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Regional anti-cuts organising


Stirchley & Cotteridge against the cuts meeting Wed, 7pm Stirchley Community Centre
George Road Against the Cuts also meeting on Wed (need to check the time tonight)

Mayday demo on the 30th, assembles Birmingham Cathedral 12noon
no that's a deeply flawed analysis. I agree that the right have always maintained a grip on the party in order to protect capitalist interests, but...
As the crisis of capitalism intensifies we will see more and more huge clashes between the classes. Such a situation will radicalise the working class and transform the labour movement. This is how the Labour Party will change.

Religious dribble.
i can kind of see his point , but i dont think it is really true in the cuurrent day i am afraid. i think the labour party is too far gone than that, and more than that their portrayals of being left wing are damaging the labour movement because people look at tony blair and that and think that is what "socialism" is. i saw an interview in the times asking someone whether because they'd worked for tony blair it meant they were a leftie.
Reports from Birmingham's mayday demo - Hundreds come out for Mayday demo and Mayday Demo in Photos

2 Strikes tomorrow - PCS workers at EHRC are out nationally for 1 hour between 11&12, and will be out again next week.. Connexions in Birmingham on strike from 1pm.. details are on the upcoming events page on the batc website.

12th/13th May are actions as part of the Week of Action against benefit cuts / ATOS

Next BATC thing is a public meeting on May 26th.. booked speakers so far are Jack Dromey MP & Alex Kenny from NUT.. I know they are chasing Mark Serwotka but I don't know if that will happen - they want speakers from PCS, Unite and Unison to all talk about the (hopefully by then) upcoming strike on June 30th.. Council House 7:30pm.

Got a meeting between all the regions anti-cuts groups (batc, dudley coalition against the cuts, wolverhampton anti-cuts, north staffs against cuts, coventry against cuts, shopshire fight back, worcester against the cuts and a couple of others) on May 10th to discuss the demo for the Lib Dem conference in September (Sept. 19th is the date for the demo), going to try to work together to make it a really big regional demo, which I hope works out well and doesn't descend into infighting between the various left factions, will be interesting to see which ones dominate the other anti-cuts groups ;)
This isn't really an open invitation to that meeting at this point but if anyone does want to come, pm me. I think we need to keep the numbers down right now so we can make some basic decisions before opening up the planning to everyone.
before monday? no, there's no leaflet for it anyway.. just going to promote online.. there will be some leafletting to do there and over next week for the public meeting on thursday 26th though..
Save our NHS West mindalnds campaign launches today..


@SaveourNHSwm on twitter, facebook is Save Our NHS West Midlands (I'd link you up but I'm at work and no fb access)

First things we are going to do is to target the lib dem MPs in the west mids with the 38 degrees petition and with a postcard campaign/stalls in their constituencies, and wea re talking about protests & direct action but yet to decide what forms those might take..
if anyone wants to get involved in planning stuff, you'd all be very welcome :)
From the other thread.....

Good demo in Cambridge last night. Eric Pickles was invited to speak at the uni union by the student tory club.

The residents that turned up to demonstrate nearly had the life drained out of them by droning socialists on megaphones until a group managed to find a way into the building and disrupt the Tory pow wow.

We got within a few metres of Pickles himself and managed a volley of abuse and jibes to his face


Sorry, I know this isn't a discussion thread, but why was the prescence of Labour politicians - now trying to get in bed with anti-cuts activists while refusing to oppose the cuts - to be welcomed? That's absurd. There are some unionists and old-style socialists around who seriously need to be re-educated on the worth of the Labour party. They just put these people on the platform because that's what they've always done - and they still have some romantic attachment to the hypothetical Labour Party that doesn't exist. It would be good to see people trying to stop the Labour politicians having their cake and eating it. Run the cunts off the stage is my suggestion :)
I think we have to draw a fine line between encouraging politicians (MPs, councillors, TU leaders, whatever) who show signs of growing apair, and not letting LP hacks have their cake and eat it.
The former is important, as it is vital the anti-cuts struggle should be as broad-based as possible, and anything we can do to induce such wimps to fight back, we should do. Also, there are, and always will be, SOME LP councillors who are actually sound as fuck (they're easy to spot, they're the ones their leaders are loudly and constantly disowning ;))
but the latter is essential, because the only sensible demand to make of LP councillors is "refuse to implement the cuts - or resign!" and failing to do so simply lets Labour off the hook.
Unfortunately, It's a fucking hard line to tread, but I do think one set-in-stone line should be; NO platform for ANY LP councillor who has voted for cuts. Full stop.
the voters weren't mistaken but the fact that Labour is letting them down stresses the need for a political fight within the Labour Party so that it becomes accountable to the people it was set up to represent.
Isn't that assuming that the LP is not a completely busted flush, and that there's something in there still worth saving?
Cos I'd like to see evidence of that, if so.
no that's a deeply flawed analysis. I agree that the right have always maintained a grip on the party in order to protect capitalist interests, but...
As the crisis of capitalism intensifies we will see more and more huge clashes between the classes. Such a situation will radicalise the working class and transform the labour movement. This is how the Labour Party will change.
wot, next you'll be telling us that the LP is still part of the labour movement and is embedded in the working classes?
Dream on.
btw, calling ALL in NE London;
800,0000 in NUT,UCU, PCS and ATL unions to strike on 30 June against pensions robbery

Get ready for joint strike action on 30 June

and building the fight against cuts!

