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Respect get sent to Siberia!

JWH said:
On the issue of funding for the trip: maybe there are some friendly local sponsors in Russia that want to have BP/TNK's reputation tarnished?

respect again playing the role of useful idiots eh!

i doubt we'll ever find out though
Fisher_Gate said:
Is that your last word on the subject (ie admitting defeat)?
whatever gave you the (incorrect) impression i was admitting defeat?

the sooner you admit that i'm right and you're wrong when it comes to george galloway, the sooner we'll both be happy. he's a wanker's wanker, and his rare appearances in parliament are, imo, prompted less by his constitutents' interests than by him now and again being at a loose end and having nothing better to do than to go to his place of employ.
Pickman's model said:
whatever gave you the (incorrect) impression i was admitting defeat?

the sooner you admit that i'm right and you're wrong when it comes to george galloway, the sooner we'll both be happy. he's a wanker's wanker, and his rare appearances in parliament are, imo, prompted less by his constitutents' interests than by him now and again being at a loose end and having nothing better to do than to go to his place of employ.

I meant about how many times he had appeared in Hansard ... you were the one who thought it was so important to have the right number ...
Fisher_Gate said:
I meant about how many times he had appeared in Hansard ... you were the one who thought it was so important to have the right number ...
if some good's come out of this unfortunate advertisement for yr inability to use a fucking search engine, it is that you've now spent so long looking through results in an attempt to prove me wrong that next time you might not make such a clusterfuck of it.
Pickman's model said:
if some good's come out of this unfortunate advertisement for yr inability to use a fucking search engine, it is that you've now spent so long looking through results in an attempt to prove me wrong that next time you might not make such a clusterfuck of it.

No admission you were wrong then?

The Search engine result was perfectly accurate - just a question of interpretation and a few spurious things needed removing. Your claim that there were MPs called Mark Galloway and Lynne Galloway is the only rubbish that came out.

Erudition and contrition aren't your strong points are they?

You still think Galloway won't raise the result of the Siberia visit in Parliament then? Maybe you'll eat your words when that happens? I live in hope ...
Fisher_Gate said:
No admission you were wrong then?

The Search engine result was perfectly accurate - just a question of interpretation and a few spurious things needed removing. Your claim that there were MPs called Mark Galloway and Lynne Galloway is the only rubbish that came out.

Erudition and contrition aren't your strong points are they?

You still think Galloway won't raise the result of the Siberia visit in Parliament then? Maybe you'll eat your words when that happens? I live in hope ...

what a fucking pile of piffle!

fisher_gate, when it comes to erudition, i've a trumpet to blow - if yr lucky you've a fucking kazoo.
Pickman's model said:

i note that siberia's yet to be mentioned by a certain mp...

He was a bit busy yesterday ...
Tell BP to clean up its act

Thursday 13th October 2005

12.30pm, BP offices, 1 Finsbury Circus EC1

Speakers include:

* George Galloway MP,
* Boris Kagarlitsky (IPROG Russia)

Called by: Anticorporate Association (Russia), Respect, INPROG (Russia) and Globalise Resistance.

Nearest tubes Liverpool Street and Moorgate.
oisleep said:
which lasted what, an hour?

Hopefully it was no longer than 1 hour .... so he could make it back to the House for an important debate on the 'Suppression of Terrorism' (sic) legislation, where Alan Simpson and John McDonnell of the Campaign Group made an excellent attempt to challenge the government - unfortunately this didn't result in a division.

[one of the reasons I continue to support voting for these left wing Labour MPs is the excellent work they do harrying the government - Galloway isn't the only show in town, you know, as you can see by reading this debate - all you anarchists and greens who think all Labour MPs are the same should read this.]

Unfortunately MPs don't choose what they debate or when - that is largely in the hands of the government or the 'official opposition' through the 'usual channels'. Since parliament has only been back for a few days it is unlikely that Galloway will get an early chance to raise Siberia, so you will have to be patient.
yeh, george galloway's had a fair chance to raise siberia in the commons - but a search of the last seventeen years of hansard reveals he has not availed himself of the opportunity.
still no mention, you'd think this kinda thing should be struck whilst the iron is hot, to gain maximum benefit of the trip to siberia etc...
flimsier said:
Messing about with people's log-in names is neither big nor funny.
the fucking phrase is "neither big nor clever". :rolleyes:

if i wanted to mess about with fg's user name, i think i wouldn't have bothered correcting the error before you posted.
Pickman's model said:
late again, fisher_gate, late again.

Okay - mea culpa, I didn't read your 12:12pm post on another thread until after I posted at 12:26pm on this one - some of us do have work to do, you know ...
You think?

And I wasn't using that phrase. Because sometimes it can be clever. You're right though, not in this case.
Fisher_Gate said:
Okay - mea culpa, I didn't read your 12:12pm post on another thread until after I posted at 12:26pm on this one - some of us do have work to do, you know ...
yeh, and in a minute i'll get back to it.
Do we have any evidence that GG actually turned up to the meeting on the 13th? ANyone who was there, report in any papers, etc?
Fisher_Gate said:
He was there yesterday to vote against the ID cards bill though ... in case you're still claiming he never turns up ...


i can't see the relevance of this to the issue of siberia though? did he kill two birds with one stone and vote and raise this issue on the same sitting? or is he saving it for another time? why save it for another time? why not strike whilst the iron is hot and the publicity from respect's delegation to Siberia and their subsequent meetings in London about it? why would he not raise the issue at all ? maybe he thinks it's wank?
Has there been any output in the (UK) press or anything else from this trip yet? Has it happened?
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