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Regional anti-cuts organising

MATCH AGAINST THE CUTS Saturday 19th February, Assemble at 12 noon corner of Stoke Newington high street & Somerford grove, then the march will go along the high st down Dalston on way to the town hall

The library occupation was great. Not necessarily right for a long-term occupied space but was great for a short period - and got loads of publicity as it was part of the national day of action on libraries (and a guy put some effort into sorting out press release and media contacts beforehand).

The occupation started with about 30 people and about 15 stayed overnight. Given that it attracted passing traffic from the street, got on major news outlets and got the Chief Executive of Lewisham out of bed on a Sunday morning to give nonsensical orders to his security guards, I think it had a fair impact for such a small number of people. Perhaps occupying public buildings could be an interesting next step in other places.
The library occupation was great. Not necessarily right for a long-term occupied space but was great for a short period - and got loads of publicity as it was part of the national day of action on libraries (and a guy put some effort into sorting out press release and media contacts beforehand).

The occupation started with about 30 people and about 15 stayed overnight. Given that it attracted passing traffic from the street, got on major news outlets and got the Chief Executive of Lewisham out of bed on a Sunday morning to give nonsensical orders to his security guards, I think it had a fair impact for such a small number of people. Perhaps occupying public buildings could be an interesting next step in other places.
well done for staying all night:cool::)


Wed 9th Feb - Erdington local anti-cuts group meeting, 7pm, Church at top of George Rd

Sat 12th - Save Birmingham Youth Services national demo rally thing in Solihull.. will need to find details of this actually, will be back to post on it seperately tomorrow probably.

Thursday 17th - Birmingham Against the Cuts - Public Meeting - speakers: cllr Salma Yaqoob (respect), Caroline Johnson (Unison council branch), Paul Mackney (ex Gen Sec UCU), Martin Empson (Campaign against Climate Change - talking about green jobs for growth), John Lister (Health Emergency) + speakers from local campaigns..
7:30pm, Council House..

Monday 21st - Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts (BARAC), public meeting 6:30pm, African Carribean Millenium centre, 339 Dudley Road, Winson Green, B16 4HB

Sat 26th Feb - Birmingham Against the Cuts demonstration/march/rally against council cuts, assemble Birmingham Cathedral, 12pm. March route to be agreed with the police, speakers to be confirmed. Want to make this a big demo.

Tues 1st March - Birmingham Council budget setting meeting - meeting starts at 2pm. Demonstration outside the council house also starts at 2pm. I'll be at work but hopefully there will be a demonstration inside the council house as well (until people get chucked out anyway)

Birmingham Against the Cuts planning meetings: Monday 14th Feb, 18:30 and Tues 22nd Feb 18:30, Unison Offices, 19th floor, McClaren Tower, Priory Queensway
Sorry couldn't make it again, didn't get back from London until 8. Any plans for leafleting or flyposting for demo?
yes.. there'll be city centre stalls on saturday 12th and local ones on the 19th.
will be flyposting but don't know where/when yet, got to organise that..

plans by IWW to go around in a camper van on sunday 20th (are you on the west mids iww mailing list? we've been talking about it there). take the message to the people etc..

I hope there will be more leafleting being done locally, I know you're in touch with the stirchley/cotteridge group so see what goes on there.
Plans to leaflet at train stations were mentioned at the meeting tonight
I'll probably wander around my local area sticking leaflets through doors.. maybe along with an IWW "the only cuts we need" one as well (said leaflet doesn't exist yet mind)
This evening - Surrey

Tues Feb 8th - 8.30am Lobby of Surrey County Council. Organised by SC Unison & Save our Services. (County Hall, Penrhyn Rd, KT1)
yes.. there'll be city centre stalls on saturday 12th and local ones on the 19th.
will be flyposting but don't know where/when yet, got to organise that..

plans by IWW to go around in a camper van on sunday 20th (are you on the west mids iww mailing list? we've been talking about it there). take the message to the people etc..

I hope there will be more leafleting being done locally, I know you're in touch with the stirchley/cotteridge group so see what goes on there.
Plans to leaflet at train stations were mentioned at the meeting tonight
I'll probably wander around my local area sticking leaflets through doors.. maybe along with an IWW "the only cuts we need" one as well (said leaflet doesn't exist yet mind)

Cool. I may be in town on Sat, def be in Cotteridge on Sun.

