most local authorities have a rule that people who are 'at risk' will be given priority interviews for any vacancies that come up (sometimes if there's a lot of redundancies going on, then they will sometimes put jobs round internally before advertising publicly) - it can be of limited use if you're in a specialised line of work, although some people - and that includes hiring managers - are better than others at thinking about transferrable skills / experience.
there may also be a process about offering training to help people in to alternative roles.
i don't know if it still exists, but there also used to be a rule where if you got re-deployed in to a lower grade job, you'd keep your existing pay (in pounds rather than grade) for x amount of time, or until your new pay grade caught up with it.
and think you're entitled to 'reasonable' time off for interviews for other jobs while you're under notice.
a local authority will almost certainly have a redundancy / redeployment process, but they will vary a bit from one authority to another. you ought to be able to get hold of a copy, and union rep should know where to find it (and if local rep isn't sure, then they ought to refer you to or seek help from branch office or whatever.)
(all of the above subject to the disclaimer that it's a while since i was a UNISON rep who had anything to do with this sort of thing)
hope there's some good news somewhere soon.