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Post-vaccine Boomer Behaviour?

From your perspective maybe true but for others - many others - supermarkets are only one of many places people have contact with others. Food shops will always score high on surveys because its a common need that everyone has.

A big thing thats lacking for me is backwards tracing of contacts (the stuff that is too complicated for serco phone operators). Where are the super spreading events happening? Without knowing where we cant know how to address them. We need t&t moved into the public sector.
Yep. Since the pandemic took off and t&t has been overwhelmed, it appears the superspreading events have been lost in the fog. But we know from the summer that some of them can be spectacularly big. If they were happening in the summer when general levels were low, we can be pretty confident that they're happening more now, we just can't see them. Meat is still being processed, for instance.
I know some people didnt find those PHE charts very compelling, but I believe this is the sort of thing they were able to come up with quite some time after SAGE were saying that backwards contact tracing should be done and that we must learn more about such things.

I dont quite want to say 'thats all they could muster' because I'm not sure how to judge the quality of the underlying data because we dont get to see that. There is more than one sort of fog going on, there is obfuscation of the detail for all sorts of reasons, some fair, some not. We have only heard about a subset of the outbreaks/superspreading events that authorities seem to have detected at various stages of the pandemic. A pub here, a workplace there, we get to hear of some but not others. And I do think its a particular challenge for them to figure out the supermarket picture properly since its such a common setting, and on the occasions where they can figure out some cases I'm really not convinced that their instincts are to shout about it. In terms of local reporting about outbreaks, I think I've heard of one supermarket outbreak round here because it involved an outbreak amongst staff which is easier to spot than the punter side of the picture.
Just spoken to my mum (vaccinated 10 days ago) and she's said she does want to start seeing people (one person/household at a time) indoors, briefly, occasionally once 1st shot has bedded in. I think this might be quite a common thing that people will wanrt.
Just spoken to my mum (vaccinated 10 days ago) and she's said she does want to start seeing people (one person/household at a time) indoors, briefly, occasionally once 1st shot has bedded in. I think this might be quite a common thing that people will wanrt.

I think it's perfectly understandable to want that.

The question is can it be done safely? without endangering the millions yet to receive a vaccination.
Truthfully I can see that once I get the vacine I might start taking liberties. Not massive ones but any amount is unhelpful really.

So the question is, what would get me to stop? Stricter lockdown probably but I can't see that happening. Money to stay home but same issue there again. How unpleasant the anti-lockdown types are is enough to keep me away from high streets, town centres, and work for the most part. Perhaps generally being more deliberate with how I go about my day to day life and planning ahead with it rather than just pottering about?
I think it's perfectly understandable to want that.

The question is can it be done safely? without endangering the millions yet to receive a vaccination.
Depends who the others are I suppose... and how much it prevents vaccinated people passing it on. We work from home, kids are at home, ditto my brother and family, so TBH any of us coming over would be pretty low-risk, because we are not coming into prolonged contact with anyone else.
Just spoken to my mum (vaccinated 10 days ago) and she's said she does want to start seeing people (one person/household at a time) indoors, briefly, occasionally once 1st shot has bedded in. I think this might be quite a common thing that people will wanrt.
A lot of people want a lot of things. :rolleyes:
It's just dawned on me that my boomer brother who's worked all through this and has a family and a life is going to be two cohorts behind me due to being 18 months younger than me and not having been erroneously diagnosed as "diabetic",
Depends who the others are I suppose... and how much it prevents vaccinated people passing it on. We work from home, kids are at home, ditto my brother and family, so TBH any of us coming over would be pretty low-risk, because we are not coming into prolonged contact with anyone else.

Early facts and figures are starting to emerge about that aren't there?
In relation to the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine anyway.

No time to find links now, but there's one or two towards the end of the 'Possible vaccines/treatments for Coronavirus' thread :)
Early facts and figures are starting to emerge about that aren't there?
In relation to the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine anyway.

No time to find links now, but there's one or two towards the end of the 'Possible vaccines/treatments for Coronavirus' thread :)
Yeah, i know - just hoping that us borne out 'in the wild', seems it will be.
So, my mum having said she'd like us to go in the house (with precautions and distancing) now they've had their first jab, my dad, slightly suprisingly, has said no to it. He's been the very 'I'll take my chances' one of my parents who doesn't feel younger people should be kept at home for his sake, but his feeling now is that any one of us (his kids) wouldn't forgive ourselves if we made them seriously ill, which is a good point. Kind of relieved, as I was OK with going in the house but I did worry it drift towards stuff I wasn't comfortable with risking, so we will keep things in the garden for my dad's birthday on Wednesday, but thankfully it's not going to be as fucking freezing next week.
I will, via mutual agreement, start to visit my grandmother in the coming days, she's coming up on 1 month since first jab now.

I've been visiting my mother throughout, her job is high risk enough that we figure it's overwhelmingly likely that she'd catch the virus from that rather than me.

Regarding 'spreading' the virus; as far as I'm concerned the appropriate response throughout has been for people to protect themselves and their immediate circle, not to worry about some chain reaction ten people long, it's not viable from a mental health perspective.
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I will, via mutual agreement, start to visit my grandmother in the coming days, she's coming up on 1 month since first jab now.

I've been visiting my mother throughout, her job is high risk enough that we figure it's overwhelmingly likely that she'd catch the virus from that rather than me.

Regarding 'spreading' the virus; as far as I'm concerned the appropriate response throughout has been for people to protect themselves and their immediate circle, not to worry about some chain reaction ten people long, it's not viable from a mental health perspective.

