason i ask is in his petition against cross rail (which is a racist development), one of the first reasons he gives for being against it, is that "a wide number of constituents from around his constituency regularly attend his weekly surgeries to raise matters of local concerns with him" (this was not the exact words but something similar).

Is this true?

How is Crossrail a racist development?

BarryB said:
How is Crossrail a racist development?


it's in the petition against it, i couldn't really follow it to be honest, but i think because some races live nearby, it's racist
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