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Public catch robber in Shepherd's Bush.

Fear of the crowd has haunted the middle class of England for 400 years.

I’m just glad that this crowd didn’t muse on the robbers upbringing/treatment under late capitalism or his mental health before doing something.

As for the view that you don’t kick a man when he’s down. This can only be held by people who’ve never been in a situation where the man down gets back up
Why didn’t anyone go after the ones who’d run off? They went for the easy target instead, the bloke who was already on the floor.

I think due to he was the one carrying the stolen jewellery, which may have been a contributing factor as to why he was slower than the rest of his gang being weighed down with stolen swag.
I'd be interested to know if, apart from Athos who I'm sure does know, anyone here can show a knowledge of the law of citizen's arrest
It’s like calling mark in rugby. You just have to say, in a loud clear voice:

“I say, you there you little scamp. Stop in the name of her Majesty the Queen”.

Then the subject is obliged to stop, take off their eye mask and hand you the candelabra from their bag marked swag, and say:

“It’s a fair cop, I’d have gotten away with it two of it wasn’t for you meddling kids.”

That’s the law of England.
What’s all this fluffy bollocks about not kicking people when they’re down anyway? Some kind of Queensbury rule of street fighting? If you’re ever in a serious punch-up and are lucky enough to find your opponent on the floor whilst you’re still standing, I strongly advise you to put the boot in as quickly as possible to prevent him getting up.

Don't do that diffrence between gbh and attempted murder..
Mob justice is never pleasant to witness hard to feel sympathetic for the victim though.
Something that upsets me beyond any words available is how whole families could (can?) witness such brutal atrocities with smiles on their faces.

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I tend to find that most of those who express these type of squeamish views always have contingent squeamish views.

That is generally true of human beings though. Nice to the neighbours, napalm someone else’s out of view.
he means put it in the spoiler code
[spoil er] [/ spoiler]
I'm not sure I know how that's done.
It should stay - People MUST be aware of what sort of bastard things went off as reasonable in those lousy times. Hiding the harsh, nasty truth is a bad idea.
That is the very reason I attached it despite my own revulsion. I've changed it to the thumbnail mode. Will that be satisfactory for everyone?
What level of injury to the man on the ground is acceptable, then? Bruising? Broken bones? Brain damage? Spinal damage? Never being able to walk again? Never being able to feed himself?

How are you going to ensure that, wherever your line of acceptability is, it doesn’t get crossed? After all, a pile of people coming in and just kicking wherever they can kick have no way of really knowing what the consequence will end up being.
What level of injury to the man on the ground is acceptable, then? Bruising? Broken bones? Brain damage? Spinal damage? Never being able to walk again? Never being able to feed himself?

How are you going to ensure that, wherever your line of acceptability is, it doesn’t get crossed? After all, a pile of people coming in and just kicking wherever they can kick have no way of really knowing what the consequence will end up being.

No, they don't, nor do they have any idea of what the robber's capacity for violence was and how he was armed. Violence is chaotic either way.
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