Im Bored
Azrael said:Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarians are dodgy. Hitler and Stalin had moustaches, therefore ...
More seriously, the personality cults surrounding Hitler and Stalin bore all the hallmarks of religion: sacred texts, rituals, icons, and most pertinent of all, a being at the apex whose word lay beyond all question. If we define "religion" as belief in a sky-god, they were not religious. But, if we stretch our criteria for "religion" beyond the most semantic definition, Hitlerism and Stalinism were bona-fide religious cults. Dictators don't abolish God: they become Him.
All dictatorial regimes ruthlessly persecute dissenters and depend on an apparatus of thought that mirrors fundamentalist religious faith exactly. That's what blows this spurious "X dictator was an atheist" argument out the water (and indeed, heavens).
I agree with this.