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razor blades under fascist stickers - myth or not?

Oh yeah, this is bringing back memories of the time I worked in a job where someone unhappy with our customer service posted us some paper they'd wiped their arse on, with a note saying "keep the change".
I always thoroughly washed my hands after sorting out the post as you never knew what people had done to the letters. Quite a few had odd stains on them...
I always thoroughly washed my hands after sorting out the post as you never knew what people had done to the letters. Quite a few had odd stains on them...
I once worked as a temp on one of the big share issues (I'm not proud of it). Basically just opening envelopes and taking staples out of cheques. With a wanker supervisor breathing down your neck.

All work stopped when someone opened an envelope to find a double page porn spread, with "hello can I have some shares please?" written on it in black marker pen. :thumbs:
This been posted? :mad:

you fucking hope they've got fingerprints

eta from reddit:
Full disclosure, I am the aforementioned woman, also, that editorialised headline, oof...
'needing medical treatment' translates to 'glued my hand together and got some blood tests just in case'
You'll be glad to know that my hand is healing up nicely now, and that the Police are working to find whoever put the poster there!
Just checked and that instagram page is still up, if anyone wants to do a bit of reporting.
eta this is just an instagram comment so take with as much salt as you like, but there is someone on there saying "the police have been informed and the identity of the person behind this account and the Twitter has been revealed and passed on to them. It won’t be long before they’re arrested, questioned, and exposed."
We had a jiffy bag full of shit once, and the most memorable was someone sending in what they said was a haemorrhoid they'd had removed. As you do.

People are strange.
I once wiped my arse (after taking a shit) with a Conservative Party leaflet/flyer thingy around election time and sent it by post to the publishers/printers address that was in small print :D

That was over 10 years ago now. Great days.
I once wiped my arse (after taking a shit) with a Conservative Party leaflet/flyer thingy around election time and sent it by post to the publishers/printers address that was in small print :D

That was over 10 years ago now. Great days.
You missed a trick, I suspect, by using a stamp. Or did you make them pay and collect it from the po?
I once wiped my arse (after taking a shit) with a Conservative Party leaflet/flyer thingy around election time and sent it by post to the publishers/printers address that was in small print :D

That was over 10 years ago now. Great days.
Why would you wipe your arse if you hadn't had a shit? Do you leak?
I once wiped my arse (after taking a shit) with a Conservative Party leaflet/flyer thingy around election time and sent it by post to the publishers/printers address that was in small print :D

That was over 10 years ago now. Great days.
Tempting though it may be as the tories are cunts, it really is horrible to have to deal with that sort of stuff when it arrives in the post. If they reported it to the police, a DNA test could be run too, so unless you've never given a sample it's probably an unwise thing to do.
Tempting though it may be as the tories are cunts, it really is horrible to have to deal with that sort of stuff when it arrives in the post. If they reported it to the police, a DNA test could be run too, so unless you've never given a sample it's probably an unwise thing to do.
Don't think I've ever given the piggies a DNA sample - why would I?

And fuck people who print torie shit. If they print toxic shit they can get toxic shit back :D
Don't think I've ever given the piggies a DNA sample - why would I?

And fuck people who print torie shit. If they print toxic shit they can get toxic shit back :D
Why would you send it to the printer? Send it to the prospective candidate's office, your local party or Tory headquarters but not the printer ffs. That's a bit like going to Tory party conference with a rifle and assassinating the caterers.
Why would you send it to the printer? Send it to the prospective candidate's office, your local party or Tory headquarters but not the printer ffs. That's a bit like going to Tory party conference with a rifle and assassinating the caterers.
'feed a tory' sounds like one of cameron's campaigns.
Why would you send it to the printer? Send it to the prospective candidate's office, your local party or Tory headquarters but not the printer ffs. That's a bit like going to Tory party conference with a rifle and assassinating the caterers.
You comment on this like I only just did it the other day. It was years ago and theres fuck all I can do about it now anyway :)
Don't think I've ever given the piggies a DNA sample - why would I?

You will get ‘booked in’ at the police station. Your personal belongings will be taken from you. These are listed on the custody record and usually you will be asked to sign to say that the list is correct. You do not have to sign, but if you do, you should sign immediately below the last line, so that the police can’t add something incriminating to the list. You should also refuse to sign for something which isn’t yours, or which could be incriminating. They will ask you all kinds of questions about who you are and what you do (see above).

They will take your photograph. You don’t have to comply, but they are allowed to use “reasonable force” to view your face.

They will take your fingerprints and DNA. Again, you don’t have to comply, but they are allowed to use “reasonable force”. Two important exceptions are being arrested for Breach of the Peace (not a criminal offense) and Obstruction of the Highway (a ‘non-recordable’ offense) – they should not fingerprints/DNA if arresting for these offenses.

You will then be put in a cell.
the last time i was arrested, in 2010, it was to prevent a breach of the peace and at the station they asked if i'd like to give a dna sample and have my prints taken etc. i said i'd really rather not, but i didn't suppose it would make any difference. but to my great surprise they said that as i hadn't actually been arrested for a crime it was up to me. so i just mouldered in a cell for a few hours.
Tempting though it may be as the tories are cunts, it really is horrible to have to deal with that sort of stuff when it arrives in the post. If they reported it to the police, a DNA test could be run too, so unless you've never given a sample it's probably an unwise thing to do.
Several posters now stuck with CAN YOU EXTRACT DNA FROM HUMAN SHIT? on their search histories
Always scrap them off with a blunt screwdriver / chisel or similar [I work with wood so have a legitimate reason to carry such things in my tool roll / box / bag.]

or deface with wide black perm sharpie ...

Luckily our local nutjob hasn't stuck anything on lamp-posts or walls.
Why would you send it to the printer? Send it to the prospective candidate's office, your local party or Tory headquarters but not the printer ffs. That's a bit like going to Tory party conference with a rifle and assassinating the caterers.
OTOH, the egg sarnies are often really bad at these events...
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