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Regional anti-cuts organising

Lancashire (Updated)

Protests Planned as County Council to Vote on Service-Slashing Budget

Stop the Cuts Protests are planned throughout Lancashire as Lancashire County Council faces a vote on plans to cut £179.1m from its budget over the next three years.

According to their budget proposals, which you can view on the LCC website here the brunt of the pain is to be born by the Social Services. Care Services to elderly and disabled people are already feeling the impact, as 'moderate' care needs, cleaning, cooking and shopping, are no longer part of the LCC assessment, leaving only personal, physical care and frozen dinners.

Care agencies are reeling from the loss of clients, as many frail, elderly people can simply not afford paid help out of shrinking pensions.

Virtual-Lancaster has been informed that disabled people with medical conditions may find their care needs reclassified as ‘health care needs’ and some are having services withdrawn and being referred over to the NHS for assessment with a view to negotiating a new NHS package of care. It’s a way of moving the strain onto the NHS budget.

Children & Young People’s Services are being cut back, and subsidised bus routes dropped. Both central and local government funding for voluntary agencies and charities is affected with the Citizens Advice Bureau facing a potential loss of 45% of its funding – a disaster for an organisation which is already overstretched as demand grows for its services to people in financial crisis. One Voice has lost its disabled hub premises at Cornerstones off Dalton Square and is now resettling into St Leonard’s House.

On Thursday 17 February the full Lancashire County Council meets at 1.00pm in Preston to decide whether to approve the cuts as laid out in the plans, for a £71.7m saving in 2011-12, followed by a further £50m in 2012-13 and another £57.4m in 2013-14 - a total of £179.1m over the next three years. Protesters will rally at County Hall at noon.

An all-Lancashire protest against these proposals is to take place in Preston Flag Market at noon on Saturday 12 February. Lancashire is one of the counties hardest hit by the coalition government cuts in funding to Local Authorities. Critics claim that the Conservative majority on the County Council are too accepting of the Conservative-led government’s distaste for channelling public money towards people outside their millionaires' circle of overpaid tax-dodgers.

I'm off on a school trip next week so I'm going to post a few different things here for stuff over the next couple of weeks


Refuse workers have voted to take further industrial action, not sure when strikes will be but I'll keep things updated here when I do.

Saturday 12th

Stalls in city centre from 12-2 and in Kings Heath from 11-1. Promoting Birmingham Against the Cuts public meeting next week and demo on the 26th, save the nhs, CROSSBrum, unison Save our neighbourhood offices...

Sunday 13

Save Our Neighbourhood offices stall & visual protest (they put cardboard over the windows of the neighbourhood office, works surprisingly well to attract attention), Cotteridge Island from 11am

Thurs 17th 19:30, council house.

Brum Against the Cuts public meeting.. Speakers: Cllr Salma Yaqoob (respect, Sparkhill & Sparkbrook); Caroline Johnson (Unison, City Council branch); Paul Mackney (ex Gen sec of UCU); Martin Empson (Campaign for Climate Change, talking about green jobs for growth rather than climate change) & John Lister (Health Emergency).
Plus some speakers from local campaigns and contributions from the floor.

imo should be a decent public meeting, some good speakers, Caroline from Unison should be interesting as Unison are preparing for a strike ballot which will hopefully see much of Birmingham city council going on strike. John Lister from Health Emergency speaking about the Nhs would be interesting too. Only concern is that they have too many speakers and there won't be enough time for each of them.

Saturday 19th Stalls for BATC in local areas over the city - pm me if you want to know who to contact to join someone in your area (or do a stall yourself if we haven't got one in your area already)

Monday 21st February: Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts (BARAC) Public Meeting – 6:30pm, African Caribbean Millenium Centre, 339 Dudley Road, Winson Green, Birmingham B18 4HB

Saturday 26th Say No To Council Cuts demonstration/rally - 12noon Birmingham Cathedral, St. Philips Place.. march route & speakers tbc

hopefully this will be quite a sizable demo, with thousands of council workers making up the bulk of it, but it's been arranged rather quickly so I'm concerned that other people won't know about it. Budget meeting takes place on the following Tuesday (1st Mar), and there will also be a demo outside the council house from 2pm on the 1st. I hope there will be demonstrations inside the council house as well, but I won't be able to get there until later on, after work, so I've no idea if anything will happen on that score, esp. since the council have started locking their doors whenever a demo comes anywhere near.

