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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

Did anyone see Jacque Rogges' press conference? Was sickening - flanked by super-prominent bottles of coke, grrr... i dont know why that pushed me over the edge but i really hope these fucking olympics are a disaster. the IOC is worse than fucking FIFA. and that's an achievement.

His press officer sitting next to him described him as 'the most powerful man in sport'... er... with the greatest of respect to fucking spear throwing and boat rowing, i think not.

Now there's a thought...Jacques Rogge impaled by an Olympic javelin....
Agree with this

...but this outs you as a fully-fledged nasty homophobic little shit.

Homophobic? Excuse me, but where in my post did I even mention homosexuality? Indeed it was you who seemed to automatically equate loose sphincters and effeminate behaviour with male homosexuality which, IMO, suggests prejudice on your part if anything.

E2a And we'll have less of the little as well.
Poor effort.

He is a "man of letters", so all in all you appear to have scored two own-goals in this post, Frannie. :)

No own goals, baby - Man of letters he may or may not be, but Louis most certainly is a bellend. You're an ok guy, VP, but that Louis, I reckon he does smooth the arse bit of his kex when he sits down - A mannerism that looks comically fastidious when practised by males. And he does probably wear one of those olive coloured action man jumpers with the epaulettes of the shoulders and the crash pads on the elbows.

Has McNeice ever written you a letter? It counts for nothing if it wasn't on scented paper.
No own goals, baby - Man of letters he may or may not be, but Louis most certainly is a bellend. You're an ok guy, VP, but that Louis, I reckon he does smooth the arse bit of his kex when he sits down - A mannerism that looks comically fastidious when practised by males. And he does probably wear one of those olive coloured action man jumpers with the epaulettes of the shoulders and the crash pads on the elbows.

Has McNeice ever written you a letter? It counts for nothing if it wasn't on scented paper.
ffs. You need a break to consider what a total bellend you are...see you next week.
This is from an article written following the winter olympics here in 2010:

With the new, larger area for top-tier sponsors' exclusive advertising use, the IOC passed on all costs associated with preventing, policing and prosecuting ambush advertisers, propagandists and marketers infringing on Olympic trademarks, including mascots.

The article points out that with every olympics, the IOC takes a bigger slice of the economic spoils from the host city/country, but has also offloaded costs that it used to cover, including the cost of anti trademark infringement enforcement etc.

... I'd have a bit more respect for McNeice if he had the bottle to say something along the lines of "Yeah, on reflection, using the term bi-polar in the context I did was a bit out of order", but the loose sphinctered, olive-drab action man jumper wearing chump isn't about to do that, he probably does walk with a pronounced wiggle, though, and when he sits down, he probably rubs his hands over the arse bit of his kex in the manner of a woman smoothing her skirt.
I said that not Louis, sorry my poor attempt at humour started this shitstorm I didn't intend to offend anyone and certainly didn't mean to belittle people with MH issues.
Medical staff, generally, see people at their best. They may be scared, vulnerable and in pain but they generally WANT your help and intervention and are grateful for your presence.
Sorry, but this is cobblers. A lot of people react to pain by becoming incredibly aggressive, often completely out of character. I sometimes work with the Acute Pain Specialist Nurse at a major hospital, and I've not only heard about her experiences but seen it first hand too.
Sorry, but this is cobblers. A lot of people react to pain by becoming incredibly aggressive, often completely out of character. I sometimes work with the Acute Pain Specialist Nurse at a major hospital, and I've not only heard about her experiences but seen it first hand too.
I don't work in a hospital but I've seen that sort of thing in more than one person too. IMHO the difference is marked enough to explain some of the accounts of possession.
Because of visa the ATM's at wembley stadium were closed


this is getting rediculous

Angry parents with children were close to tears in the stadium on Sunday after the collapse of the entire Visa-only network during a two-game session culminating in Team GB men versus United Arab Emirates.

Spectators unable to leave the stadium - due to host Team GB women tomorrow - became increasingly desperate during the five-hour meltdown.

Four burly bouncers had to be deployed to shield Visa staff confronted by waves of furious punters who found themselves effectively imprisoned without access to food.

You can imagine that the little ones getting hungry and you can't do a thing about it.the adults could probablly last out parents feel bad when their kids go without
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