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Police told to empty crisps into plastic bags to avoid advertising rival brands at Olympics

Murder police must be surely allowed some leeway. Noot your workaday 'write up the tragedy an go home' sorts but those detectives who solve stone cold cases, crack proper whodunnits. They must exist unless television has lied to me again.

You not seeing the point is not the same as me not making one; although given your evident lack of self awareness the error it's not suprising.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

p.s. it's dear heart.
no in your case sweeite...

this mock butch act is wearing thin now... state your case lad... state your case...
no in your case sweeite...

this mock butch act is wearing thin now... state your case lad... state your case...

Oh dear. I thought you were just playing dumb; I now realise I was wrong. You really can't see you own hypocrisy and stupidity. Apologies for the intrusion; I'll leave you to wallow in peace.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Oh dear. I thought you were just playing dumb; I now realise I was wrong. You really can't see you own hypocrisy and stupidity. Apologies for the intrusion; I'll leave you to wallow in peace.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
no further correspondence will be entertained on this subject :mad:

because - despite louis's best efforts - it's not been very entertaining. :mad:
Oh dear. I thought you were just playing dumb; I now realise I was wrong. You really can't see you own hypocrisy and stupidity. Apologies for the intrusion; I'll leave you to wallow in peace.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
in what way is it being hypocritical to point out that using the phrase bi-polar as a replacement for ambivalent isn't appropriate?

stop being coy make a direct accusation or not at all you nasty piece of work...
really aside from access to cash and property tell me why politically dogmatic elites are better than traditional elites...

all hierarchical creating scum who trade on the shoulders of others... the reason they at each others throats is they recognise their similarities and detest them in each other...
in what way is it being hypocritical to point out that using the phrase bi-polar as a replacement for ambivalent isn't appropriate?

stop being coy make a direct accusation or not at all you nasty piece of work...

That's not where the hypocrisy comes in; that's a hole you dug for yourself subsequently...'cunt'. Your foolishness was in the absoluteness and disproportionality of your initial response; there's no reading but Garfield's reading (no matter what expereince the alternative may be informed by).

Louis MacNeice
That's not where the hypocrisy comes in; that's a hole you dug for yourself subsequently...'cunt'. Your foolishness was in the absoluteness and disproportionality of your initial response; there's no reading but Garfield's reading (no matter what expereince the alternative may be informed by).

Louis MacNeice
that's you're reading there son... no one else's...

they made a statement where they used one incorrect term to replace another, as people all over the boards have been doing recently with the schizophrenic weather... etc... it's not on. any more than racist, homophobia or sexism are. we can be absolutist about this discriminatory use of language, in fact we have a duty as humans to do so and to tackle discrimination where-ever that lays, but you go ahead and excuse it with your wriggling disgusting snide comments fair enough... the mentally ill are figures which can be lampooned in your view go for it... don't expect not to be placed in the same camp as the ijets who do it though... apologist...
that's you're reading there son... no one else's...

they made a statement where they used one incorrect term to replace another, as people all over the boards have been doing recently with the schizophrenic weather... etc... it's not on. any more than racist, homophobia or sexism are. we can be absolutist about this discriminatory use of language, in fact we have a duty as humans to do so and to tackle discrimination where-ever that lays, but you go ahead and excuse it with your wriggling disgusting snide comments fair enough... the mentally ill are figures which can be lampooned in your view go for it... don't expect not to be placed in the same camp as the ijets who do it though... apologist...

I'm enjoying the irony of you spelling 'ijit' incorrectly. It's like the old classic "Your an idiot", commonly seen in YouTube comments.
that's you're reading there son... no one else's...

they made a statement where they used one incorrect term to replace another, as people all over the boards have been doing recently with the schizophrenic weather... etc... it's not on. any more than racist, homophobia or sexism are. we can be absolutist about this discriminatory use of language, in fact we have a duty as humans to do so and to tackle discrimination where-ever that lays, but you go ahead and excuse it with your wriggling disgusting snide comments fair enough... the mentally ill are figures which can be lampooned in your view go for it... don't expect not to be placed in the same camp as the ijets who do it though... apologist...

