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Superman launches ‘Anti Feminist’ Children and Family Party.

Seriously Really GIF - Seriously Really Little Girl GIFs
On our main website we have a link25 to photographs and details of feminists including Tracey Emin, an ‘artist’ who can’t draw yet is the ‘professor’ of ‘drawing’ at the Royal Academy – so she’s officially a Royal pain in the arts.
He's clearly really impressed by that joke that he's made it twice in the brief journey I've had on his website. I can imaging dodging the spit as he tells it loudly at the for the third time that evening before leaning in to tell you his 'real' thoughts on the matter that the PC police would lock him up for.

The whole site comes across as incredibly childish with the nicknames (Sandi Toxic etc) although that probably won't put off his fans (hopefully just a handful)

As a bonus here's 'the boss' on GB news with Darren Grimes and a token feminist (who from the couple of minutes didn't seem too good). The first comment is still moaning about him being at a disadvantage!

From the thread title I thought you might be talking about Dean Cain, as it is the kind of fuckwittery he'd get involved with these days.

Also very interested as to what rights he thinks men have been deprived of.

The only 'rights' I can think of that the patriarchy has deprived men of is the ability to own other human beings, and the ability to assault or rape his wife without consequence.
Also very interested as to what rights he thinks men have been deprived of.

The only 'rights' I can think of that the patriarchy has deprived men of is the ability to own other human beings, and the ability to assault or rape his wife without consequence.
You are forgetting smoking in pubs and restaurants…
twice divorce with kids

guessing he has a great relationship with his ex's

based on his political position

guessing the kinda fella who keeps asking when is international mens day
Also very interested as to what rights he thinks men have been deprived of.

The only 'rights' I can think of that the patriarchy has deprived men of is the ability to own other human beings, and the ability to assault or rape his wife without consequence.

Won’t anyone think of the middle aged, middle class white men?
Can anyone explain the Superman thing? I can't be bothered to look at the horrible website.
The party used to have a very different name, as evidenced by this LinkedIn post:

His miserable, sad faced history of this shit is in evidence via a wikipedia page that begins with him leaving the tories in 2009 over Cameron being "relentlessly pro-female and anti-male"

Rumours that this all began when his wife refused to address his penis as the right honourable member for castle point cannot be substantiated at this time.
His miserable, sad faced history of this shit is in evidence via a wikipedia page that begins with him leaving the tories in 2009 over Cameron being "relentlessly pro-female and anti-male"

Rumours that this all began when his wife refused to address his penis as the right honourable member for castle point cannot be substantiated at this time.
He's the same age as me but got loads more hair so misogynistic politics aside that is enough reason for me to hate him. I notice it says 2 kids and twice divorced so I would lay a decent bet that both ex-wives got custody of the kids and he is being reamed for alimony.
Won’t anyone think of the middle aged, middle class white men?

As I’ve suggested before, they should make these fuckers a special railcard giving discount fares, then maybe they’ll shut the fuck up about being ignored and getting nothing*. Get up to one third off the cost of standard class travel with your ‘White Male Reactionary Bellend Railcard’t

*they won’t, will they?
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