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Rebuilding the Unions - the biggest task for the working class and the left?

And what's more I thought I was the poet - and when I read Rauschers praise for the shaky bucket - even better I realised I was...
poster342002 said:
The trouble is that when charges of "poor performance" are levelled at a member of staff, it's often because the line manager simply wants to throw their weight around, show "who'se boss" and big themselves up on a power trip by getting rid of someone by finding fault with EVERYTHING they do, moving goalposts, setting impossible deadlines and workloads etc - and they are usually backed up all the way by HR nomatter what the rigths and wrongs of the issue. It can't be right to make it easier for those arseholes to do that.

To be frank, if you as a union rep feel that "There needs to be a much stronger management culture within the public sector", I think it's time you thought about calling it a a day as a trade unionist. Maybe applying for a job in HR would be more your thing? The last thing the bedraggled TU movement needs is reps who think what's needed is an even stronger management.

When I talk about a stronger management culture I don't automatically mean "throw people out to reduce headcount." The problem we face at the moment is politically inspired job cuts where numbers have been plucked out of the air without the evidence to back it up.

Managers throwing their weight around, moving goalposts, imposing impossible workloads and undermining their staff is in my book weak management. In my experience HR want a solution to the problem that satisfies both sides. Sometimes that involves the person moving to another part of the organisation. I've seen competent members of staff crushed by incompetent managers. I've seen people blossom under the wings of inspirational managers after time spent under the hammer of poor managers.

Perhaps I should redefine Strong Management as "Effective Management."

Effective managers in my book will manage in such a way so as to allow their staff to reach their potential without completely compromising their own or organisations departments, values and objectives. They will ensure that they hire the best people not just for the job in hand but for the organisation as a whole. (That way you are less likely to come unstuck if you find you've taken on the wrong person.) Recruitment costs a lot of money which is why companies and organisations spend a lot of money on it (and is also why universities are reluctant to let students drop out - aside the fall in state funding.)

I would like to think that a "bedraggled" trade union movement could be rejuvinated by focussing on the issue of management given that this is where a lot of disputes seem to come from. Certainly many of my personal cases had management issues at the heart of them. I would love to see the PCS really getting a grip of this issue and being proactive amongst its members, many of whom remember are also managers themselves.

This means ensuring that organisations don't pay lip service to training and development but are really passionate about delivering it for their members to the extent that the members can feel the difference that it has made. I get depressed when I see the constant posters about "strikes" and "disputes." Yes, the current climate doesn't help at all, but I feel that there are other things - positive things that the union movement can be doing.

Unionising the migrant workforce in the UK I think would be a huge step as these people are some of the most exploited in the country. This could be a huge step towards improving social cohesion. I would also like to see the army of students in part-time employment join a "proper" trade union - i.e. one that you have to pay your subs for (even if it is a minimal contribution) so as to encourage the next generation of trade unionists.

Yes, I would still like to maintain the international links of the union movement, because trade unionism is an international movement. However, the rebuilding of the movement needs to begin at home and needs to start with a big "listening campaign."

Many people have said to me that they won't join the union either because it is too expensive or because they feel it won't make a difference to them. I would love for the union movement to focus on the latter and find out from people what sort of difference they would like the union movement to make and to start a debate to bring this "bedraggled" movement into the 21st century.

That does not mean giving up the fight against bad employers and greedy multinationals. Quite the opposite. It means updating the way we work and organise as a movement and as organisations. The language, literature and the methods of communication of 30 years ago have less ressonance with the mass of people today than of times gone by because the world has changed and it has changed dramatically.

The aims of trade unions - to represent and to improve the conditions for its members, remains the same. The methods of how they operate, and the world in which they operate, do not.
Fanciful and CR - when Stuart comes around shaking the bucket for a large chunk of your earnings (every month) I guess you just throw in the paycheck to finance your delusions.

There are less expensive ways to be a socialist.

Just think how much better your life could be if you didn't have to finance that office, the full timer, the costs of printing a vacuous journal that nobody reads, the trips abroad etc.

