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Wearing sunglasses at work

I'm constantly whipping my sunglasses of because of that dammed ad :D it probably does help when you have to talk to people and there not looking at sunglasses
Not sunglasses, per se, but I do wear a peaked cap indoors.
Light glare into the upper part of my eyes gives me a headache - which rapidly transmutes into something stronger if old-style flickering fluorescent tubes are involved. Also, I can see the 50Hz "flicker" - especially when the tube is starting to fail.

I'm constantly whipping my sunglasses of because of that dammed ad :D it probably does help when you have to talk to people and there not looking at sunglasses

I know I am going to regret asking this but nonetheless. Why would a traffic warden care whether the people he's giving tickets to care whether they trust him or not?
in the late 90s was a guy at my school who stole a pair of sunglasses from a shop on holiday in Cornwall, I think, he was chased by the shop staff and ran away, and tragically died - possibly falling down a cliff - but I don’t remember

The shop then apparently advertised their products as “sunglasses to die for”, can recall a brief media furore but this is pre local paper internet news sites so can’t find a link
I know I am going to regret asking this but nonetheless. Why would a traffic warden care whether the people he's giving tickets to care whether they trust him or not?
I spend most of my day trying to get people to move on from double and single yellow lines on the main bus routes in Brighton and Hove.
Now I can go in full jobsworth move or your get a ticket ( in 5 minutes) or I can ask politely and get people to move slightly faster and avoid a needless confrontation.
Except on Regent Hill which is very steep very narrow covered in yellow lines like a box junction and no loading here at anytime signs and people still think they can wait there for 5mins most of Brighton and Hove buses go down that narrow road so there's a reason you can't park there. You can move which is what I want as it's actually one of the few places it's actually hazardous to park and there's no way in hell are we getting the tow truck in to move you or you can have an instant ticket more like 3 mins at the minimum.
So far everyone who has called my bluff has left when they realised they will get a ticket. As the bus CEO it's not about tickets it's trying to get people to stop parking in the way of buses
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I spend most of my day trying to get people to move on from double and single yellow lines on the main bus routes in Brighton and Hove.
Now I can go in full jobsworth move or your get a ticket ( in 5 minutes) or I can ask politely and get people to move slightly faster and avoid a needless confrontation.
Except on Regent Hill which is very steep very narrow covered in yellow lines like a box junction and no loading here at anytime signs and people still think they can wait there for 5mins most of Brighton and Hove buses go down that narrow road so there's a reason you can't park there.

Do you get any incentives to issue more tickets?
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no private firms are on commission those that do supermarket and block of flats carparks etc and really are a bunch of cowboys I work for work for the council centre of Brighton you might get questions asked if you come back with say less than 2 tickets an hour it's not exactly difficult to find people parking where there not suppoused to some of our guys really enjoy handing out tickets.
I'd rather you buggered off because your in the way. Although if you do park your immacluate Dodge pick up truck on double yellows I'm not going to feel sorry about giving you a ticket:D

apprantly are jobs could be a theat but everyone laughed at that in the morning briefing :D😢
no private firms are on commission those that do supermarket and block of flats carparks etc and really are a bunch of cowboys I work for work for the council centre of Brighton you might get questions asked if you come back with say less than 2 tickets an hour it's not exactly difficult to find people parking where there not suppoused to some of our guys really enjoy handing out tickets.
I'd rather you buggered off because your in the way. Although if you do park your immacluate Dodge pick up truck on double yellows I'm not going to feel sorry about giving you a ticket:D

apprantly are jobs could be a theat but everyone laughed at that in the morning briefing :D😢

I always blow raspberries at traffic wardens if I spot them in time.

Do you get much abuse?
I'd rather you buggered off because your in the way. Although if you do park your immacluate Dodge pick up truck on double yellows I'm not going to feel sorry about giving you a ticket:D

apprantly are jobs could be a theat but everyone laughed at that in the morning briefing :D😢

I've a vague memory of reading that when traffic wardens were first introduced (initially they were employed by police forces, but were not police officers), they were told that their efficiency would not be judged on how many tickets they issue, but on how little illegal parking there was.

Depends how this is funded - if some posts have specifically been funded by government's bus service improvement plan (BSIP) fund, this is only funded to march 2025 (it was something the johnson era government came up with when various covid emergency funding streams came to an end, and they realised that bus services would collapse in many areas without some new funding.)

while councils have been told to start preparing plans for 2025 on, it's going to be the next government (of whatever political colour that is) who makes decisions what / where / how much to fund for round 2.
not much the occasional idiot strangely it's the ones on a power Trip or young women who seem to get all the abuse. I've been abused by senior NCO's your unlikely to get under my skin. I've turned up on my bicycle told Mr shouty he's now on camera again usually they calm down or charge off at high speed which would be impressive if they didn't have to stop at the junction 100m down the road.
it's more stressful realising you could react but you cant otherwise they'd have you badge and gun.
what do you mean CEOs aren't meant to have guns? :D :rolleyes:
I've a vague memory of reading that when traffic wardens were first introduced (initially they were employed by police forces, but were not police officers), they were told that their efficiency would not be judged on how many tickets they issue, but on how little illegal parking there was.

Depends how this is funded - if some posts have specifically been funded by government's bus service improvement plan (BSIP) fund, this is only funded to march 2025 (it was something the johnson era government came up with when various covid emergency funding streams came to an end, and they realised that bus services would collapse in many areas without some new funding.)

while councils have been told to start preparing plans for 2025 on, it's going to be the next government (of whatever political colour that is) who makes decisions what / where / how much to fund for round 2.
the original traffic wardens had more powers but were part of the police and their were never enough of them to make a diffrence. Then the law changed and councils were responsible so we are Civil Enforcement Officers have less powers in the event of a nuclear war we can't be armed for example:D.
My role is funded by the department of transport as the "BUS CEO" the aim is to improve bus flow but by tackaling hot spots so I can never eat a kebab or get a decent haircut in Brighton :D
Right, well back on topic traffic people. I'm making my way back into the office for the first time since that OP tomorrow (and the 4th time ever) in order to attend the only normal person in my teams leaving do. I've purchased two grams of the finest shit coke the Albanians can supply for us to share. I've already sampled some and I shall be wearing sunglasses tomorrow when I get in around lunchtime I suspect. im a bit fucked.
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