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Rejecting vaccination - "growing public health time bomb", NHS Chief warns

I am not sure there's much of a different TBH, I just used slightly more reasonable wording, but basically it's the same position.
Persuasion backed by legislation is always going to be the best way and I think those who don't bother rather than those who virulently object would toe the line at that point.
As for the out and out crazies who would be prepared to defy the law, society already has mechanisms for dealing with what are effectively unfit parents.
Good luck getting them to agree to medicating without consent, not to mention assault.
This would be a special agency of dedicated non-GMC aligned nurses, right?

Why would nurses be ‘aligned’ with the GMC?

Or indeed with their actual regulator (the NMC)?
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Good luck getting them to agree to medicating without consent, not to mention assault.
This would be a special agency of dedicated non-GMC aligned nurses, right?

If the law required vaccination, and some fuckwitted parents refused, social services could remove the child, removing the parent's rights to refuse consent, and any claim of assault.
If the law required vaccination, and some fuckwitted parents refused, social services could remove the child, removing the parent's rights to refuse consent, and any claim of assault.

The GMC would still have something to say about that. You'd most likely end up with Capita or some such doing the jabbing.
GMC is for doctors.

... who are part of the prescribing and validation route in the use of vaccines.
Also, the GMC and NMC joint values declaration means a whole bunch of GMC rules cover nurses too where not stated in the NMC guidelines (since nurses have been used more recently to administer procedures that had been exclusively the domain of doctors).

As an example of how things are written up these days:

About this guidance
... who are part of the prescribing and validation route in the use of vaccines.
Also, the GMC and NMC joint values declaration means a whole bunch of GMC rules cover nurses too where not stated in the NMC guidelines (since nurses have been used more recently to administer procedures that had been exclusively the domain of doctors).

As an example of how things are written up these days:

About this guidance

No shit. So tell us how a nurse who isn’t ‘aligned’ with their regulator would go about practicing (without getting arrested that is)
Um, You know that professional regulation follows from law? A legal obligation to be vaccinated would therefore result in regulatory obligations to follow suit.

Actually, it tends to run the other way round. Regulatory recommendations very often find their way into law - see CFR part 11 and the equivalents adopted in aligned territories as one example.

You may also want to note how death sentences by lethal injections were (and are) frequently botched in the USA due to how medical personnel want nothing to do with administering it.
Yeah, comparing lethal injections with life saving injections works so well. :facepalm:

I figured you might have difficulties with analogies.
So, there were problems due to non-medical personnel doing what were basically (a perverted form of) medical tasks, and this problem could have been easily fixed by using medical personnel.

Let's try porting in your logic. Just make a law, right?

Now have a little think, and maybe a little read, and try to get yourself to understanding why that didn't happen.
And given conscious objection of nurses to rapid tranquillisation (ie forced injecting of tranquillisers) isn’t protected by law, why would it be so for objection forced immunisation?
And given conscious objection of nurses to rapid tranquillisation (ie forced injecting of tranquillisers) isn’t protected by law, why would it be so for objection forced immunisation?

Well, it certainly wouldn't if you had your way.
Did you mean conscientious objection, by any chance?

In any case, making it generally harder for people who don't get their kids vaccinated is as far as its going to go with this, and is likely to be massively counter-productive anyhow.

Given your last post to Yossarian in discussion of a *positive* inducement, I expect you understand this, really.

Ah, so you weren't advocating changing the law to allow social services to remove children from their parents for forcible vaccination, just discussing it hypothetically?

If that was the case, my apologies.

edit: and I do agree if we're talking hypotheticals that in a sufficiently authoritarian environment you could force or induce medical personnel to take part in such things, but I wouldn't want to live in that environment
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