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Pope Francis: 'About 2%' of Catholic clergy paedophiles

An evil man
Yep. And he was oh so believable as Mr Nice Happy Guy. Doing good for the people of Galway in the 80s. He was in everything... house building for the poor...you name it.
Total lying piece of scum.
Another Jimmy Saville type... five allegations have been mentioned but wouldn't surprise me if more surface.

It's sickening.
Yep. And he was oh so believable as Mr Nice Happy Guy. Doing good for the people of Galway in the 80s. He was in everything... house building for the poor...you name it.
Total lying piece of scum.
Another Jimmy Saville type... five allegations have been mentioned but wouldn't surprise me if more surface.

It's sickening.
Here's an American monster; rose to the College of Cardinals

Despite my love for the Catholic Church, I've no problem bringing these scandals into the light of day.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant...

He was untouchable... for too long while in Galway.... But the revelation in 1992 about him having had a relationship with an American woman which started when she was quite young.. and having a son...was one of the first "truths" to come out about him.

right, i remember that.
Here's an American monster; rose to the College of Cardinals

not the worst case at all. mccarick was more a creep, but if you want evil,

right, i remember that.
I remember Gay Byrne interviewing Annie Murphy on the Late Late Show. He showed himself to be a true piece of shit in that interview. As did the line of plants in the audience who basically told Annie she was lying.
It was in 1993I think...and nobody in Ireland dared criticise priests at that time. She had written a book about it.

Found the interview on youtube

The ould biddies at the end were clearly only there to try to destroy Annie. Picking out bits to say she was lying. The Bishops Secretary being the weirdest ..trying to make out that Annie lied. .

Casey's niece went through hell and has tried to be heard for so long.
It's appalling that her voice was dismissed for decades.
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my wife (and several others) brought a case (a few years ago) against a Cork priest who abused them in the 80's ..... when going into court one day there was a protest outside, with people calling them names, saying they were "silly girls" looking for attention , how dare they besmirch a good man , etc . The parents of one of the ladies (who took her own life before case got to court and parents were continuing her case) stopped and told the nearest protesters that "that good man plied our teenage daughter with drink until she passed out and she later woke up with his *********" (not going to be explicit here but the parents didnt hold back) and the protesters said "oh the dirty b'stard! you make him pay" (words almost verbatim). It always amazed me . I dont know why the quick change of heart. Maybe it was because the account came from someone of their own age (70's), or maybe because it was explicit (and not a possible misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a 'silly girl').
Anyway .... this was in the 2000's so the supporters and deniers are still there, and some clergy still cant do any wrong (in their eyes)
my wife (and several others) brought a case (a few years ago) against a Cork priest who abused them in the 80's ..... when going into court one day there was a protest outside, with people calling them names, saying they were "silly girls" looking for attention , how dare they besmirch a good man , etc . The parents of one of the ladies (who took her own life before case got to court and parents were continuing her case) stopped and told the nearest protesters that "that good man plied our teenage daughter with drink until she passed out and she later woke up with his *********" (not going to be explicit here but the parents didnt hold back) and the protesters said "oh the dirty b'stard! you make him pay" (words almost verbatim). It always amazed me . I dont know why the quick change of heart. Maybe it was because the account came from someone of their own age (70's), or maybe because it was explicit (and not a possible misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a 'silly girl').
Anyway .... this was in the 2000's so the supporters and deniers are still there, and some clergy still cant do any wrong (in their eyes)

Sorry that your wife went through this. 🥺

The people who supported and continue to support priests who have abused children... are part of the problem.

I remember a priest who interviewed me for a job....one I had been doing for 6 months...and he turned and gave the job to a man because the guy was into hurling. ...in the 90s...he was Fr Trendy incarnate. Big into music and part of the whole singing priests stuff.
Convicted of abusing a child and serving time in jail now.
I hope things are better for victims these days. I really do.
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Despite my love for the Catholic Church, I've no problem bringing these scandals into the light of day.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant...

I'm ok with the Catholic church as a religion. Less so as a political party.
Even at 2%, it works out to a fairly large number with an even larger victim pool:

The total number of diocesan and religious order priests decreased globally by 0.57 percent to 407,872, the Vatican office said. The specific decreases were 0.32 percent for diocesan priests and 1.1 percent for religious-order priests.

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