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Sprouts are great and should be eaten year round. Sprouts and bacon lardons, bit of nutmeg, phenomenal meal.

Having said that I once bought some sprouts from Tesco that were fucking awful and just bizarrely unsproutlike in flavour, so maybe everyone is just eating the wrong sprouts.
Hot food is massively overrated. You pay more tax on it (if bought out) and have to wait for it to cool down before eating it - borrring.
I would sooner chop off my thumbs, pop them under the grill and gnaw on them than eat a takeaway of any description whatsoever.
Jellied canned ham is one of the finest delicacies known to humankind.

Couldn't find any of this in Tescos today.
A roast beef (as in Sunday) is the single worst interpretation possible, of the great gift that cows give us. Blows your mind to think the shitty sliver or slab of tasteless meat in a roast comes from the same animal as steak and burgers.

Cheese is for wierdos - have you not fucking smelt it?

Chicken Korma is a great dish
:eek: I think this wins in terms of wrongness.

Yeah, I was expecting a "well, you've clearly never had a good roast beef...", but I literally went specifically to Roast in Borough Market on a Sunday to fully test the hypothesis. It was still awful. A roast meal, is great for all kinds of non-cullinary reasons (memories of getting the family together, my Mums sense of triumph at her execution...), and Roast Chicken, and to a lesser extent, pork, are perfectly fine meals, but beef (and lamb, now you mention it:hmm:) every mouthful you are trying desperately to extract the same sort of taste/flavour in their other, better, guises.
A roast beef (as in Sunday) is the single worst interpretation possible, of the great gift that cows give us. Blows your mind to think the shitty sliver or slab of tasteless meat in a roast comes from the same animal as steak and burgers.

Cheese is for wierdos - have you not fucking smelt it?

Chicken Korma is a great dish
1. Wrong.

2. Wronger.

3. Ah, things start to make sense.

(((Ted's tastebuds)))

ETA: To complete the picture, may I ask how you like your beef?
1. Wrong.

2. Wronger.

3. Ah, things start to make sense.

(((Ted's tastebuds)))

ETA: To complete the picture, may I ask how you like your beef?

You already know the answer :D:D:D "Medium well, please, and without the sidedish of sneering attitude if it's all the same". IF it's a filet AND I'm in new or refined company, I'll go with "medium rare" (and then say, in my head "Medium rayer...an aristo crat")

(I do have fairly shite tastebuds tbf, I put this down to a surely-this-can't-be-right nose (I have little to no sense of smell). It's odd, I genuinely have eating as up there as one of my favourite passions)
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