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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

A cunt who at one time recieved a diagnosis of manic depression. A cunt who has struggled on and off with mental helath issues from his late teens to the present and yet manages to retain some perspective. And above all a cunt who is so so glad that you're there to put me right.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
if you self identify as being someone who misuses descriptions of mental illness to describe your own feelings then you also self Identify as being a cunt...

you're own personal diagnosis has no bearing on your own self identification, and is entirely irrelevant.

tell you what Louis, do you think it's acceptable for people to misuse diagnosis of mental illness to describe feeling ambivalent or changeable in regards to the situation or not? if you think it's ok and no foul because reinforcing these misappropriatism is fine then you're a cunt. if you don't you're not...

you seem to be saying it's fine, and this would lead towards the former...
As described earlier by another poster, there is no shortage of jobs where this is required.

I just think its interesting to contrast people's reactions to police and to nurses. When police have bad attitudes its "well they have a difficult job to do", when nurses have bad attitudes its "they should never have let nurses do degrees/bring back matron/they don't care".
I just think its interesting to contrast people's reactions to police and to nurses. When police have bad attitudes its "well they have a difficult job to do", when nurses have bad attitudes its "they should never have let nurses do degrees/bring back matron/they don't care".

I was just in the middle of a post saying a similar thing; when social workers fuck up they are absolutely vilified in the media. Social workers are the devil himself!

When cops fuck up, it's 'oh well they work very hard' - where's all the bear baiting for them? How often are the OB forced to make public apologies and atone.
I just think its interesting to contrast people's reactions to police and to nurses. When police have bad attitudes its "well they have a difficult job to do", when nurses have bad attitudes its "they should never have let nurses do degrees/bring back matron/they don't care".

Well for what its worth I hold them all the same standard. In fact I've always been of the view that nurses should be paid whatever the fuck they ask for, as there are few people capable and willing to that job (i.e I couldnt do it for all the money in the world tbh)
I wouldn't argue for a moment that its not a very ingrained and complex problem to solve. However, at the very least I dont think its fair to accuse all of them of being cunts from the get go.
You're quite right. We should give them the chance to prove correct the auld adage 'all coppers are bastards'
if you self identify as being someone who misuses descriptions of mental illness to describe your own feelings then you also self Identify as being a cunt...

you're own personal diagnosis has no bearing on your own self identification, and is entirely irrelevant.

tell you what Louis, do you think it's acceptable for people to misuse diagnosis of mental illness to describe feeling ambivalent or changeable in regards to the situation or not? if you think it's ok and no foul because reinforcing these misappropriatism is fine then you're a cunt. if you don't you're not...

you seem to be saying it's fine, and this would lead towards the former...

So is a cunt a bad thing?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Anybody mentioned the banning of 'protest' tee shirts by the public e.g. Che et al?

If members of the public are not allowed to bring in their own food and are limited to how much water they can take in I'd like to know what the fuck they are going to do about people with special dietary needs like diabetics?

A good story for C4 methinks.

"The following is a non-exhaustive list of restricted items which may not be taken into an Olympic or Paralympic venue (LOCOG reserves the right to amend this list, generally, or in respect of any Venue or Session):
  • food (save for baby food);
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (save for baby milk and other valid medical reasons);
  • liquids in containers of greater than 100ml in size;
  • needles (save as required for valid medical reasons);
  • animals (save for assistance or guide dogs), weapons (including knives);
  • illegal drugs and other illegal substances;
  • fireworks, firecrackers;
  • poles, flagpoles, sticks, large photographic equipment (including tripods), bats, large umbrellas and other blunt instruments;
  • motorcycles, bicycles, roller-skates, skateboards, or other types of skates;
  • electronic transmitting equipment,
  • flags of countries not participating in the Games, large flags or banners;
  • horns, whistles, drums, rattles, musical instruments, lasers or any other devices that in the opinion of LOCOG may disturb a Session;
  • objects bearing trademarks or other kinds of promotional signs or messages (such as hats, T-shirts, bags, etc) which LOCOG believes are for promotional purposes and counterfeit products;
  • balls, rackets, frisbees or similar objects;
  • large quantities of coins, lighters;
  • advertising or promotional material of any kind, printed matter bearing religious, political or offensive content or content contrary to public order and/or morality;
  • bottles or containers made of glass or other material, flasks, thermoses, refrigerators;
  • large objects such as suitcases or bags, and in general any material that LOCOG may deem dangerous or that may cause damage or disruption to a session."
I was just in the middle of a post saying a similar thing; when social workers fuck up they are absolutely vilified in the media. Social workers are the devil himself!

When cops fuck up, it's 'oh well they work very hard' - where's all the bear baiting for them? How often are the OB forced to make public apologies and atone.
Nurses social workers etc are supposed help people and care.
Cops well the public want them to act like Dixon of dock green when they are dealing with them and act like judge Dredd when they deal with a bad guy.
Nurses are expected to do this all the time.
Medical staff, generally, see people at their best. They may be scared, vulnerable and in pain but they generally WANT your help and intervention and are grateful for your presence.

Police see the total opposite end of the spectrum. Their working lives deal with cunts. People who steal, attack, rape and abuse other people. They are treated with at best hostility, and often outright aggression and violence. Even from people they are trying to help e.g. drunk twats.

