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Regional anti-cuts organising


lovely pic here of 'Save Levenshulme Baths' what a great banner...
Tonight, weston-super-mare, the Blakehay Theatre (not the playhouse!), 7:30 Pm - anti-cuts meeting/public sector workers 'teach in' type thing. The budget is being set on the 22nd as well (tueday next) so people will be using this to help organise a picket outside (any weston people remember the huge turnout for the setting of the poll tax - town hall stormed, thousands there).

Also this friday, Bristol IWW anti-cuts meeting at Friends meeting house (the old market one) open to public from 8pm onwards.
Anyone at this?

Police were called to calm a town hall meeting when residents heckled councillors as they rubber-stamped soaring parking charges.

The public gallery at Barnet town hall had to be cleared and the meeting suspended as tensions grew.

About 150 protesters attended the cabinet meeting in Hendon on Monday night to question cuts, London's highest parking charge increases and the scrapping of wardens for the elderly as part of a £54 million savings package.

Senior councillors at Conservative-run Barnet - including its combative cabinet member for the environment, Brian Coleman - walked out 45 minutes into the meeting when the heckling became too much.


It is the Evening Standard hence the emphasis on parking charges I assume. :rolleyes:
Police officers had to forcibly remove protesters from Islington town hall's public gallery, as the council became London's first to set its new budget. On Thursday night, councillors in the north London Labour borough agreed to make £100m cuts over four years.

About 50 protesters were removed from the meeting, which was then moved to another room without the public.
the southampton council meeting stuff was on the national news this morning (islington was only covered on the reigonal news)

one of 'our' people was physically removed from the mayor & cabinet meeting in lewisham yesterday morning after refusing to leave when the mayor lost his rag and ordered him out the room - was completely random as he was not being any more or less disruptive than anyone else.

to add insult to injury he was then arrested in relation to the Nov 29 'lewisham riot'. None of this was even covered in the local papers
national media is just not covering this, imo, the MSM is another institution that is failing its constituents

Journalists are lazy/time-poor. It would need someone involved in it, who also has a few media contacts, to write a press release (i.e. write the story for them), provide a few people from different areas for them to interview if they want and they'd probably pick it up. I'll put it to the Lewisham group next time I see them.
Reading Council budget setting meeting i this coming Tuesday in the evening. The demonstrations will start at 5pm, at the civic center. All those interested PM me for further details.
Preston protest coverage from the Lancashire Evening Post. Lots more in the print edition. Videos of the protest on the link below.

Angry scenes as officers eject protestors from meeting

Police ejected protestors from County Hall as politicians voted through £179 million cuts at an extraordinary budget meeting.

The tense meeting had to be halted twice, once when police were called to clear the public gallery and, again, when a fire alarm was activated an hour later, sparking a mass evacuation of the staff, councillors and members of the public.

It was the first time in 20 years that the gallery had been cleared.

During the meeting, Conservative county council leader Geoff Driver was involved in a spat with anti-cuts protestors, who he later branded “unruly louts.”

The decision means that thousands of jobs will now be axed from the authority and many services scaled back over the next three-years. One of the most controversial proposals voted through is the move to shut at least one respite centre for the families of disabled children within the next 12 months, sparking an angry response from the scores of angry protestors who gathered at the meeting. Before the start of yesterday’s meeting dozens of parents affected by the proposals made their feelings clear by staging a protest outside. Some told how important the county’s eight respite centres were to them.

After the meeting Manoj Majhi, 47, whose 14-year-old disabled daughter Amy attends Maplewood House respite centre in Bamber Bridge, which is one of the centres facing the axe, said: “I am totally deflated.

“I came here to see democracy in action and what I got was a sham. They didn’t care one iota what we had to say or how these cuts will affect our families.

The county council budget was approved 42 votes to 23 after more than four hours.

Islington people attacked by the police. Activist Suzanne Jeffery & councillors speak out.

So much for democracy and public accountabiity
Easily 3000 on the bristol one - followed up by some tax-avoider stuff, which was followed by arrests, which was followed protest outside the cop-shop, which was followed by further arrests...you get the picture...lot of people not seen for 20 years coming out of the woodwork....
24 February



Created by: Haringey Alliance for Public Services (HAPS), Oktay Sahbaz


The Government is demanding £41m cuts this year to our

On the day Councillors will be discussing and voting on whether to make such savage cuts, we call on all those who live or work in Haringey to come and speak out together. We don’t have to accept this – w...e can stop cuts, closures and privatisation threats.

Together we can defend our vital public services!

What can we do together?
Together we can reverse the cuts programme if we take action and say NO. We call on all Haringey’s residents, community groups, workers, and trades unions to link together and stand up for what’s right. We call on Councillors to back our communities, reject privatisation, oppose all cuts and refuse to implement them – or stand down.

The Haringey Alliance for Public Services (HAPS) is a network open to all those living or working in Haringey. We support opposition to the running down, closure or privatisation of any local public services, and support campaigning for improvements. We promote communication and co-ordination, mutual aid and solidarity among all those affected. Why not get involved?

Bring friends, workmates and neighbours – and your own placards and banners...

Start by inviting all your facebook friends to this event....
Yes, that is excellent.

Today, Bristol and weston budget setting. Bristol College Green from 1-ish onwards. Not sure of the weston time - usually evening, post as soon as i hear for sure.
Last Minute -

Leeds Town Hall Protest - 12.30pm Weds 23rb Feb.

Council is voting on budget cuts.
About 100 at the York STC meeting tonight, good platform, good discussion and an excellent chair (if I do say so myself :)) - next action, Thursday 24th Feb, 5.30pm, St Helens Square York and then demo outside / inside budget setting Council meeting
Pretty demoralising turnout at the bristol budget setting - about 40 people there at 1 o clock, plan to disrupt the debate every so often, didn't work, people gallery cleared and an arrest - by the 10 clock the debate was still going on but there was only two of us left then. There's nothing so smug as a mainstream party local councillor is there?
got a horrible feeling that the numbers are not growing as expected, 500 coaches for TUC event, is that many in context of say 2003 AW March..
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