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Regional anti-cuts organising

Sounds a bit more exciting than Brent. Cops tried to exclude us from Town Hall altogether - at least we managed to force our way in, even if we couldn't get into the public gallery. Did feature the slogan "Egypt, Wembley, Wisconsin...We will fight, we will win" from Swappie contingent.
Isn't writing off councils just letting them off the hook though - they are making an active choice to push the cuts through. Even if the impact of protests is only in terms of consciousness raising, isn't it worth doing *as well as* building union/community links?
Oh,most definitely
Looks like Bucks SOS have got some free publicity, after emailing the village newsletter asking about the cost of adverts for our organisation they now want to do an article bout it. :D
Hackney Councillors sign statement against the cuts

The statement below, signed by six Hackney Labour councillors, was prepared for a tabloid paper published by Hackney Unites.

Hackney Unites is a diverse coalition of Hackney-based groups and individuals that have come together to challenge social exclusion and promote social justice.

The Con-Dem Coalition is attacking the fabric of a civilised society: NHS jobs and services are being cut and wholesale privatisation is planned. 3,500 young people in Hackney will lose Educational Maintenance Allowance and student fees are tripling. Access to legal aid is being choked off. Housing benefit restrictions threaten people’s homes. Disrepair stemming from cuts in the Decent Homes programme will affect health and increase stress.

Money available for local councils is to be cut back for four successive years. Some think we should protest - and wait for the next election. Our view is that we cannot wait until the damage is done. Nobody voted to privatise the NHS or make our communities pay for the bankers’ crisis. The government has no mandate. The bankers’ greed caused the crisis - they and their rich friends should pay for it through targeted taxes and a crack down on the tax loopholes used by millionaires and big corporations. As Labour Councillors, along with supporters of the Labour Representation Committee, we support a campaign to defeat the policies of this government through public protest, opposition and defiance.

We would like to see local Councils across London leading the charge and refusing to adopt cuts budgets as a result of government enforced policies and producing a Needs Budgets to show what should be funded. This won’t give local Councils the money to keep services running - but it would give a big boost to the campaign to defeat the government.

Labour needs to reinvent itself as a political movement - not just a party of management and government. Local residents and community organisations need to share their concerns and inform local councillors of the impact of cuts particularly where women, older people, the young, people with disabilities and Black and Minority Ethnic communities will be disproportionately affected by the cuts.

We are facing a national and international emergency and this calls for exceptional measures to mobilise our people and defeat the Con-Dem Coalition. If we do not speak out, our silence will be taken for agreement.

Cllr Barry Buitekant
Cllr Michelle Gregory
Cllr Linda Kelly
Cllr Deniz Oguzkanli
Cllr Ian Rathbone
Cllr Patrick Vernon

from here: http://www.stopcuts.net/news.14.htm

After all that bluster it turns out that all 6 of them failed to vote against the cuts the other day
After all that bluster it turns out that all 6 of them failed to vote against the cuts the other day

yep - and some folk are dumb enough to demand we 'unite' with such idiots (more than that they argue we are 'sectarian' for not doing so!...).

One of those Labour councillors used to post here - wonder if he would like to explain his reasoning for voting the way he did, I won't hold my breath....

This is link I pasted on the RtW thread:
Anti-cuts demonstrations - London Socialist Party refutes accusations from SWP
Well Barry B and Deniz apparently took the 'principled' stand of not attending the meeting so that they can still maintain that they didn't vote for the cuts - just as hypocritical though as the 4 who did attend and vote for

from your link:-

Members of LACA produced a leaflet with photos of cuts-making Labour councillors on it so that if they turned up on the demo they could be spotted!

this (PDF) was one of the ones we/I did
Well Barry B and Deniz apparently took the 'principled' stand of not attending the meeting so that they can still maintain that they didn't vote for the cuts - just as hypocritical though as the 4 who did attend and vote for

from your link: this (PDF) was one of the ones we/I did

Nice one - and LACA has also been accused of being "deeply sectarian" ;)

So were the 1,000 who marched in Lewisham mobilised by being friends with Labour councillors? The demonstration was called by Lewisham People Before Profit, Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance (LACA) and local trade unions, with Socialist Party members and former Socialist Party councillors in a leading role. Lewisham People Before Profit was set up precisely in order to stand candidates against all the main parties. In the SWP's conference bulletin they called the Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance "deeply sectarian".
Well Barry B and Deniz apparently took the 'principled' stand of not attending the meeting so that they can still maintain that they didn't vote for the cuts - just as hypocritical though as the 4 who did attend and vote for


Unfortunately the one Labour councillor in Lambeth against the cuts ended up abstaining after heavy pressure from UNITE officials to vote for the cuts. Parts of UNITE are playing an appalling role.

Lambeth SOS has had similar accusations thrown at them as LACA, but it's only from the SWP. I wouldn't worry about criticisms coming from that direction, makes no difference. In their internal bulletin in Lambeth they described the UNISON branch secretary (who is to the right of the LRC) as ultra left lol!

