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Regional anti-cuts organising

Mandy Destroys World Capitalism

Mandy Destroys World Capitalism reveals the dark heart of the credit crunch. And explains how Mandy Jones, a miners daughter, brought down Bankster Securities and the entire banking system to destroy world capitalism.

A black comedy with drama at its heart, this play went down great in Manchester. Come along and enjoy.

In partnership with Artists of Resistance and Lewisham Anti-Cuts Alliance and the White Circle theatre company.

Professional actors and direction.

All profits to the anti-cuts movement

Entry just £5

19 March · 19:00 - 22:00
Albany Theatre Douglas Way. Deptford. London SE8 4AG

What: Anti Cuts Action Bristol public meeting
When: Monday 31st Jan
Where: The Factory, 3 Cave street off Portland Square, St Pauls
When: 7.30pm

There will be a feedback presentation about the Network-X gathering and a discussion on where the autonomous anti- cuts movement can go next. Also to propose the idea of hosting the next network-x gathering in Bristol. If you want to get involved with whats happening in the anti-cuts movement, get involved with organisng the next network-x gathering and find out about groups mobilising against the cuts in the region then come along!
(that's south wales for those that don't know)

An all wales mobilisation of trade unions and community groups to demonstrate against the cuts. Supported by UNISON, PCS, UNITE, GMB and local trades council.

Meet 11:30 am, main entrance to Ynysangharad park, to be followed by a march through town an ending with a rally in the Muni Arts Centre.

Intended to be a protest against the cuts in general, but recent events in the local council (rhondda cynon taff) will be motivating some to focus their anger closer to home.
the next budget setting council meeting in lewisham has been moved from the usual (and previously planned) 7:30pm in the evening to 10am in the morning

at the last one (the 'riot') the police had to close down the main through route for the south circular road to 'defend' the town hall - if that was to happen again at this time of day it would turn into a fairly effective economic blockade, restricting the movement of goods & labour power through one of the busiest roads/through points in the area - if they don't close it down it would make it very difficult for them to do what they did last time
i looked but the dark blue background and black text combined with the content ("don't fight every cut unless you want to look like a total canute" ho ho very funny) just made my eyes bleed.


Speech & language therapists strike. Visit their picket line – Sunshine House, 27 Peckham Road SE5 8UH from 8.30am onwards, with a rally at 12 noon just across the road from Sunshine House at Lucas Gardens, opposite Southwark Town Hall.
Birmingham - Ian Duncan-Smith is visiting Sparkhill Job Centre on Friday (4th Feb), join the welcoming party - 10:30am.. Corner of Highgate Rd and Stoney Lane, B12 8AF

On Saturday, Save Birmingham Youth Service is doing a rally in Chamberlain Square from 1pm, Jack Dromey MP and Cllr Salma Yaqoob are speaking at it.

Please come and join in the library read-ins on the 5th Feb across Oxfordshire, called by Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance. Please contact jim_cranshaw@yahoo.co.uk for further info

Littlemore library 10 am

with Sally Nicholls

Bampton library 10 am

with Mary Hoffman

Blackbird leys library 11 am

with special guest

Botley library 11.30

with Julia Golding

Central library 12 noon

with Philip Pullman
DAVID WILLETTS is coming to Queen Mary University today - 12am on the Whitechapel Campus - PROTEST! Please share and pass on!
Cardiff / South Wales TONIGHT Thurs 3 Feb

for some reason (some explanation in the Cymru/Wales forum thread) there are 2 anti cuts meetings on in Cardiff tonight about a mile or so apart


Cardiff Rally Against The Cuts

Transport House, Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9SB

February 3rd

7.00 pm

Speakers include:

ANDY RICHARDS (Welsh Regional Secreatry, Unite the Union)

MARK DRAKEFORD (Sociology lecturer at Cardiff uni and Welsh assembly candidate for Cardiff West)
POLLY WHITWORTH (FE student who led mass walkouts against education cuts)

CHRIS BAMBERY (Secretary of the Right to Work Campaign)

BECKY HAINES (Cardiff People First disability rights group)

EAMON KELLY (UCU member at Newport Uni where 239 redundancies have just been announced)

And a report on the fantastic popular revolution in Tunisia.

Sponsored by Unite the union,

Backed by PCS Wales, FBU Wales, CWU Wales, Keep The Post Public, UCU Newport and others.

The Con-Dem coalition aims to roll back the welfare state, slash our living standards and education, attack our pensions and to drive up unemployment.

