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Post-vaccine Boomer Behaviour?

Unless I've missed it there doesn't seem to have been any serious discussion about how we come out of lockdown post vaccine. It could be really complicated. For instance, if a group of friends have all had the vaccine should it be OK for them to mix freely with each other, but not with the general public? Might be OK after enough time has elapsed, but policing/managing all of that would be impossible. And can vaccinated people spread the virus or not? Once we know the answer to that question it could completely change our attitudes going forward. We could end up for some time with a big divergence between public and private behaviour.
It would make a big difference to people if they'd allow vaccinated households to mix, even if you still can't have public gatherings, but as you say, that's impossible to police.
I think I remember seeing this before. This isn't where they caught it, it's where they went in the period prior to getting Covid. Of course supermarkets come out top as lots of people go to supermarkets.
indeed. Apparently the riskiest place is the checkout.
it's the only public place I go to.
masked and gelled and I absolutely don't touch my face before I get home and wash my hands twice.
Maybe I'll up my game. double mask and take my own gel for the packing area...
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The thing I don't get is why they're so desperate to go to a fucking supermarket though. :D All the supermarkets round here had had outbreaks - they're about the most dangerous place outside of a hospital. And they deliver so you don't have to be there. If you want to get out the house, go for a walk down the beach or something. It's beyond me but there you go. :D

Lots of people either love shopping or are mildly addicted to it - they might get a bit antsy when unable to go out and buy something.

I work in the cash office of a big retail park store and find there are rebounds after each initial lockdown week when people are temporarily scared off from going out. A lot of the goods being sold just aren't essential.

Worthy things like going for a walk seem to emerge as no. 1 in polls on what the UK's favourite leisure activities are but it's probably more likely shopping.
Personal choice is like the capitalist mantra of Western societies of course people want to browse in the supermarket when there is nothing else open where they can do what they've done all they're lives
Boomer here. As soon as I get my vaccine passport, I'm off to any country that will have me. So sick of being in this one.
Many countries open for business I've freinds who just went to Brazil and others in Croatia. There is no policing of quarantine on return currently either
Personal choice is like the capitalist mantra of Western societies of course people want to browse in the supermarket when there is nothing else open where they can do what they've done all they're lives
They can choose whatever they like from the lines the supermarket carries
indeed. Apparently the riskiest place is the checkout.
it's the only public place I go to.
masked and gelled and I absolutely don't touch my face before I get home and wash my hands twice.
Maybe I'll up my game. double mask and take my own gel for the packing area...
Get home delivery if you can, or click&collect if you can't.
My Dad has been slightly breaking the rules going to his allotment throughout (he might not, I don't know if in England you're allowed to drive for exercise), but there's no-one there and it keeps him fit and mentally healthy so I've overlooked it, but worried him and my step mum are so bored they might start running around the country. They'll probably be quite sensible though, knowing them.

More worrying are my partner's parents, who haven't seen any family in a year and seem to be convinced they'll be able to return completely to normal the second they have the first jab. Not looking forward to having that conversation when they want to come around. It'll definitely somehow be Welsh Labour's fault, that I know :D
Given that Welsh Labour has been responsible for the highest death rate in Europe (bar Belgium) I agree with them
I'm no fan of Welsh Labour but I don't think you do agree with them, unless you think Boris has been doing his best too? :D
He's done marginally better than Drakeford, that's how shite Welsh Labour are. Imagine going home at night knowing that Boris Johnson is more competent than you.
What do you mean? It's pretty clear from those figures that going to the supermarket is over 11 times more dangerous than going to pubs and bars. Reopen the pubs!
It absolutely isn't.

All it means is that of all the people who caught covid, more of them had been to the supermarket than the pub. And that's because more people go to the supermarket than the pub.
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