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Do you work whisper?

Do you work whisper?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
The woman sitting next to me today was singing to herself, I couldn’t work out what it was though and didn’t think it polite to ask
Dunno about work specific whispers, I just whisper generally, well, more talk to myself, I don't whisper as such. I'm not at all like Brick from The Middle. It's almost like having a conversation with someone else, but it's just me rationalising something in my mind I suppose. I do it on paper too, sort of have a conversation with myself to sort something out in my head.
This is me too. Now I have a private office at home, I just constantly talk to myself - about what I've got to do, how to approach a specific task, what I might do next week, how my next trip to the office needs to go, just basically everything needs to be talked through before it's really been decided.

My wife does more of the whispering thing, but that's because she's in the house so there are more people that might overhear.
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