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razor blades under fascist stickers - myth or not?

I think it‘s interesting subject - seems like it does happen, but not often. So it operates as folklore really. Passed around as an anecdote with a grain of (sharp) truth in it.

Nah it's bullshit, classic urban myth, I think most people on here with any brains or experience probably know that and would admit it in normal circs but y'know, TRANS so brains are out the window.
There you go co-op - see the quoted post above.

And maybe read the rest of the thread.

That tweet (the N3KOCardiff) one is from a serial fantasist called Layla Stokes who probably has pretty major mental health problems and makes a lot of shit up. I wouldn't rest too much of your personal credibility on anything they say.

But it’s almost as if some people come to this thread with preconceived ideas and are so blinded by their defence of a particular ideology that they can’t engage with reality on this subject.

LS is almost certainly the person who reported Jenni Swayne to Gwent police and claimed there were razor blades under the stickers.

This is LS, also currently claiming on another medium that they have been accused by an ex of raping them but this was - according to LS - while they were a different personality so they don't know if they've done it.
Meanwhile Gwent Police arrest JS on LS's word, hold her for 13 hours, search her home with a warrant, take away gender critical books and her phone (still not returned) and inform the media of this bullshit razor blades story that only the unbelievably gullible would swallow and the U75 anarchists squirm a little bit and try to continue to believe that transpeople are the most marginalised and vulnerable etc. Doesn't look like it,
It’s mad that these Tenants and Residents Associations went back in time to the 1980s and did the same thing then.

It's that doberman, it has access to a time machine. That's why it bit the fingers off those canvassers, it couldn't operate it with its paws.
Meanwhile Gwent Police arrest JS on LS's word, hold her for 13 hours, search her home with a warrant, take away gender critical books and her phone (still not returned) and inform the media of this bullshit razor blades story that only the unbelievably gullible would swallow and the U75 anarchists squirm a little bit and try to continue to believe that transpeople are the most marginalised and vulnerable etc. Doesn't look like it,
The cops have treated someone badly you say? What is the world coming to?

“As an anarchist feminist I stand against the police in general. Sometimes I pick and choose the degree to which I emphasise that belief. But I think it matters to uphold this belief when someone is being victimised for stickering or graffiti, even if they’re a transphobe”
None of this changes my overall position though, which is that people should ignore Gwent police’s advice and remove poisonous stickers from their communities, be they fascist, anti-vaxx or transphobic. It’s cheap, it’s fun, it’s your social duty.

Go for it by all means but do try not to repeat utter crap spouted on SM and used by the police to harass feminist activists. Because you just look like a tit when you do that.
The cops have treated someone badly you say? What is the world coming to?

“As an anarchist feminist I stand against the police in general. Sometimes I pick and choose the degree to which I emphasise that belief. But I think it matters to uphold this belief when someone is being victimised for stickering or graffiti, even if they’re a transphobe”

Yes I read that and she comes over as someone with some genuine integrity and brains compared to some of the numpties on this thread.
There have been few far right plus a few anti vax stickers popping up around Medway. Instead of removing them or scribbling over them, i like to place anti racist/pro lgbt/left wing etc stickers over the top. I like to feel that enrages the fash even more.
"spraying stickers" is weird language as well, hard to tell from that whether she had a particularly high-tech stickering mechanism, which I suppose would make sense if you were messing around with glass and pins and stuff, or if Gwent Heddlu just had a weird choice of words there?
Could mean spray adhesive, less messy and easier to carry around than a bucket of paste
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