Demonstrate Against the Cuts
Saturday 12th Feb
Midday - Assemble on Parker's Piece
The march will be followed by the 2nd Cambridge General Assembly in the McCrum Leacture Theatre (on Benet Street next to the Eagle pub) from 2pm-4pm.
The first General Assembly, in the occupied Old Schools building in December, was an inspiring event that drew in over 300 people from a variety of backgrounds - school students, university students, academics, trade unionists, pensioners, and other activists.
In this second assembly we will be looking forward to how to continue the fight against the cuts; in particular, looking at how we can build for the national demonstration on Saturday 26th March.
Come along and join the discussion!

Various demo's against the Lib Dem Spring Conference being organised by the Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance.

Friday 11 March, 4.30pm, demo outside the Town Hall
Saturday march 12 - events on Devonshire Green & march to the conference.

Unison are trying to sabotage any campaign locally, with the branch officeers threatening to mail all members telling them not to attend any demo's because they've been 'hijacked' by the far left who want to make trouble. The wankers.

Also, protest at the council budget meeting on March 4th, also outside the Town Hall. From 11 am.

And finally, most union members should be able to get free transport down to London on the 26th either via their own union, or the Trades Council. PM me for details.
Anybody wanna ambush a Tory?:This just in on HAPS network;

Public Meeting on Spending Cuts
6.30pm on 24th March at the Gladys Child Theatre, Southgate College

Please come and have your say about the spending cuts by the Council and Government.

Difficult decisions are being made to deal with the huge debt inherited from the previous Government. I want to ensure that we focus limited taxpayers’money on supporting the vulnerable and foster an economy which is built on sustainable growth and not unsustainable debt. As Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP, Minister for Government Policy, I have a good opportunity to make your voice heard at the heart of Government. I would encourage you therefore to come to Southgate College on 24th March at 6:30pm for a chance to discuss this very important issue.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes

David Burrowes MP
Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate
PPS to The Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP
Waltham Forest
19 February at 12:00 at Abbots Park, Leyton
DEMONSTRATE!!! Waltham Forest Anti-Cuts Union has called a demo against all cuts in jobs and services Saturday 1...9 February Assemble 12 noon at Abbots Park, Leyton March to the town square ...Bring placards, banners, Email anticutsunionwf@gmail.com for leaflets, posters etc
Sell Out Simon!
Tomorrow 11:00 at Liverpool community college duke street
Simon Hughes, the deputy leader of the Lib Dem party is popping along to Liverpool Community College this Friday.... This is the same man who abstained from the tuition fee's vote & voted to scrap EMA. This is the same man, who in September came to LCC Arts college & did not once mention the cuts that have NOW hit the college. Last week, support staff were informed that many of them will have to re-apply for the jobs that many of them have had for years. Others face re-deployment. Others face dismissal. This could happen at any time in the next few weeks. These cuts are real, they WILL affect you, they WILLl affect Liverpool. Mr Hughes needs to see that Liverpool's youth will not tolerate this, we will not take these cuts lying down, we will stand united with public sector workers and college staff and fight these devastating and scandalous cuts. Duke Street college is the catering & Beauty college right by China town arches! It is also home to a high proportion of ESOL students, which is also under threat from fund cuts!
For (North?) London Activists

Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services and Haringey Alliance for Public Services are supporting a meeting to bring together borough alliances against cuts, from across London. There is an idea is to create a London Wide Alliance of Borough Anti Cuts Groups ( or similarly named ). There are no concrete proposals as yet and personally I think the first meeting should just be introductions and ideas sharing. Maybe we could aim to get a London websote up and running for now with details of groups and events

We have a room at The Cock Tavern booked for Wednesday 2nd March between 7-9 but have just heard that that may be the night of the Hackney Council big cuts announcements

So I have also provisonally booked the WEA near Old Street for the 9th March (£30) and George at Camden Unison is also trying to book the 9th March at Camden Town Hall (Free!) confirmation details to follow asap

So please get back with shows of interest and also if you can fill in any details I am missing from below ( I went thru the False Economy and COR websites)
I have missed off local RTW groups as I believe they are all affiliated to borough alliances

And for now some dates of major Lobbies at Cuts making meetings

Islington 17th Feb
Tower Hamlets 23rd Feb
Camden Monday 28th Feb
Hackney prov Wednesday 2nd March
[+ Haringey 24th Feb]
[+ Lewisham 19th Feb]

Cheers Glyn Harries Joint Secretary Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services

please respond to hackneyalliance@hotmail.co.uk

or via your local groups-PM me for email addys of other groups
This Saturday (12th Feb)
Discussion with Councillors Michael Lavalette (independent socialist, Preston), Charlynne Pullen (Labour, Islington) and Dave Nellist (Socialist Party, Coventry) and John McDonnell MP chairing the debate.