Waltham Forest Trades Council and

Waltham Forest Anti-Cuts Union

Joint public meeting

Monday 20 June 7.30pm

Harmony Hall, Truro Road,
Walthamstow E17 7BY

See attached flyer. Please circulate this to everyone you know and confirm if you are coming and who you are bringing from your union/workplace etc.

Speakers will include: Susan Wills, branch secretary of the UCU branch at Waltham Forest College, Steve White deputy secretary, Waltham Forest NUT, Tom Taylor from the PCS civil servants’ union as well as leading activists in other unions.

Teachers and civil servants are balloting for strike action over the massive attack on their pensions.

The pensions loss calculator on the NUT’s website spells it out. The government’s proposals mean that a young teacher might have to pay in £60 more a month. For what? To be told they must work until they are 68 or have £300,000 stolen from their pension during their retirement!

This attack is just one part of the Con-Dem government’s brutal cuts. They tell us they have no choice, that there is no alternatve to cuts in jobs and public services, misery, unemployment and poverty.

The Con-Dems are out to destroy the welfare state, including the NHS. They intend to privatise our hospitals and cut £20 billion from the NHS budget over the next four years. But a surge of anger at their plans has put them on the back foot.

Locally the council is slashing services and tearing up the terms and conditions of its workforce.

Meanwhile the 1,000 richest individuals in the UK saw their combined wealth rise last year by £60.2 billion to an unbelievable £396 billion.
The 26 March demo showed the huge opposition that exists. The 30 June is the next major date in the fightback against the cuts agenda. This meeting will bring local trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners, young people and service users together to build support and solidarity for the strike.
Fighting to reclaim the Labour party? That's a battle that has been decisively lost. One might as well attempt to change the Tories from within.

Nah, UNITE - by far and away Labour's biggest donor now - has a decent working class base, and a broad left leadership...and sponsors 101 MPs - should at least try to get something for it's money.


I see that the Coalition of Resistance conference was a bit of a damp squib. 200 or so present, dominated by Counterfire (with sidekick assistance from Bambery's outfit, Socialist Resistance and Green Left). Decided nothing of note, except to leave the semi-fictitious National Council in nominal charge and the self-selected steering committee in real charge.

''Emergency pensions action meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, 3 January, 6.30pm, at the Prince Albert pub on Coldharbour Lane. This is welcome to everyone, not just trade union reps. There are huge danger signs that the trade union leadership is going to try and sell members a deal which is far short of what trade union members went on strike for. We need to start organising straight away to get ordinary members views across about why this can't be accepted and how it will mean a huge blow to the momentum that was built up in the autumn to resisting not just the attacks on pensions but across the board. For this reason this isn't just an issue for trade union members but the whole community. Please try and make it if you can.''


Lambeth Save Our Services planning meeting
Thursday, 5 December, 6.30pm, Vida Walsh Centre, just off Windrush Square, Brixton.

1,000 march against Forced Academies in Haringey

Up to 1,000 people have marched in Haringey to protest against a school being "forced" to become an academy.

Parents and supporters of Downhills Primary in Tottenham marched from the school to the civic centre to protest against the plans.

The school is part of a group of "under performing" schools which the government wants to become academies.

It said academies "were proven to work" but protesters said it was not in the best interest of the pupils.

Let's get this rolling again...
same happening in birmingham was on the local news on thursday or friday. gove is trying to force a primary school into academy status against the wishes of parents and teachers so the teachers went on strike on friday

the article says gove has a list of 200 schools he wants to turn into academies this year

This is a seriously good action going on - the picket (which I sadly couldn't make it to) had over 100 people on it, teachers and support staff but importantly parents (and children) as well. The campaign against academy status is being run and pushed by parents of the school, as much as the staff there.
I think gove has made a mistake forcing schools to become academies, because he could have done all this by quietly restricting budgets and offering more money to academies as he has been. Forcing places to switch will just put people's backs up and give space for us to place the arguments against academies in the mainstream media.

The Haringey March sounds great as well.
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1,000 march against Forced Academies in Haringey

Up to 1,000 people have marched in Haringey to protest against a school being "forced" to become an academy.

Parents and supporters of Downhills Primary in Tottenham marched from the school to the civic centre to protest against the plans.

The school is part of a group of "under performing" schools which the government wants to become academies.

It said academies "were proven to work" but protesters said it was not in the best interest of the pupils.

Let's get this rolling again...

Gove today called these 1000+ concerned parents and community members 'trots':

Gove said:
"It's a pity that the Labour party hasn't spoken out against this Trot campaign,"
tbf, there ARE quite a few trots in the Haringey Alliance for Public services - but then there's a fair few who aren't (like the McLibel 2 and the rest of the HSG mob)
e2a: Just realised this is a daft post of me. Whilst I'm sure anti-cuts people joined this protest, this was overwhelmingly one of parents and teachers, livid at how they're being railroaded into academy status. And of course, Gove wil cheerfully smear them all day long, as the Tories have practically no votes left to lose in that area.
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