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rachel reeves: plagiarist

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
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oh dear oh dear :D

for example
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she seems to have been caught out plagiarising wikipedia, the financial times and the guardian among other people

No, she seems to have been caught out plagiarising wikipedia and the guardian among other people; the financial times wrote the article about it that the Guardian are reporting on.
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On the surface it looks more a case of sloppy referencing, or non-referencing of a few passages which has been exposed. Technically it is plagiarism but of course they'll spin it as simply an 'error' and try and bury it. Not a good look, but almost seems trivial in the context of liars like Johnson, Hancock etc.
It's not plagiarism because they were inadvertent mistakes as her publisher has made clear.

Although I'm not sure how cutting and pasting entire paragraphs verbatim can be a case of inadvertent insufficiently comprehensive referencing.
On the surface it looks more a case of sloppy referencing, or non-referencing of a few passages which has been exposed. Technically it is plagiarism but of course they'll spin it as simply an 'error' and try and bury it. Not a good look, but almost seems trivial in the context of liars like Johnson, Hancock etc.

Not to make everything about the Israel/Palestine war, but she's also claimed that Palestinians don't live under occupation. I think it's fair to say she's not exactly honest.
The adaptation of the paragraph from Benn's book makes it look like more of a lift than a quote mysteriously unmarked.
On the surface it looks more a case of sloppy referencing, or non-referencing of a few passages which has been exposed. Technically it is plagiarism but of course they'll spin it as simply an 'error' and try and bury it. Not a good look, but almost seems trivial in the context of liars like Johnson, Hancock etc.

Yeah, I'm sure they were completely intending to include 'as the wikipedia article states...'.
A spokesperson told the FT: “We strongly refute the accusation that has been put to us by this newspaper. These were inadvertent mistakes and will be rectified in future reprints.”

It seems almost impossible now to stop journalists from misusing “refute” when they mean deny, rebut or repudiate. Slightly more depressing that the rot has spread to publishers as well.
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Twenty years ago she'd have been obliged to resign and at least five years on the backbenches would await if her career in frontline politics was salvage-able at all.

Today, sadly, it will be double down, bluster, false half apology, whataboutery, and hoping this will be overwritten qucikly by other events.

fuck these shameless cunts.
A spokesperson told the FT: “We strongly refute the accusation that has been put to us by this newspaper. These were inadvertent mistakes and will be rectified in future reprints.”

It seems almost impossible now to stop journalists from misusing “refute” when they mean deny, rebut or repudiate. Slightly more depressing that the rot has spread to publishers as well.
Yes! Perhaps we should form the Refute Liberation Movement.
Yes! Perhaps we should form the Refute Liberation Movement.

I was thinking more along the lines of a deniable assassination squad seconded from the toughest bastards in the Apostrophe Police, given free rein to uphold prescriptive definitions of refute, infer and disinterested by any means necessary. But yeah, perhaps we need an astroturf organisation as well to ensure the public are with us.
I was thinking more along the lines of a deniable assassination squad seconded from the toughest bastards in the Apostrophe Police, given free rein to uphold prescriptive definitions of refute, infer and disinterested by any means necessary. But yeah, perhaps we need an astroturf organisation as well to ensure the public are with us.

upvoted for using the correct 'rein', when so many don't :mad:
I was thinking more along the lines of a deniable assassination squad seconded from the toughest bastards in the Apostrophe Police, given free rein to uphold prescriptive definitions of refute, infer and disinterested by any means necessary. But yeah, perhaps we need an astroturf organisation as well to ensure the public are with us.
The loss of disinterested probably bothers me most out of those, it really is an idea that nothing else expresses as neatly AFAICT.
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