Maybe councillors could help resist the cuts by addressing a rally and march called by the local TUC in their own ward, rather than wandering around London helping build the profile of the SWP? This is the more appropriate link methinks:
Kensington & Chelsea

Meeting of the Kensington & Chelsea Anti-Cuts campaign
Wednesday 16th February 2011
6:30pm to 8:30pm
The London Lighthouse, Lancaster Road, W11 1QT
Speakers include: Tony Benn, Bob Crow (RMT), Alex Kenny (NUT Executive), Pamela Dominey (Unison steward)

The Council will be announcing approximately 200 redundancies, with proposed closures of an Older People’s Day Centre and Mental Health befriending schemes, the privatisation of Mental Health Day Centres and cuts in Family & Children Services, including Youth Services.
talk about building the profile of the swp, and then post a link ti their site ... ;)

It was to indicate that this type of event is considered more important than action in the area they are supposed to represent. I previously posted the Preston event, for which I make no apology, that is at the same time (and in said councillor's own ward). The committee have asked him to speak - he has turned them down because he's at an SWP co-organised event in London - he has not been publicised to speak at that until now (so it's not a longstanding engagement).

The SWP do actually have another elected councillor who never speaks on their behalf - maybe he could have been asked.
Well, he certainly used to be an SWP member, but has not been mentioned by them since 2007 and signed a declaration of interest in 2009 describing himself as a member of Respect. Maybe he's been forgotten about by the SWP or no-one's told him they've left Respect (but I bet his name was included in the number of members reported at the conference last month!). The other two SWP councillors pre 2007 split, in Tower Hamlets, are now famously ensconced in the Tory and Labour Parties!
funny how you never criticised Galloway for doing basically the same thing when he was an MP.

But, why dont you just keep your pathetic sectarian whining to another thread, eh?
funny how you never criticised Galloway for doing basically the same thing when he was an MP.

But, why dont you just keep your pathetic sectarian whining to another thread, eh?

I think you must be confused.

It was the SWP that refused to criticise Galloway when they were in Respect.

SR criticised Galloway, in public, for missing a key parliamentary vote on the 'terrorism' bill, and for going on Big Brother where he missed countless meetings. SR supporter Liam Macuaid publicly criticised Galloway for his lack of presence in Tower Hamlets while an MP.


Even when SR defended Galloway against the SWP, this was always couched in the criticism of his lack of accountability and absences, eg

"too often we find out what George is doing - appearing in Big Brother (the most controversial with many of us); not standing for Parliament next time; standing for Parliament next time; standing for the European Parliament, etc - from the media, and not through Respect, and when it is already to late for a collective approach.

The NC has no involvement, that we are aware of, in what George does in Parliament. We need to connect the work in the councils and in Parliament more directly to the leadership bodies. Officers or NC members are unable to take responsibility for what the organisation does in these important areas of work unless they are well informed about it. "
For (North?) London Activists

Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services and Haringey Alliance for Public Services are supporting a meeting to bring together borough alliances against cuts, from across London. There is an idea is to create a London Wide Alliance of Borough Anti Cuts Groups ( or similarly named ). There are no concrete proposals as yet and personally I think the first meeting should just be introductions and ideas sharing. Maybe we could aim to get a London websote up and running for now with details of groups and events

Not just North, this is London wide - we got the invite the other day as did many other south london boroughs
as you arent in SR, what they say has nothing to do with you, does it?

Anyway, back to the point...

I think you must be confusing SR with the ISG, which no longer exists ...

I realise that the pace of events is very fast these days, but do try to keep up!

As for the getting back to the point ... I'm quite looking forward to actually demonstrating against the cuts tomorrow, rather than sitting cooped up in a room in London with a bunch of sectarians arguing the toss about which of their various fronts is the best. Unlike in Manchester two weeks ago hopefully we'll be able to have some contact with a few ordinary people too!
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