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Queen's state funeral.


Who'll be there (usual gangsters), who'll be watching (the "world") and and any entertainment value it might (flybys, trips on the Thames, cannons going off, someone playing a bugel, riderless horses shrewth...)
I might actually unplug the telly to be on the safe side. I turned it on without thinking during various royal nuptials only to think "Shit What I Have Just Done".
Unplugging it will give me time to think.
Fella I share an office with has told me that he thinks Charlie is going to be a great king. I've just spent the last 5 minutes outlining my opinion that their very existence is thoroughly incompatible with notions of a democracy, their stolen lands and buildings should be seized back into public ownership, the lot of them given the boot and consider themselves lucky they won't be hung from lamp-posts as well. The office atmosphere is somewhat frosty right now.
Fella I share an office with has told me that he thinks Charlie is going to be a great king. I've just spent the last 5 minutes outlining my opinion that their very existence is thoroughly incompatible with notions of a democracy, their stolen lands and buildings should be seized back into public ownership, the lot of them given the boot and consider themselves lucky they won't be hung from lamp-posts as well. The office atmosphere is somewhat frosty right now.
Just got to laugh when idiots being interviewed make statements like "she's been there for all my life" or "She's all I've ever known". Do these people actually listen to the stupidity that is coming out of their mouths.
My niece has just given me a major bollocking for not being more respectful of the queen. She's also told me that, because her mother is staying with us, we WILL watch the funeral and to not do so os to show disrespect.

Fuck it. They can watch it. I'm going fishing.
Having avoided the Charles / Diana wedding and subsequent funeral on TV by hiding in the hills I'll be off up Dartmoor with my tent on Sunday evening also wish to avoid the 8pm clap or whatever confrontation with neighbours.
Weather forecast ( for camping on Dartmoor =good) . I don't care if it rains in London.
Having avoided the Charles / Diana wedding and subsequent funeral on TV by hiding in the hills I'll be off up Dartmoor with my tent on Sunday evening also wish to avoid the 8pm clap or whatever confrontation with neighbours.
Weather forecast ( for camping on Dartmoor =good) . I don't care if it rains in London.
My son thought he was being clever by volunteering to work overtime on the day of the Sussex nuptials but some tosser brought in a portable telly and set it up on the desk next to his.
My son thought he was being clever by volunteering to work overtime on the day of the Sussex nuptials but some tosser brought in a portable telly and set it up on the desk next to his.
'Portable telly'? What, because there were no smartphones or streaming way back in <checks notes> 2018? 🤔🤣
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