Lambeth SOS had 50 people turn up to the planning meeting last night!
Unfortunately the one Labour councillor in Lambeth against the cuts ended up abstaining after heavy pressure from UNITE officials to vote for the cuts. Parts of UNITE are playing an appalling role.

Would like to find out more about what is happening here as well (saw the thread you started about this)

Lambeth SOS has had similar accusations thrown at them as LACA, but it's only from the SWP. I wouldn't worry about criticisms coming from that direction, makes no difference. In their internal bulletin in Lambeth they described the UNISON branch secretary (who is to the right of the LRC) as ultra left lol!

he, he yep

Lambeth SOS had 50 people turn up to the planning meeting last night!

Just dropped by the Tower Hamlets meeting. Council decided to hold the meeting in a small room so they only had to let a few members of the public in - the rest left waiting outside. They claimed it was on 'police advice' but just as likely it was them made the decision - who knows? who cares? Does anyone have any ideas for these councils that are increasingly limiting access to their meetings in order to keep protesters out? I feel the urge to escalate the situation in some way but can't think how.

Stirchley And Cotteridge Against the Cuts - organising meeting, tomorrow, 19:30, Cotteridge Church - this looks like being quite a decent sized and active group for a couple of postcode areas of Birmingham, so anyone in and around Stirchley and Cotteridge should try to get along to this.

Unison are going to ballot for strike action in the week after the 26th March, which I think is a good move, the council branch has booked nearly 800 people onto coaches to go to london so hopefully they'll come back radicalised and get a strong yes vote for strikes, which will happen in the week running up to the local elections (Brum is a Con/Lib coalition, which will almost certainly remain in place after these elections I'm told, but will probably be replaced with a labour administration in 2012).

Looking like there will be a demo in Birmingham on the weekend of the 30th April (royal wedding/mayday bank holiday weekender) - I'm not sure if there will be a big mayday thing in London? I'd kind of like the idea of lots of demos all over the country rather than another big one in london, don't know. Or a big one in London on the friday of the royal wedding followed by demos everywhere on the sat/sun/mon.
there's no proof at all that RTW described LACA as 'deeply sectarian' also I find the claim that SPEW members are in a 'leading role' in LACA dubious:hmm:

It doesn't claim they are in a leading role in LACA though - it only says SP members plaid a leading role in organising the carnival. It would be more correct however to say that it was LPBP that were the main organisers of the carnival with help and support from both SP and LACA members

As to RTW, there's been a fair few swappies types around LACA who have pretty much said that in relation to the refusal to see pro-cuts labour councillors as 'potential allies'
As to RTW, there's been a fair few swappies types around LACA who have pretty much said that in relation to the refusal to see pro-cuts labour councillors as 'potential allies'
surprised to hear this
I was under the impression that despite differences over tactics the RTW have always been very fraternal in their approach to working with other groups in Lewisham.
Imagine has just posted after all the bluster only 20 LP M.P's voted against the C/D's welfare reform bill 2nd reading..
surprised to hear this
I was under the impression that despite differences over tactics the RTW have always been very fraternal in their approach to working with other groups in Lewisham.

Here's what one RTW/SWP had to say about LACA:-

I'm finding the level of debate here is completely hamstrung by the veering between absolute rejection of any formal or informal alliances with anyone not operating under LACA's agenda, and a completely un-self-aware, and highly haughty, attitude towards any other cuts groups, both local and national.

Thusly, this level of sectarian moralism, and self-deluded overestimation of ones own importance, dismatle any and all revolutionary relevance vis-a-vis the position LACA is taking over the cuts
Bucks Unison and Bucks SOS press release

David Cameron comes to town and offers no solutions to the cuts in spending in the NHS.

On Sat 12th April as members of Unison Health and Bucks SOS activists were out talking to people in Aylesbury about the cuts to local services, David Cameron appeared in town. We had a number of people coming to us, saying that they had just seen David Cameron in town and why don’t we go and speak to him.

He was finally spotted having a coffee outside a local multinational coffee shop. Steve Bell Unison Health and Bucks Save our services secretary spoke to him briefly about the situation facing health services in Bucks. He pointed out that in the next three years the local Bucks health economy faces a shortfall of £140 million pounds, meaning cuts in job and services. Steve also pointed out that compared to the average NHS spend Bucks spending was 17 % lower than the national average meaning that local people do not get the services they pay for.

Mr Camerons answer was that the NHS spend was not being cut and there was an increase of 0.1% over the next few years and that both Oxfordshire where he lives and Bucks were funded below the average and that we needed to speak to our local MPs. Steve replied stating that he had been doing this for the last 6 years and the cuts continued. Steve and SOS supporters were then asked to leave by the security staff with Mr Cameron as he was having family time.

This conversation demonstrates how out of touch our politicians are and why we need to campaign to protect our public services as they are not safe in these politicians hands. The TUC demo on the 26th March where over 200 000 people are expected to gather to support the alternative to cuts and services will show that the current govt does not represent the views of working people. Join us on the 26th
Pleased to report there's now a Wolverhampton Against the Cuts group.

Webiste etc up soon.

First thing which will be happening is a UK Uncut protest Saturday 19/03/11, meeting 11.30 in Queen Square
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