And you hand over the money without even having a coherent explanation of why you're doing it. I guess that's the saddest part.
Actually we have no full timers.
And anyway you claimed not to be a cynic.
Why not just go home and forget it? You're damaged. Scarred. Not to worry, take up knitting, put it down to life's rich tapestry.
You're like the sailor drunk on salt water, you know its bad for you, your constitution just isn't built for it, but you always want one more sip.
Remember your charity work is very fulfilling. Dwell on that thought and you'll be warm at night.
(btw you seem obsessed with money - is that why you've given up on the future of humanity?)
fanciful said:
Actually we have no full timers.
And anyway you claimed not to be a cynic.
Why not just go home and forget it? You're damaged. Scarred. Not to worry, take up knitting, put it down to life's rich tapestry.
You're like the sailor drunk on salt water, you know its bad for you, your constitution just isn't built for it, but you always want one more sip.
Remember your charity work is very fulfilling. Dwell on that thought and you'll be warm at night.
(btw you seem obsessed with money - is that why you've given up on the future of humanity?)

fanciful - I should tell you I am not the person you imagine me to be. Your vision is limited by the world you live in. I don't actually exist. I'm the creation of someone curious about your world. All the information I have is freely available on the internet. I was never in your little group. Nor would I want to be. I'm a writer and for your assistance with my writing I thank you and your friend CR.

Maybe someday you'll read the novel and recognize at least a part of yourself.
I very much doubt it. I think I've got you pretty much banged to rights. It requires no imagination to create you whatsoever, you're the sort of person who thinks they are a "writer".
I mean who seriously describes themselves as that?
This is the internet Bill. My sign on name can be anything. Also there's a lot of info - your history, your treasurer, stuart king, dave hughes, stocking and now Keith and his theories of the state. You just have no idea who you are talking to. But you talk as though you were standing at the bus stop. I don't mean you any harm and you have provided interesting info but you are very stupid people. The revolutionaries - oh yeah, oh really.
The internet gets stranger by the day.

Now we have yet another oddball pretending to be someone they're not.

Firstly if you are a writer then you've chosen a very strange subject, yeah I can really see people flocking to buy a book about tiny far left groups and U75. Or you've just made this up, which is also a very strange thing to do. Either way you seem to have issues.
nino_savatte said:
Another cheap screed. I'm willing to bet that you're no socialist yet you have the cheek to say

You spend most of your time excoriating the "left" like your chums but I have never once seen any of you say "The challenge for the left is..."

You are far more concerned with misrepresenting other people's post and making up lies wherever you can.

You are totally disconnected from history and only someone who says "the chartists were relative failures" without acknowledging their courage is not only disconnected from history but has a tendency to revisionism.

All of your posts are cheap nino.You never answer points people raise yet your expect your points to be answered fully you are that which is most loathsome within the left- A hypocryte.

Have you read the NYe Bevan book? Non

The challenge for the left as you make it so clear is to get the political agenda back from deluded out of touch fools such as yourself- You do not want to change do you nino all you ever do is attack people who are trying to raise important issues of debate and shout them down as nazi's.

I have yet to read any of your posts that include a positive element my own perspective is that the left has to die out as it is still dominated by social elitists like yourself who are unable to come to terms with the new political paradigm that globalisation presents us with.
brasicattack said:
All of your posts are cheap nino.You never answer points people raise yet your expect your points to be answered fully you are that which is most loathsome within the left- A hypocryte.

Have you read the NYe Bevan book? Non

The challenge for the left as you make it so clear is to get the political agenda back from deluded out of touch fools such as yourself- You do not want to change do you nino all you ever do is attack people who are trying to raise important issues of debate and shout them down as nazi's.

I have yet to read any of your posts that include a positive element my own perspective is that the left has to die out as it is still dominated by social elitists like yourself who are unable to come to terms with the new political paradigm that globalisation presents us with.

Another screed, brasic? Quelle surprise. I won't even dignify this with a proper reply. Aye, it's that shite.
nino_savatte said:
Another screed, brasic? Quelle surprise. I won't even dignify this with a proper reply. Aye, it's that shite.

not going to answer anyones questions then nino? You are indeed the political amoeba of urban my child :D
durruti02 said:
i am not sure the left generally say they are the cause of all good .. and clearly they have gone backwards .. but do not throw the baby out with the bathwater .. the ideas of combining, of community of working together of creating a new equal society are still as valid today as thet were when Gerald Winstanley said

"And the Reason is this, Every single man, Male and Female, is a perfect creature unto himself.....so that the flesh of man being subject to Reason, his Maker, hath him to be his Teacher and Ruler within himself, therefore needs not run abroad after any Teacher and Ruler without him, for he needs not that any man should teach him..."