You really are amazingly dense; how can you write the above and not see the glaring hypocrisy of your behaviour on this thread? Also as a sometimes 'mentally ill' person (although I like many other service users prefer the term distress to illness...it being less stigmatising and discriminatory) I'll have a say in who can be lampooned or not, and when and where and how. You're as bad as some of those psychiatrists telling people what they and cannot think about their own experience.

I must say that I consider myself fortunate that in my three decades of involvement with mental health issues, I have rarely met such a shouty, yet empty and closed mind; you're not doing the cause you think you're supporting a whole lot of good you know.

Louis MacNeice
You really are amazingly dense; how can you write the above and not see the glaring hypocrisy of your behaviour on this thread? Also as a sometimes 'mentally ill' person (although I like many other service users prefer the term distress to illness...it being less stigmatising and discriminatory) I'll have a say in who can be lampooned or not, and when and where and how. You're as bad as some of those psychiatrists telling people what they and cannot think about their own experience.

I must say that I consider myself fortunate that in my three decades of involvement with mental health issues, I have rarely met such a shouty, yet empty and closed mind; you're not doing the cause you think you're supporting a whole lot of good you know.

Louis MacNeice
yeah fine whatever you use that as your excuse to use discriminatory language.. I can't be racist I'm black argument yeah... good one.. two thumbs... :facepalm:
On the OP: My favourite one so far is that they are having to cover over the bits on the urinals and toilets that say "Armitage Shanks" or whatever, because they're not official Olympic sponsors.

Given the 'amateur' ethos of the Games, I find it hard to believe it's not just a Chris Morris' masterpiece.
But you are an unusual example! Cos your experience of the police has been as a protestor. Funnily enough I've been nicked more times than you, in fact there was a time when I was nicked very VERY regularly, but hardly charged or cautioned it was a removal strategy. And you know what I found? Don't give them shit and you don't get it back.

Go on a protest and give them shit, and you get it back. Way the world works. If you threw a bottle at me then I'd fuckin charge you n all. Do you honestly think that rioters should just be able to brick and loot all shops in there path? The police have to balance the right to protest with the need to protect the local community too!

I've been nicked many more times than most politicos myself, and whilst I see the truth in your words (give police shit, expect it back 10 times worse...), I think you're on a loser when you start trying to justify the police doing this. If they want people to play by the rules, then they should as well. If you fancy living in a police state, were they have carte blanche to kick in heads whenever the job gets a bit stressful, then I guess you're already living in the world you want.

On the other hand, I do see a need for some kind of organised law enforcement (which you were arguing for earlier in the thread, quite successfully). There are people who commit horrible crimes, and we need people who are professionally trained to catch them and prosecute them. To suggest otherwise is absolutely mental, agreed. I would just like these people to not be allowed to get away with manslaughter.
yeah fine whatever you use that as your excuse to use discriminatory language.. I can't be racist I'm black argument yeah... good one.. two thumbs... :facepalm:

Not my argument at all you dullard; it's not my attitude to language I'm referring to but that of many other people I've met, talked to, worked with, all of whom you seek to dismiss because they don't fit with your dogmatic take on what they should be thinking.

You are still astonishingly oblivious to your own hipocrisy; read what you say about language and then read the language you use both with regard to mental health and gender.

Louis MacNeice
I've been nicked many more times than most politicos myself, and whilst I see the truth in your words (give police shit, expect it back 10 times worse...), I think you're on a loser when you start trying to justify the police doing this. If they want people to play by the rules, then they should as well. If you fancy living in a police state, were they have carte blanche to kick in heads whenever the job gets a bit stressful, then I guess you're already living in the world you want.

On the other hand, I do see a need for some kind of organised law enforcement (which you were arguing for earlier in the thread, quite successfully). There are people who commit horrible crimes, and we need people who are professionally trained to catch them and prosecute them. To suggest otherwise is absolutely mental, agreed. I would just like these people to not be allowed to get away with manslaughter.
Yer, I hear you. Absolutely agreed.
Not my argument at all you dullard; it's not my attitude to language I'm referring to but that of many other people I've met, talked to, worked with, all of whom you seek to dismiss because they don't fit with your dogmatic take on what they should be thinking.

You are still astonishingly oblivious to your own hipocrisy; read what you say about language and then read the language you use both with regard to mental health and gender.