Some public sector unions will be leafleting / holding a stunt on Monday 14th Feb (valentines day) under the theme of 'Love public Services', there will be a stunt outside the town council at 2pm and then leafleting of new street station at 4:30 to 6pm to catch commuters

afaik this is PCS and Unison, no idea what is going to happen though.
Big rally/march in bristol this Saturday - Castle Park to College Green 11 am kick off. If you see a handsome chap going round easton delivering march leaflets this afternoon, that's me. If you're a lib-dem come up and say hello.
Lewisham this week:-

Thursday 17th - Lobby of the Mayor & Cabinet at 8am (the cowards have moved their cabinet & council times for all meetings concerning budgets from the usual 7:30pm to 9am to stop the public attending)

Saturday 19th - The Carnival - Protests/Focus Points at 23 different places around the borough from 11 till 12 and then they all join up for a procession starting at 1pm from Catford townhall to the Lewisham grassy knoll
Here's a list of them all - Probably the one at Catford Library might be the best, as that's right opposite the town hall where all the other ones will make their way to at 12:30 for the procession thing, so will be more activity around there i'd imagine (I'm doing the one at Downham - Tess Culnane's territory!)


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Middlesbrough rally, 300 is that the socialist worker report? I would guess about 200 not bad considering the level of organisation and stage of the cuts on Teesside.

Haringey Defend Council Housing invites you to

Lobby Lynne Featherstone MP

from 3.45 pm, Friday 18th February,

Hornsey Central Library, Haringey Park, Crouch End, N8 9JA

The Coalition government intends to cut Housing Benefit, cut decent homes spending, introduce near-market renting by housing associations, and introduce new time-limited council and housing association tenancies in place of permanent tenancies.
All of these policies will have a devastating effect on the lives and life-chances of local people. None of them were included in the Conservative or Liberal Democrat election manifestos.
In opposition, Lynne Featherstone signed Early Day Motions supporting investment in council housing, and opposing attacks on our security of tenure. Why has she changed her mind now?
Come along to support this lobby of Lynne Featherstone’s surgery, where a delegation will be meeting Ms Featherstone at 4.00pm.
Bring your neighbours and friends - bring banners and placards.
More information from

Paul Burnham

Haringey Defend Council Housing
To all interested:pM me for Paul's contact details
Here's a list of them all - Probably the one at Catford Library might be the best, as that's right opposite the town hall where all the other ones will make their way to at 12:30 for the procession thing, so will be more activity around there i'd imagine (I'm doing the one at Downham - Tess Culnane's territory!)
ta for that.Yes, catford looks right
e2a; Now to find a BEEG saucepan!:D
Stirchley and cotteridge against the cuts public meeting
Wed 23rd feb,7:30 pm
Cotteridge church, cotteridge island

Day care centre for the elderly at the church under threat as council withdraws funding, also the cotteridge neighborhood office facing closure
Thursday 17th, public meeting
7:30 pm, council house
Cllr salma yaqoob, respect party
Caroline johnson, unison council branch
Paul mackney (? Iirc applies on his name), ex gen sec ucu
Martin empson, campaign for climate change, talking about green jobs for growth
John lister, health emergency

Plus speakers from local campaigns and contributions from the floor

The next planning meeting of birmingham against the cuts should be on tuesday 22nd at 18;30 in unison offices,19th floor mclaren tower
Brighton - loads on here:

TODAY (16th Feb) 6pm at Friends Meeting House.
Demonstrate at the 'consultation' meeting which is part of the process of breaking up the NHS. These so called reforms will massively damage our health service in the interests of opening it up for private profit. Please try to make it down.

17th Feb Council Cabinet meeting lobby against Portslade Academy plans 3:30pm Hove Town Hall. Once again privatisation is the driving force behind the break up of our public services. Say no to schools being run by private business people. Yes to community schools, they work!

19th Feb Zombie Kids Against The Cuts! Demo, Lewes Precinct Midday, dress as a zombie...

Sunday 27th Feb Fund Raising All Day Gig from 11am. Upstairs at the Albert. Relax, listen to a wide range of great music, support the campaign.