If you can't see that very obvious difference then your not thinking very hard.
so no medical staff get abuse or attacked then? :facepalm:

Thats not what Edie is saying at all, just that there is a general distinction between attitudes due to the roles played in society.

Its an important point tbh. Thats not to say that medical staff are not subjected to abuse however they *generally* wont suffer the knee jerk defensive attitude that criminal justice would.
and how does that "knee jerk" defensive attitude come about?

maybe due to their previous treatment and experience??? maybe

knee jerk - proper loaded
so no medical staff get abuse or attacked then? :facepalm:
What? :D

No, I was making a generalisation about the public response to nurses vs police.

Listen I never set out to say the sun shines out of all coppers arses. Clearly there are a lot of twats, and some proper wronguns. And I've met some. And in fact I had a really fucking disturbing incident where a copper was trying to get me to do something for him by showing me his warrant. I am not naive. I just think it's childish to wish them all dead and not have the maturity to reflect on the good function of what they do, and that some are decent human beings.
I see electronic transmitting equipment is banned. Does that include mobile phones? That would be an extreme restriction. Also banning sticks might mean that people who need walking sticks are discriminated against. The obsession with people wearing the wrong kind of T- shirt seems excessive. There will be people having to reject their favourite top because it promotes an obscure band from the past. The ban on printed matter bearing policical content means that no newspapers can be taken in, although it will be the 'silly season' during the Olympics so perhaps there will be no politcs with Parliament in recess. Still many newspapers could be described as being contrary to public morality, so LOCOG will have them there.
pickmans being...pickmans did not elucidate the distinction between 'policing' and 'the police'. It's a fair wtf thing that people don't seem to accept that communities were policed before Robert Peel and his blue clad mobsters were loosed upon merrie england.

It's like people assume that if the thin blue line were not there mere anarchy would be, centre cannot hold, passionate intensity etc.
e2a to edie
but you are making generalisations and also trying to excuse the fuckers a bit

do you think nurses have the back up of tooled up boot boys if they get abuse or attacked?
plod do, they know they do and use the threat of it to great extent
and how does that "knee jerk" defensive attitude come about?

maybe due to their previous treatment and experience??? maybe

knee jerk - proper loaded
If your getting nicked for something your gonna hate the person with the cuffs whether they are pleasant or not.

I couldn't be a copper. Cos I just couldn't bear seeing the worst of society and the worst in people, day after day, year after year. It would be so damn depressing.
e2a to edie
but you are making generalisations and also trying to excuse the fuckers a bit

do you think nurses have the back up of tooled up boot boys if they get abuse or attacked?
plod do, they know they do and use the threat of it to great extent
The police often do act as backup for nurses in A+E! If hospital security can't deal with it, the hospital can and will call the police because it cannot and should not put up with it's staff being verbally or physically attacked. And I'm glad the police are there to come and support the frontline NHS staff.
Police see the total opposite end of the spectrum. Their working lives deal with cunts. People who steal, attack, rape and abuse other people. They are treated with at best hostility, and often outright aggression and violence. Even from people they are trying to help e.g. drunk twats.

If you can't see that very obvious difference then your not thinking very hard.
This is only true to a certain extent. The police are also there to raise funds for their investors, (the police force is a LTD company with investors who want to see a profit in their investments, which = policing for profit, and not to cut crime) they do this by collecting fines/taxes, made possible by tighter and tighter goverment legislation, making more and more things "criminal behaviour" Which are just plainly not. You are a criminal in their eyes, I'm sure you break "laws" on a daily basis, in virtually impossible to not do so, as the goverment have criminalised normal human behaviour to enable this. They want to criminalise as much of sosciety as possible, so they can get as much profit as possible, it's quite a good business plan.

they are NOT here to keep us safe. They are here to line pockets under the illusion of keeping us safe.
If your getting nicked for something your gonna hate the person with the cuffs whether they are pleasant or not.

I couldn't be a copper. Cos I just couldn't bear seeing the worst of society and the worst in people, day after day, year after year. It would be so damn depressing.
what about if you are legally protesting?
what if you are attending a party they want to stop?
what if you are a young non white person going about their business and unfortunately cross the path of plod?

i have only been nicked a couple of times but have had and seen over a hundred times where the police were out of line and totally over the top
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The police often do act as backup for nurses in A+E! If hospital security can't deal with it, the hospital can and will call the police because it cannot and should not put up with it's staff being verbally or physically attacked. And I'm glad the police are there to come and support the frontline NHS staff.
after the fact not before or during the act
what about if you are legally protesting?
what if you are attending a party they want to stop?
what if you are a young non white person going about their business and unfortunately cross the path of plod?

i have only been nicked a couple of times but have had and seen over a hundred times where the police were out of line and totally over the top
But you are an unusual example! Cos your experience of the police has been as a protestor. Funnily enough I've been nicked more times than you, in fact there was a time when I was nicked very VERY regularly, but hardly charged or cautioned it was a removal strategy. And you know what I found? Don't give them shit and you don't get it back.

Go on a protest and give them shit, and you get it back. Way the world works. If you threw a bottle at me then I'd fuckin charge you n all. Do you honestly think that rioters should just be able to brick and loot all shops in there path? The police have to balance the right to protest with the need to protect the local community too!
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