Hard to know what they can do, though.
What makes me angry is that it’s just a matter of money. Schools could be completely safe, with routine weekly testing of all staff and students, if enough money was thrown at it. If it’s happening at private schools then it can be done.
There. You answered your own question
I agree that having schools open is definitely desirable, more from a socialisation/wellbeing POV than the exams one (but I appreciate why you, as an educator, come at this from a different perspective), but it all comes back to test-and-trace.
simply don't understand am appalled by how the Government seems to have poured almost all of its ineptitude and venality into every "attempt" it has made to get moving on test and trace, to the extent that, nearly six months down the line, we still have virtually nothing that is practically useful in place. Maybe, if they hadn't been so fucking clodhopping about it, they might
still not have got it going, but at least they could say they tried. Right now, it's very hard to escape the notion that they couldn't give a fuck.
Which then makes decisions like opening schools into a vexed question, because of the problems - such as described by
Harry Smiles - when someone shows symptoms or suspects that they're infected.
Some countries seem to be managing one-hour turnaround testing - assuming it's valid, then why on earth can't we?