3rd March Full Brighton Council meeting, demo and rally. Assemble 3pm Outside Kings House Grand Avenue. Rally from 4pm at Brighton Town Hall

10th March Keep Our Forests Public Meeting 7pm Brighthelm

19th March Keep the Post Public Bus tour and Brighton demonstration. 12:30pm at the Level.

20th March Keep Our Forest Public Demo/ramble Friston Forest final details TBC

26th March TUC Demo. Email your union branch or the trades council for coach seats.

Hi all a final reminder it is the Hackney Alliance's "Hackney Marches Against the Cuts" march this Saturday 19th February.

We are assembling at Somerford Grove/Stoke Newington Road at 12 midday, with some short speeches, then to march noisily through Dalston and over to Hackney for a rally there at 2pm.

It is vitally important for the anti-cuts campaign that as many people attend this as possible. We have seen recent marchs in Haringey and Islington of c.1000 people and of course we would like to, and expect to, beat our north london neighbours!

Birmingham against the cuts local stalls and leafleting
Sat 19th
for details, i'm on my phone and c&p'ing it all is too difficult

There was a good response to the stall in the city centre last saturday now it's time to build in local areas and hopefully start up a few more local groups like stirchley and cotteridge against the cuts
Lewisham this week:-

Thursday 17th - Lobby of the Mayor & Cabinet at 8am (the cowards have moved their cabinet & council times for all meetings concerning budgets from the usual 7:30pm to 9am to stop the public attending)

Saturday 19th - The Carnival - Protests/Focus Points at 23 different places around the borough from 11 till 12 and then they all join up for a procession starting at 1pm from Catford townhall to the Lewisham grassy knoll

also happening today is the Goldsmiths teach in followed by a public rally that starts at 6.30


Hi all a final reminder it is the Hackney Alliance's "Hackney Marches Against the Cuts" march this Saturday 19th February.

We are assembling at Somerford Grove/Stoke Newington Road at 12 midday, with some short speeches, then to march noisily through Dalston and over to Hackney for a rally there at 2pm.

It is vitally important for the anti-cuts campaign that as many people attend this as possible. We have seen recent marchs in Haringey and Islington of c.1000 people and of course we would like to, and expect to, beat our north london neighbours!
shit,that clashes with Lewisham

Time: 23 February · 18:00 - 21:00
Location: Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill
Created by: Lambeth Save our Services

On the 23rd February Lambeth Council meets in full to vote on its proposed budget and we, Lambeth Save Our Services, will be protesting against it, just as we did on the 7th February when hundreds protested at the last cabinet meeting.

What is getting cut?

Almost every council service, anything up to 1000 council workers, 25% of all staff, this includes:
The entire park ranger service
The entire school crossing patrol service which serves 24 schools
More cuts in Children’s Services
Libraries budget slashed – staff cut, Nettlefold hall closed, four of nine libraries under cuts consultation
Discretionary freedom passes for adults with mental health problems
Regeneration schemes on housing estates
Cuts and privatisation in adult social care
Lambeth and Lewisham Colleges to merge – massive cuts to local education
Reduction in highway maintenance levels and potholes
Rent rises whilst there are less staff to keep estates safe, clean and in decent state of repair
Maintenance of the borough’s parks, cemeteries and crematoria is to be scaled back.
Street cleaning levels reduced
Many cultural events scrapped
Three out of four Public toilets to close
Noise nuisance service
Reduction in the Faith Engagement Programme, which helps to support events such as Holocaust Memorial Day and Peace on the Streets and other community events and projects.
Any much more. For more info see the council website (400+ pages!) or check this websites for Cutswatch updates

For more info see http://lambethsaveourservices.org/2...il-cuts-budget-vote-demonstate-protest-lobby/
Liverpool: Lobby Of Culture Minister
Tomorrow 17:00 at Liverpool Walker Art Gallery. William Brown Street Liverpool.
Tory Culture Minister Ed Vaizey, is visiting Liverpool, and the Walker Art Gallery. While the Con/Dem goverment ...cut our services to shreds, including Libraries the Arts and Culture.The Lobby is being organised by the PCS Union whose members will be bearing the brunt of the cuts in job losses. Please bring your Banners and tell Vaizey !No to cuts in jobs and services !
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