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Rachel Reeves-Today Guardian

Given she's looking like a probable next Chancellor this may be due a thread revival in any case, but my specific impetus today is a particularly nauseating Times article: "Rachel Reeves for first female chancellor? George Osborne thinks so"

“After a period of politics where on both sides there haven’t been people I thought were up to the job, I now feel that with Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt and Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves we have two sets of people who are sensible and have integrity and are more than capable of governing the country. I’m still a Conservative so I would rather have Rishi and Jeremy, but it wouldn’t be terrible for the country if it were Keir and Rachel.”
Says the economically illiterate scrote who foisted austerity on us and generated a decade of flatlining growth because he thought government spending was like a household budget.

Also I'd like to pitch a change in title to "Rachael Reeves' Repugnant Repertoire" so we can have it as a dedicated thread.
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Given she's looking like a probable next Chancellor this may be due a thread revival in any case, but my specific impetus today is a particularly nauseating Times article: "Rachel Reeves for first female chancellor? George Osborne thinks so"

Says the economically illiterate scrote who foisted austerity on us and generated a decade of flatlining growth because he thought government spending was like a household budget.

Also I'd like to pitch a change in title to "Rachael Reeves" Repugnant Repertoire" so we can have it as a dedicated thread.
I'll report the op requesting that -done
Surprised they've announced it to be honest, if they weren't planning to do it, they could have just not done it. The number of people who would pay a 45p tax rate is very small and the number of people who would change their vote based on whether or not they were worried about paying 45p must be way too small to have any significant effect on the outcome of the next election.
Just the expected politicking. Even if it were to make the manifesto they will not necessarily stick by it. It's a way of trying to reach out to floating voters, the voters they lost at last election, traditional Tory voters who have become disillusioned etc. It's why I will have to hold my nose before voting at next election.

1. Economic justice​

Increase income tax for the top 5% of earners, reverse the Tories’ cuts in corporation tax and clamp down on tax avoidance, particularly of large corporations. No stepping back from our core principles.

7. Strengthen workers’ rights and trade unions

Work shoulder to shoulder with trade unions...

...by expelling labour MPs who turn up to support picket lines.

He's going to really struggle with these 'pledges' come election season. He's already not just abandoned, but done a full 180 on all of them. I'm embarassed for him. It's a shame to see anyone debase themselves so completely and so publically. It reflects badly on the entire human species.
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