But you still could give it to her and then she could take it into her workplace. Or she could give it to you and then you can take it out uncessarly.
Honestly I have not seen my parents since 2019, just sit still for another couple of months and don't jump the gun - I am not in a priority group but I will probably have had my first vaccination by June or July, my parents have already had their first jab, OH should be done before me (although apparently they have reclassified asthma which I think is shit, if you've ever had to call 999 for someone with asthma you know it isn't to be taken lightly), I mean hopefully by late summer it will be ok to meet up, just hold your horses for a bit.

My parents are a bit older than Boomers but have been sensibly staying at home and keeping safe. OH's mum is nearly 80 though and to hear her talk the lack of ability to go to the theatre is going to singlehandedly kill her regardless of Covid. 🤷‍♀️
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Yes, she works in retail, in her late 50s. I think it's bonkers, offered to pay her bills to have her stay at home, but she'd rather crack on. So it goes.
So she’s definitely going to catch it from work, you think. And you are therefore definitely going to catch it from her since you are spending a lot of time in close proximity. I assume you are then completely isolating yourself from everybody else, right? You’re not intentionally going out and mixing with others, thus spreading it further and probably killing someone else’s mum, right?
Epona : From what I've read, it's in practice down to the severity-level of peoples' asthma as to whether they feature on Level 6 of the JCVI's priority list for vaccines. Am I right? :confused:

I take it that your man has checked directly whether his asthma qualifies?
You've posted that the asthma is severe in his case, so I hope he does qualify -- good luck.
Epona : From what I've read, it's in practice down to the severity-level of peoples' asthma as to whether they feature on Level 6 of the JCVI's priority list for vaccines. Am I right? :confused:

I take it that your man has checked directly whether his asthma qualifies?
You've posted that the asthma is severe in his case, so I hope he does qualify -- good luck.

He has in the last 2 weeks been prescribed oral medication (montelukast) - after several years of his asthma being poorly controlled - I've had to call 999 for him every few months, which results in an astounding level of calm when having to call 999 - hi yes, ambulance please, gives address and phone number, hi my husband is having a severe asthma attack, he has taken his salbutamol and it isn't working. Yes I am telling him to take his salbutamol again. Yes he can still breathe but he is struggling to do so. He is looking pale and is a bit clammy. He can't talk to you because he can't get enough breath to talk. Please get the ambulance here as soon as you can. No he hasn't had any Covid symptoms and nor has anyone else in our house. Yes when the paramedics arrive I will wear a face mask and stand back. No my husband cannot wear a face mask right now because he is struggling to breathe, due to the fact he is having a life-threatening asthma attack. No he doesn't have a high temperature. Yes he is coughing but it is due to the fact he is having an asthma attack, it isn't a new persistent cough. Please get here as quickly as you can. Yes I know you are busy and it might take a while, I am sitting here with him and will try to keep him calm until the ambulance arrives. Yes I will call back if he stops breathing. I know you are really busy, thank you.
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That's really sad to read Epona :(, and I remember being pretty disturbed by earlier stories too :eek:

But given all that, it's got to be worth him (re?)-checking his place on the vaccine priority schedule, if he hasn't done so yet.

As I said, good luck :)
Having similar conversations here Cloo.

All my family have had their first jabs over a fortnight ago now so should have 60-80% immunity. Get my first one tomorrow so in a couple of weeks time I'll be there too.

Given the choice, I'd be hanging on for a few more months until the second jabs kick in, but my folks have been shielded right through this and have had so little contact with the outside world I'm sympathetic to them wanting to start getting out and about more now. I still think going to Tescos is fucking bonkers given that it's totally avoidable and a shit experience at the best of times but there you go. That's what they want to do. :D

There's talk of my brother coming over and us all sitting in the garden for a bit once the rules relax. That sounds safe to me. My Mum's not seen him for months.

It'd be nice if people could avoid piling on those talking about taking some calculated risks on this thread. People are desperate to see each other. It's been tough. People are weighing up the risks against the damage that's already been done to their mental health. Seems totally understandable to me.
And it has actually been a thing the last 2 times I had to call an ambulance, where they said "we're really busy so it might be a while before we can get an ambulance to you, call 999 again if he stops breathing" - and that is fucking horrifying, I don't know if any of you have ever cared for anyone having a severe asthma attack, but asthma kills and you actually don't want to hear "call back if he stops breathing" like that is the point when it becomes urgent or something....

(Love the NHS and our Ambulance Service here in London but it is an indication of how much stress the services are under)
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Both my parents are in their 80s. Both are being ultra careful. The vaccine is only now being rolled out to the over 85s not living in nursing homes. Then it will be the turn over over 80s.
They wont be vaccinated for another 3 to 4 weeks.
And they've been warned by my brother not to go anywhere even then. Their second dose will be three weeks after that and still they're being warned not to go anywhere for a further 3 to 5 weeks. All in all it will be 9 or 10 weeks before they can feel relatively safe as regards going out to shops and meet friends.

And now the variants seem to be popping up every second week.
So who knows when it will be truly back to the normal we knew?

My biggest concern these days is my dad doing DIY.
He's not steady and has a habit of doing jobs on ladders instead of just some gardening or safe stuff.
Both my parents are in their 80s. Both are being ultra careful. The vaccine is only now being rolled out to the over 85s not living in nursing homes. Then it will be the turn over over 80s.
They wont be vaccinated for another 3 to 4 weeks.

Eh? My Mum, 82, had hers 3 weeks ago. Where do you live?
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