"Oh thou Powers of England , though thou hast promised to make this People a Free People, yet thou hast so handled the matter, through thy self-seeking humour, That thou hast warpped us up more in bondage, and oppression lies heavier upon us;.......confounding all sorts of people by they Government of doing and undoing."

"Those that Buy and Sell Land, and are landlords, have got it either by Oppression, or Murther, or Theft."

"Take notice, That England is not a a Free People, till the Poor that have no Land, have a free allowance to dig and labour the Commons, and so live as Comfortably as the Landlords that live in their Inclosures

".....then certainly none shall say, This is my Land, work for me and I'le give you Wages. For, the Earth is the Lords, that is, Mans, who is the Lord of Creation......

"This delares likewise to all Labourers, or such as are called Poor people, that they shall not dare to work for Hire, for any Landlord, or any that is lifted up above others; for by their labours, they have lifted up Tyrants and Tyranny; and by denying to labor for Hire, they shall pull them down again. He that works for another, either for Wages or to pay him Rent, works unrighteously, and still lifts up the Curse; but they that are resolved to work and eat together, making the Earth a Common Treasury, doth joyn hands with Christ, to lift up the Creation from Bondage, and restores all things from the Curse."

Gerrard Winstanley & 14 others TheTrue Levellers Standard Advanced - April, 1649http://www.bilderberg.org/land/diggers.htm#Quotes

So you qouted the levellers bully for you Duruti ..trying to get votes for that farcical urban political x factor thread :p
brasicattack said:
not going to answer anyones questions then nino? You are indeed the political amoeba of urban my child :D

What "questions"? All you've done is post vituperative screeds, you're hardly in a position to talk, bubba.
It would appear that the majority of your threads are abusive, evasive and ignorant on previous threads thread such as the white middleclass locusts thread i asked if you agreed with its propersition repeatidly and yet all you did was post abuse -often abuse that demonstrates how you rely on a capitalist concept of intellegnce for your toothless atempts at flaming

if you have never voted labour then why are you suprised that Harman munster becomes deputy leader? More to the point why are you bothered?
Going to answer? Non

btw i cannot be bothered to post a link to all your posts as anyone with any sense would have seen the type of weasel you are or should that be troll
brasicattack said:
It would appear that the majority of your threads are abusive, evasive and ignorant on previous threads thread such as the white middleclass locusts thread i asked if you agreed with its propersition repeatidly and yet all you did was post abuse -often abuse that demonstrates how you rely on a capitalist concept of intellegnce for your toothless atempts at flaming

if you have never voted labour then why are you suprised that Harman munster becomes deputy leader? More to the point why are you bothered?
Going to answer? Non

btw i cannot be bothered to post a link to all your posts as anyone with any sense would have seen the type of weasel you are or should that be troll

Where's your proof, dimwit?

Here is the evidence of your constant sniping

btw i cannot be bothered to post a link to all your posts as anyone with any sense would have seen the type of weasel you are or should that be troll

That's because there isn't any. I give as good as I get and I don't suffer fools gladly and you are quite obviously a fool.
still avoiding answering questions nino? I think the fact that you cannot answer questoins that i have put to you for debate which are quite reasonable speaks volumes about the type of person you are. I cannot be bothered to post the link for the threads where you revel in a childlike manner with regards to opting for the ignore post button and your use of it
That's backfired on you, torres. I think you'll find that those are my replies to brasic's mindless snipes.

As for you, you have no room to talk.
brasicattack said:
still avoiding answering questions nino? I think the fact that you cannot answer questoins that i have put to you for debate which are quite reasonable speaks volumes about the type of person you are. I cannot be bothered to post the link for the threads where you revel in a childlike manner with regards to opting for the ignore post button and your use of it

What "questions"? You haven't asked any "questions". You have spent the entire time sniping at me.

What a tosser.
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