The cuts affect us all. In Wales 300 workers at Newport
passport office face the sack, over 200 lecturers are oosing their jobs at Newport Uni, 10,000 council workers in the Rhondda could have their contracts ripped up and students in Cardiff are having whole university courses scrapped.

We need to respond with protests, direct action and strikes.

Recent student protests have been an inspiration both locally and nationally. As Len McCluskey, the leader of Unite, has said:
"Their mass protests against the tuition fees increase have refreshed the political parts a hundred debates, conferences and resolutions could not reach".

As the movement develops their is a growing call for unity. We are inviting all local anti cuts campaigns and trade unions to join and help organise this event. There are series of key dates to discuss, most importantly the national TUC demonstration on 26 March.
We need to come together and make sure that every part of our movement bends it’s back to make that day the biggest mobilisation of workers and students for decades.

Organise, resist and fight back!


Cardiff Against The Cuts meeting

The movement against the cuts is building momentum. RMT train drivers working for Arriva Trains Wales were striking on the 27th December in protest at unfair pay, CWU members from around the UK will converge on David Cameron's constituency in January to protest against plans to privatise Royal Mail, both the NUT and UCU education unions are discussing balloting for strike action against cuts to pension entitlements - as are PCS - and in every workplace, college and university there's discussion and debate about how to stop this vicious government in its tracks.

Students linking up with university lecturers, school students taking action alongside their teachers, alongside action by other workers could defeat these attacks.

If we can unite the forces fighting back - by making sure the demonstration on the 26th March is as big as possible - we can build a movement to stop the cuts. Come to the meeting and help plan the campaign.
When Thu 3 Feb 19:30 – 21:30 London
Where Upstairs O'Neills, St. Marys Street, Cardiff
Brimingham - Cotteridge/Stirchley

Protest to save Cotteridge Neighbourhood Office
Last Sunday 12 local activists joined in a visual protest, campaign stall and petitioning, to raise awareness and kick off the campaign to defend our neighbourhood offices.

Read Tom's excellent report here:
more pics here:

Call out to all local people who want to stop the cuts!

After the protest, activists got together to decide on what to do next:

*Further visual protest and stall at Cotteridge Neighbourhood Office, Sunday 13th Feb 11am

*Street stall on Saturday 19th Feb, 11am, Stirchley Co-op

*Lobby of local councillors' surgery where we will present the petition, Friday Feb 25th 5pm
(please make sure you get them returned before this date, either drop at the neighbourhood office or the UNISON branch 19th floor, Maclaren Building, Dale End)

*February public meeting
(date and time tbc, we will be doing door to door leafletting to build this)

*Coach from Stirchley to the March 26th TUC March for the Alternative
(email back to book tickets)

We also decided on a number of activities which still need to be confirmed, if you want to help organise these, get in touch:

*Wednesday lunchtime stall and leafleting with staff at Cotteridge Neighbourhood office
(if you're free on Wednesday lunchtimes, email back which ones and we will arrange a date asap)

*Leafletting Rea Meadow community day nursery - community day nurseries are again under threat, we want to get parents involved and start defense campaigns where we can
(again, email back if you are free on a week day morning to leaflet parents and this will be arranged)

Get involved!

We would like to invite all individuals and organisations who want to help defend local services to join us in creating a broad, well rooted community campaign - all welcome!

If you want to get involved in this and other local anti-cuts campaigning please email stirchleyanticuts [at] gmail.com
(or birminghamagainstthecuts [at] gmail.com if you want to contact your local group or set up a new one)

apol for the c+p, on lunchbreak and no time, just thought I'd get this up
FBU Members meetings - across the UK: http://www.firebrigadesunion.org.uk/?p=1505#more-1505

21 February – West Sussex
21 February – FBU regional office, East Sussex
22 February – Abbey Rangers, Addlestonemoor (next to Chertsey fire station)
22 February – Kent

4 March – Wortley Hall, South Yorkshire
16 March – Colwyn Bay fire station, North Wales
17 March – Cardiff Central fire station, South Wales
17 March – The Red Lion Morriston, Swansea, Mid & West Wales
21 March – Region 12
23 March – Region 6

Some venues to be confirmed. Speak to local brigade officials for details.

Meetings already held:
17 January – Malvern fire station, Hereford & Worcester
17 January – Telford fire station, Shropshire
18 January – West Bromwich fire station, West Midlands
18 January – Rugby fire station, Warwickshire
Liverpool & Bath March against cuts today. (Liverpool 11am Town Hall & Bath Assemble at noon at the Abbey)
Campaign for public libraries - day of action in most libraries today. Speak to staff and give them your support.
South East Region Anti-Cuts Day School Hosted by Brighton Stop the Cuts
19 February · 10:00 - 17:00
Location Falmer House, University of Sussex, Brighton

The Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition is holding a day school against the cuts on the 19th February. We are working with and encouraging activists from groups across the South East and those who haven't a group in their area.