Louis MacNeice

I've said zero about gender. Your words not mine.

I've said misusing language to describe feelings of ambivalence is wrong.

The rest is you. And your assumptions.

Intsresting to note you're being divisive as to approved disablist comments and non approved. Can you post a list of accepted disabilities your personal line. So we all know.
I've said zero about gender. Your words not mine.

I've said misusing language to describe feelings of ambivalence is wrong.

The rest is you. And your assumptions.

Intsresting to note you're being divisive as to approved disablist comments and non approved. Can you post a list of accepted disabilities your personal line. So we all know.

Still no self awareness about your own use of language; do you actually read what you type?

You have typed about quite a bit more than 'misusing language to describe feelings of ambivalence'; once again read what you've posted.

It isn't me who is seeking to provide a list of 'approved disablist comments'; remember it's you who are attempting to lay down the linguistic law (you're doing it the post I've quoted...can you see where?).

Cheers - Louis (heading out the door for Cornwall) MacNeice
Still no self awareness about your own use of language; do you actually read what you type?

You have typed about quite a bit more than 'misusing language to describe feelings of ambivalence'; once again read what you've posted.

It isn't me who is seeking to provide a list of 'approved disablist comments'; remember it's you who are attempting to lay down the linguistic law (you're doing it the post I've quoted...can you see where?).

Cheers - Louis (heading out the door for Cornwall) MacNeice
nope that wont cut it you made the claim back it up what gener discrimination and provide the list... thanks awfully...
in what way is it being hypocritical to point out that using the phrase bi-polar as a replacement for ambivalent isn't appropriate?

stop being coy make a direct accusation or not at all you nasty piece of work...

FWIW, I agree with you 100%, I dunno if there's any history betwixt you an Mc Neice, so I'm a bit loath to stick my oar in, but fuck it, I'm going to anyway - It annoys me when people use bi polar or schizophrenic in that context AFIAC it's the same script as using spastic as an insult. I'd have a bit more respect for McNeice if he had the bottle to say something along the lines of "Yeah, on reflection, using the term bi-polar in the context I did was a bit out of order", but the loose sphinctered, olive-drab action man jumper wearing chump isn't about to do that, he probably does walk with a pronounced wiggle, though, and when he sits down, he probably rubs his hands over the arse bit of his kex in the manner of a woman smoothing her skirt.

And did you hear him attempting to justify his "Cheers Louis McNeice" tagline by trying to make out he's a man of letters? The prick.
It annoys me when people use bi polar or schizophrenic in that context AFIAC it's the same script as using spastic as an insult.
Agree with this

the loose sphinctered, olive-drab action man jumper wearing chump isn't about to do that, he probably does walk with a pronounced wiggle, though, and when he sits down, he probably rubs his hands over the arse bit of his kex in the manner of a woman smoothing her skirt.
...but this outs you as a fully-fledged nasty homophobic little shit.
Did anyone see Jacque Rogges' press conference? Was sickening - flanked by super-prominent bottles of coke, grrr... i dont know why that pushed me over the edge but i really hope these fucking olympics are a disaster. the IOC is worse than fucking FIFA. and that's an achievement.

His press officer sitting next to him described him as 'the most powerful man in sport'... er... with the greatest of respect to fucking spear throwing and boat rowing, i think not.
FWIW, I agree with you 100%, I dunno if there's any history betwixt you an Mc Neice, so I'm a bit loath to stick my oar in, but fuck it, I'm going to anyway - It annoys me when people use bi polar or schizophrenic in that context AFIAC it's the same script as using spastic as an insult. I'd have a bit more respect for McNeice if he had the bottle to say something along the lines of "Yeah, on reflection, using the term bi-polar in the context I did was a bit out of order", but the loose sphinctered, olive-drab action man jumper wearing chump isn't about to do that, he probably does walk with a pronounced wiggle, though, and when he sits down, he probably rubs his hands over the arse bit of his kex in the manner of a woman smoothing her skirt.

Poor effort.

And did you hear him attempting to justify his "Cheers Louis McNeice" tagline by trying to make out he's a man of letters? The prick.

He is a "man of letters", so all in all you appear to have scored two own-goals in this post, Frannie. :)
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