The agenda is still being finalised, but we will be hearing from Pat Sikorski RMT Assistant General Secretary, and have sessions including: Fighting Cuts in Local Government, Benefits, Health, Education, Anti-cuts Economics, The case for public ownership, Political representation, forming and building anti-cuts groups in your area.

Registration will be from 10am, a full agenda will be out shortly. Please invite activists from across the area. We are planning to provide creche facilities, music after and there is a bar...


As you’ve probably heard by now Lambeth Council will be meeting over the next few weeks in order to put the final touches to budget cuts of nearly £40 million. Cuts on this scale will devastate public services within the Borough; and, it’ll be working class people who feel the bruising brunt of this destruction of the welfare state.

A group of concerned Lambeth residents and workers in the Borough including Lambeth TUC, SOS, Lambeth Pan Disability Forum, Defend Council Housing, Lambeth Pensioners’ Group, Black Activists Against the Cuts, Unite, Unison and PCS members and others will be marching on the Town Hall on Monday 7th February to express our anger at the proposed destruction of our public services.

We want hundreds, if not thousands, of people to attend; we want people to march and show solidarity against the vicious cuts about to be inflicted upon us. If enough of us cry out the same message “NO TO THESE UNECCESSARY CUTS!” we might just effect change.

So, please assemble at Lambeth ACCORD 336 Brixton Road London SW9 7AA on Monday 7th February 2011 at 5 pm.


Preston Against the Cuts
Public Outcry!
Public Rally

12th February at 12.00 o’clock
Preston Flag Market

The Condem Government tells us:

 There is a deficit crisis in the UK
 That we are spending beyond our means
 That the solution to this deficit crisis is to cut public spending.
 To accept the consequences by volunteering, pay freezes, the privatisation of our health service, support services and the education of our children.

It is often said that a society is measured on how well it treats its young, its old, its sick and most vulnerable. If we accept these measures being proposed by the Condem Government, we will be providing a future for our children shrouded in debt. We will be condemning them to a life where health care comes at a premium cost for those that can afford it and for those that cannot, the future is very bleak.

Our parents and grandparents fought for a better future:

 One that was based on fairness,
 With a health service that was based on the needs of the individual and not on the pounds in our pockets
 A society that supported and provided for those who are most vulnerable.
 For a decent standard of education for all, not based on your postcode or birthright but on your ability and determination.
What logic is there in selling off these vital public services and paying a private company to provide them? Their motivation is going to be profit, profit for individuals. These funds should be invested back into services to improve them.

We need to stop the privatisation of our services and care. Services and Care, which we need when we are most vulnerable, and when we are least able to stand up for ourselves.

We should never forget that it was the banking sector that caused the recession, and is ultimately responsible for the huge debts that the UK has amassed. Despite causing the crisis, the banking sector has escaped any significant regulation, and bankers are again awarding themselves huge bonuses.
 There is no need for cuts to public services or further privatisations
 Creating jobs will boost the economy and cut the deficit. Cutting jobs will damage the economy and increase the deficit
 We should invest in areas such as housing, renewable energy and public transport
 We should pursue the £120 billion tax gap of evaded, avoided and uncollected tax
 We should use the £850 billion in banking assets that the UK holds from the bailout
 We should introduce the Robin Hood Tax
 We should end the use of expensive consultants in the public sector
What can we do?
 We call on the County Council and the Borough Council to object to making cuts
 Lobby your MP against the cuts
 Attend the rally in London on March 26th
 Write to the papers, send messages to internet sites, and phone into radio and television stations condemning the cuts and telling them how you will be affected
Cuts will cost lives!

Unison council workers have voted to have a strike ballot over cuts, this was done by a show of hands at mass members meetings earlier this week, attended by 3000 council workers I guess.


They also filled 6 coaches for the TUC demo in March at the meetings.

I would guess the strike ballot will pass resoundingly when they have it, I don't know when that is, but I will update as soon as I hear anything more.
Tower Hamlets anti-cuts meeting

"Nearly 200 people came to a meeting in Bow, east London, on Thursday 3 February to protest against cuts in services. The event was organised by the Tower Hamlets council joint unions.
Tower Hamlets, which is now run by a newly elected mayor and his cabinet, is proposing to axe vital services, including closing whole departments, as well as cutting hundreds of jobs this year alone."
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